
Bishop's at a Glance

     Bishop's University is a predominantly residential, undergraduate university. Our primary concern is offering students a quality education in arts, sciences, business, and education. The residential aspect and our small size (1850 full time students) encourage students to immerse themselves in the complete Bishop's Experience.


      Bishop's University offers B.A, B.B.A, B.B.Sc., B.Ed., B.Sc, M.A., M.Ed., M.Sc programs through three Divisions and two Schools. Please visit the academic programs section to learn more about our extensive program offerings.


      Bishop's University boasts some of Canada's best university professors. Our 125 full time faculty members are involved in extensive research and publishing - however they have chosen to work at Bishop's because they love to teach and work with undergraduate students. Great emphasis is put on personal contact between students and professors through small classes and frequent use of seminars, laboratories, and tutorials.

      Bishop's is located in the bilingual community of Lennoxville, a suburb of Sherbrooke, the 5th largest city in the province of Quebec. The Eastern Townships region offers exceptional outdoor recreational opportunities. ( SEE MAP )

      Bishop's 550 acre campus boasts 25 buildings including seven residences, two libraries, two theatres, outstanding classrooms, laboratory and athletic facilities, an arena, a historic chapel, a music recital hall, and a daycare. A duck pond and wildlife refuge, 10 tennis courts, an outdoor pool, and a golf course are also found on campus. Campus Map

      The University was founded as Bishop's College in 1843 under the sponsorship of the Right Reverend G.J. Mountain, the Anglican Bishop of Quebec, with the assistance of a group of clergy and layman from the Eastern Townships. In 1853 Bishop's received a royal charter granting it the right to confer degrees. Bishop's remained under the aegis of the Church of England until 1947 when the Corporation of the University was reconstituted as a nondenominational body. Historical Timeline


      Over 11,000 individuals around the world proudly claim Bishop's University as their alma mater. Bishop's graduates are among the most cohesive and supportive alumni groups in Canada. Alumni branches around the world host events throughout the year for graduates and friends of the University. Alumni & Friends
Enrolment (September 2008):

1740 full-time students
523 part-time students
44.1 % male, 55.9% female Entering Class (September 2008)
667 began at Bishop's. 80.3% of students who applied were admitted. The average entering grade of students in first year was 84%. Student Population (full-time)

a. Residence

Quebec 40.7%
Ontario 32%
Atlantic Canada 8.1%
Western Canada 7.2%
International 12% Every Canadian province/territory is represented on campus as well as 18 U.S. states and over 50 countries.

 b. Division/School (full-time)

Business 24%
Education 15%
Humanities 24%
Natural Sciences 11%
Social Sciences 25%
BBSc 1%

c. Class size

1-30 students 74%
31-50 students 19%
51+ students 7% The average class size at Bishop's is 21 students.

125 full-time faculty members
Over 85% of faculty teach first year courses
16:1 student-faculty ratio
Over 75% hold doctorate or other terminal degrees

Over 600,000 items located in two libraries on campus including more than 19,500 printed and online periodicals and 16,000 maps/atlases. The John Bassett Memorial Library also holds a number of special collections.

 Student Support
Close to $1 million is awarded annual to students through scholarships, bursaries, prizes and awards. More than 1 in 4 students benefit from these programs.

Training offer

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