Transition to College Certificate

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Comments about Transition to College Certificate - At the institution - Greater Sudbury - Ontario

  • Objectives
    Transition to College is designed for students with specific learning disabilities. The program includes individualized and classroom activities to enhance academic skills, self advocacy skills, learning strategies, computer and technological skills, and vocational planning.
  • Academic title
    Transition to College Certificate
  • Course description
    Semester 1
    # TCL1100   -   002   -   Introduction to Computer Use

    This course presents the computer as a practical tool to the student who has little or no previous experience. Basic computer concepts and terminology are introduced, along with word processing and Internet skills. It is delivered in a small group format.

    # TCL1111   -   003   -   Adaptive Technology

    This course presents assistive technology software to the student who typically has no previous experience. The focus is on the exploration of assistive technology so that students can determine what devices, technologies, and software will be most useful and appropriate in meeting their learning needs. The students develop sufficient proficiency in assistive software applications to help them ascertain the effectiveness of each in a learning environment related to the student's particular learning profile. Students concentrate on developing mastery skills in the particular adaptive technologies that have been identified as best suited to their needs. Graduates are able to recognize the effects of their learning disability in reading and writing tasks and understand how adaptive technology accommodates their learning weaknesses, while capitalizing on their strengths and abilities. This course is delivered through small group and one-to-one format.

    # TCL1120   -   003   -   Strategies for Learning I

    Learning Strategies focus on how students learn rather than on what they learn. This course is designed to aid students in developing strategies and techniques that will teach them learning skills that will assist them in coping with their specific learning disabilities. Students will learn methods and techniques for improving such things as study skills, notetaking, memory, time management, and organization of information to improve performance in a learning environment.

    # TCL1125   -   009   -   Communication Development I

    This course is designed to improve reading comprehension, spelling, grammar, and writing skills for students with learning disabilities by assisting the students to compensate for the effects of the particular disability using technology. The graduate will be able to write clear, coherent, and unified paragraphs, which are well organized, properly formatted, written in good style, and relatively free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. The graduate will also be able to read articles/text and summarize content.

    # TCL1130   -   004   -   Human Development I

    This course is designed to improve self-awareness in students with specific learning disabilities. The graduates will be able to understand basic learning processes and be aware of factors in the environment and within themselves that influence their learning. The graduate will also be able to describe what a learning disability is and determine appropriate accommodations and strategies, which enhance their learning. Through developing self-awareness and understanding of their learning disability and individual rights and responsibilities, the graduate will further develop self-advocacy skills.

    # TCL1135   -   005   -   Math Development I

    This individualized course is designed to improve the mathematical skills of students with learning disabilities by assisting the students to compensate for the effects of the particular disability using technology. The focus is for students to develop mathematical competency by enhancing knowledge and improving skills in numerical calculation using a calculator and specific strategies appropriate to their learning strengths.

    Semester 2

    # ACE1012   -   003   -   Adaptive Curriculum English

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    # ENG1551   -   001   -   Writing Fundamentals: Ind. Study

    This course is required in the first semester of most post-secondary programs at Cambrian. The purpose of the course is to allow students to develop their independent learning skills and to review the fundamental conventions of Standard English.

    # TCL1200   -   002   -   Computer Appl'n & Assist Technology

    This course is a continuation of the first semester Assistive Technology course, with specific strategies to allow the student to apply assistive technology to the particular demands of their integrated credit courses.

    # TCL1205   -   004   -   Strategies for Learning II

    This course is a continuation of Strategies for Learning I (TCL 1120).

    # TCL1210   -   003   -   Human Development II

    This course is a continuation of Human Development I (TCL 1130).

    # TCL1225   -   004   -   Math Development II

    This course is a continuation of Math Development I (TCL 1135).

    ANY 1
    # ISP1001   -   003   -   Introductory Computer Skills

    This course focuses on the skills required to use the computer as a practical tool. Students will develop skills in word processing, presentation graphics, email, and Internet for research purposes. They will also learn the basic terminology and concepts associated with computers.

    # PSY2700   -   003   -   Client Comm. & Leadership Develop

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