Teacher/Trainer Of Adults Ontario College Certificate - Online

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Comments about Teacher/Trainer Of Adults Ontario College Certificate - Online

  • Objectives
    This program will emphasize the theories and concepts as they apply to adult learning principles. While some individuals would like to enhance their training skills, others would like the opportunity to further their professional development. Overall, the focus is in the design, delivery and evaluation of materials in the teaching/training of adults.
  • Practical experience
    This program will provide a formal background in practical skill competencies as they relate to the teaching or training of adults.
  • Academic title
    Teacher/Trainer Of Adults Ontario College Certificate
  • Course description
    ADED1010      Introduction To Adult Learners
    Description: Examining principles, theories and issues relative to adult learners, this course studies adult development and motivation, adult education, learner and instructional styles, partnerships and contracting, as well as barriers to adult learning and cultural expectations. The method of delivery will include lectures, reflective and experiential activities.
    Hours: 36
    Credits: 3

    ADED1020     Ethics And The Professional Role

    Description: Focusing on interpersonal skills and professional orientation within the organization, this course provides students the opportunity to identify their personal ethical philosophy within their organization and examine their roles in terms of ongoing professional development. The need for the development of professional standards is emphasized.
    Hours: 36
    Credits: 3

    ADED1030     Facilitation Skills
    Description: The importance of knowing group dynamics and managing dysfunctional behaviour will be examined at length in this course. Workshop design, experiential exercises, small group work, participating in teams and leading the group will give facilitators techniques and strategies to respond to a wide range of unpredictable situations.
    Hours: 36
    Credits: 3

    ADED1040     Introduction To Needs Analysis

    Description: Developing competencies in identifying gap discrepancies, developing a cost-benefit analysis of needs studies, this course provides a training plan that relates of the organization. Follow-up procedures, accountability, and dealing with results will also be discussed.
    Hours: 36
    Credits: 3
    Pre-Requisites: ADED1010

    ADED1050     Instructional Strategies

    Description: Providing knowledge and practical experience, this course teaches basic skill in design. Students will gain insights into various methods of delivering material and enhance their instructional style by broadening their repertoire. There is a high degree of participation in this class allowing students to present their techniques to the class and obtain feedback.
    Hours: 36
    Credits: 3

    ADED1060     Measurement And Evaluation

    Description: Examining fundamental principles in formative and summative evaluation is the focus of this course. Differences in terminology and application of selected methods for the measurement and evaluation of performance will be covered. Areas ranging from cost-benefit analysis to identifying performance competencies will be emphasized.
    Hours: 36
    Credits: 3
    Pre-Requisites: ADED1010, ADED1040

    ADED1070     Program Development

    Description: Students will use curriculum models to analyse needs and characteristics of target organizations or individual learners, identify desired goals and learning outcomes, and select appropriate instructional methods, resources and evaluation mechanisms. Curriculum planning will include analysis of logistics such as costs, materials, resources and facilities required to develop, market and implement programs.
    Hours: 30
    Credits: 2
    Pre-Requisites: ADED1020, ADED1030, ADED1060, ADED1050

    ADED1080     Teacher/Trainer Of Adults - Practicum

    Description: Students will focus on a training project abiding by established guidelines. The Practicum will be done in a classroom setting. Demonstrating competence in terms of planning, designing and delivering an instructional unit is necessary in order to meet the requirements for the Teacher/Trainer of Adults certificate. Students should be prepared to deliver a 45-60 minute lesson.
    Hours: 15
    Credits: 1
    Pre-Requisites: ADED1070

    COMP1205     How to Develop a Course Using Angel

    Description: Angel is a learning management system that allows users to develop and manage a course in an online environment. This course is designed to introduce learners to the Angel environment and familiarize them with the tools available. Learners will develop their own Angel course during this learning experience. Moderate computer and internet skills are required.
    Hours: 30
    Credits: 2
    Pre-Requisites: ADED1010 or OLRN1995

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