Social Service Worker (Fast Track) Ontario College Diploma

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Comments about Social Service Worker (Fast Track) Ontario College Diploma - At the institution - London - Ontario

  • Entry requirements
    University graduates (Social Sciences) and community college graduates (Human Services)
  • Academic title
    Social Service Worker (Fast Track) Ontario College Diploma
  • Course description
    Level 2    Credits
    Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:

    Group 1
    • SOCW-1003    Community Resources     1.20
    • SOCW-1013    Group Dynamics for SSW     3.00
    • SOCW-1014    Community Development & Social Change I     3.00
    • SOCW-1029    Community Mental Health I     2.00
    • SOCW-1016    Families & Community     3.00
    • SOCW-1030    Violence: Response & Prevention     2.00
    • SOCW-1018    Adv Social Welfare Policy in Ontario     2.00
    • SOCW-5001    Non-Violent Crisis Prevention & Interv     1.00

    Group 2
    • SOCW-1012    Social Service Methods I     3.00

    Level 3    Credits
    Gen Ed-Take three 3 credit General Education elective course
    Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:

    Group 1
    • SOCW-3009    Critical Analysis of Social Intervention     3.00
    • SOCW-3010    Social Service Field Practice I     6.40
    • SOCW-3012    Life Skills     3.00
    • SOCW-3013    Community Development & Social Change II     3.00
    • SOCW-3014    Community Mental Health II     3.00
    • SOCW-3015    Social Work & the Law     2.00
    • SOCW-3018    Social Service Work Practice & Interve     1.00

    Group 2
    • SOCW-3011    Social Service Methods II     3.00

    Level 4    Credits

    Take the following Mandatory Course:
    • SOCW-3016    Social Service Field Practice II     6.40

    Gen Ed - Electives

    Take 9 General Education Credits -
    Normally taken in Level 3

    SOCW-1003 -  Community Resources

    This course will provide the student with an introduction to the field through faculty and guest lectures. Students will become familiar with the agencies delivering services to specific populations in London and Middlesex county.

    SOCW-1012 -  Social Service Methods I

    This course will provide the student with an introduction to the Social Service Field. The student will be exposed to various areas of social services. The student will be given an introduction to counseling strategies and interventions. The student will be encouraged to explore and develop his/her own style in conducting a helping interview, appropriate for social service settings. Students will examine their role, attitudes and ways of communicating in an interview.

    SOCW-1013 -  Group Dynamics for SSW

    Group Dynamics For Social Service Professionals is designed as a theme-oriented experiential learning opportunity aimed at a greater self-understanding and knowledge of human behaviors within groups prior to entering Field Experience. This course will enable the student to acquire and demonstrate group-coaching techniques used with clients in social agencies and social welfare programs.

    SOCW-1014 -  Community Development & Social Change I

    This course offers an overview of community development principles, processes and practices with an emphasis on experiences of community organizing in Canada. Students will become acquainted with the effects of larger social forces on undertaking social justice work at the community level and be introduced to practical models for community empowerment and social change in relation to a variety of issues and contexts. Students will also learn about effective participatory action research methods.

    SOCW-1016 -  Families & Community

    Students will learn how to use the Wraparound Process to assist families with complex needs. The course will focus on conducting a Strengths, Needs, Culture Discovery, and identifying natural (informal) and formal community resources. In addition, students will develop a further understanding of the normative and non normative challenges facing the family.

    SOCW-1018 -  Adv Social Welfare Policy in Ontario
    This course is designed as a critical introduction to current Social Service and Welfare Policy in Canada. It will investigate the social, legal and humanitarian origins of social policy, and the implications for social service work will be examined. Federal, provincial and municipal statutes, regulations, policies and practices will be considered and analyzed. This course will also examine service delivery models, funding issues as well as demographic and legislative trends that have an impact on social policy.

    SOCW-1029 -  Community Mental Health I
    During this course, barriers to mental health will be explored from a continuum bases. This course will provide participants with an understanding of the nature of the overlap between psychiatric disorders and psychoactive substance use disorders. Students will increase their knowledge about types of mental health problems, competency-based assessments, consumer advocacy, service coordination, monitoring and self-help.

    SOCW-1030 -  Violence: Response & Prevention

    This course provides an inter-disciplinary examination of violence as a social problem in Canadian society with an emphasis on current explanations for the scope and prevalence of violence, responses to violence and current violence prevention strategies. Gender analyses will be utilized to explore violence as a central organizing feature of society and clear links will be made to related social problems that are of particular concern to the field of social work such as poverty and racism.

    SOCW-3009 -  Critical Analysis of Social Intervention
    This course is designed to further acquaint students with critical analyses of social issues and problems through the examination of interventions designed to address them. Students will consider strategies of intervention, the role of stereotypes and ideology in treatment, the unintended consequences of social intervention, and the roles of ethics and evaluation. The impact of social interventions will be investigated through critical analysis of current responses to racism, violence against women, poverty, youth and family issues, crime, welfare and capitalist economics in Canada.

    SOCW-3010 -  Social Service Field Practice I
    The field practicum offers students the opportunity to implement and practice the skills and theory taught in the classroom and developed in the prerequisite course SOCW1012. To enhance skills and to facilitate integration of theory and practice, the student is monitored by an agency supervisor who works in consultation with a faculty advisor.

    SOCW-3011 -  Social Service Methods II
    This course is an elaboration of Social Service Methods I, SOCW1012, which in conjunction with Field Practice, SOCW3010, is designed to integrate theoretical and practical dimensions of Social Service Work. It will emphasize the applications of learned methods of intervention with populations at risk in the community and encourage the development of the student's own eclectic approach.

    SOCW-3012 -  Life Skills
    This course will enable the student to acquire group development and group-coaching techniques used with clients in social agencies and social welfare programs.

    SOCW-3013 -  Community Development & Social Change II
    In further acquainting students with community development work, this course focuses on the practical applications of community development practice through the active production of a community-based intervention. Emphasis is placed on collaborative community development practices and the role of the community organizer in facilitating community empowerment and social action. Facilitation skills, participatory action research methods and evaluation tools are also highlighted as crucial strategies for organizing and empowering communities and working toward social justice.

    SOCW-3014 -  Community Mental Health II

    This course is a continuation of Community Mental Health I, SOCW1015. During this course, service provision approaches to mental health will be explored. Students will examine service models, become knowledgeable about types of mental health problems and their treatment.

    SOCW-3015 -  Social Work & the Law

    This course introduces fundamental aspects of Canadian law that are essential to social work practice. These include constitutional law relating to as well as many of the Federal and Provincial statues and some case law specific to the practice of Social Work. Legislation to be analyzed will include: The Youth Criminal Justice Act, the Charter of Rights, the Child and Family Services Act, the Family Law Act, the Mental Health Act, the Wills Act, the Succession Law Reform Act, the Substitute Decisions Act, the Canadian Criminal Code, the Evidence Act, Divorce Act and other legislation.

    SOCW-3016 -  Social Service Field Practice II

    Social Work Field Practice II offers students the opportunity to further implement and practise the skills and theory taught in the classroom and developed in the prerequisite course SOCW 3010. The student will be expected to perform their duties equivalent to an "entry level" position by the completion of this course. To enhance skills and to facilitate integration of theory and practice the student is monitored by an agency supervisor who works in consultation with a faculty advisor.

    SOCW-3018 -  Social Service Work Practice & Interve
    The field work seminar will give students an opportunity to share and discuss their learning experiences in the field and to integrate this experiential learning with learning in the classroom. Students will discuss the field placement package, requirements. In addition, students will examine current social issues and how local community agencies respond to these issues. Topics of discussion may include development of social work-related skills, knowledge and abilities at the placement, professionalism, ethics, developing self-awareness theory to practice and model of professional practice.

    SOCW-5001 -  Non-Violent Crisis Prevention & Interv
    Non-Violent Crisis Prevention and Intervention is a safe behaviour management system designed to help service providers provide the best possible care to individuals who may be disruptive. NVCPI skills are most useful in the immediate management of or de-escalation of acting-out behaviours, but do not replace the need for proactive behavioural support plans. Students will learn how to intervene in a way that provides for the care, welfare, safety and security of staff and clients in a crisis situation.

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