Course description
Semester 1
# ENG1155 - 003 - Communication in Trades & Tech. I
Students will review basic grammar to help them succeed at college and in the workplace. Topics include parts of speech, sentence structure, mechanics, grammar and vocabulary. The learning in this course will be supplemented by lessons and assignments offered through the e-learning system WebCT.
# MTH1131 - 006 - Mathematics for Trades & Tech'y I
The purpose of this course is to strengthen the mathematical skills needed in the Trades and Technology programs. Lessons and assignments are posted on the Web, and regular classes are scheduled to ensure an understanding of the assigned lessons and assignments. To succeed in this course, the student must have acquired the basic computer skills that are needed to access the course's website and send and receive email. The student must be able to access the Internet, and requires an email address. Using examples and problems (from PRT 1100), students interpret and analyze practical problems using calculators, operations with units, numerical computation, and functions and graphs. Students also study geometry, trigonometry, inear and fractional equations, and word problems.
# PRT1101 - 004 - Integrated Science & Technology I
This course is a continuation of PRT 1100, and utilizes the skills, knowledge, and habits of mind developed in PRT 1100 to help students be successful in their future technological careers. Students will investigate bridges, principles of flight, rockets, self-propelled vehicles, alternative energy sources, and engines and motors. They will design and build prototypes and final models to investigate Newtons first, second, and third Laws, friction, aerodynamics, etc. Trigonometric ratios will be used to calculate altitude and distance of flight of their models. Computers will also be used to research aerodynamics and investigate life, thrust, drag, and gravity. Projects begun in PRT 1100 will be completed, tested, and evaluated in PRT 1200.
# PRT1106 - 002 - Safety in the Workplace I
Students will be aware that health and safety is the responsibility of everyone in every facet of our lives, and they will demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind necessary to function safely in all situations (at work, home, school, etc.). They will attend safety seminars presented by W.H.M.I.S., Industrial Accident Prevention Association (I.A.P.A.), and Young Workers Awareness (Y.W.A.P.), and they will study job specific and general laboratory and shop safety practices and procedures. Knowledge of safety will be demonstrated by the satisfactory completion of assignments and tests.
# PRT1110 - 003 - Practicum I
Students will learn and demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of general and specific safety techniques when using selected hand and power tools. They will construct prototypes and models to investigate and support the theory that they studied in Integrated Science and Technology I. The types and uses of simple machines will be studied (lever, pulley). The principles of electricity (static and current electricity, and Series and Parallel circuits) will also be studied.
# PRT1115 - 003 - Computers in Pre-Trades & Tech I
Students will learn how to use college network services, as well as online course delivery tools (BlackBoard/WebCT or Moodle), since some content delivery, assessment, communications and feedback will be conducted online. Students will learn the history, basic terminology and concepts associated with computers. Students will develop skills in basic computer competency, including disassembly, assembly, appropriate preventative care, maintaining and upgrading a workstation. Students will also learn basic Internet concepts and terminology, research and analytical skills, introductory units in typical office applications such as MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and FrontPage will also be covered. Students will also be exposed to career-specific technology such as computer numeric control technology, industrial robotics, and wireless technologies. (These modules may be informational only - demonstrations and/or hands-on will be used depending upon resource availability).
Semester 2
# ENG1245 - 003 - Communication in Trades & Tech'y II
Students will review basic grammar, to help them succeed at college and in the workplace. Topics include parts of speech, sentence structure, mechanics, grammar and vocabulary. The learning in this course will be supplemented by lessons and assignments offered through the e-learning system WebCT.
# MTH1266 - 006 - Mathematics for Trades & Tech'y II
The purpose of this course is to strengthen the mathematics skills needed in the Trades and Technology programs. Lessons and assignments are posted on the Web, and regular classes are scheduled to ensure the student's understanding of the assigned lessons and assignments. To succeed in this course, the student must have acquired the basic computer skills that are needed to access the course's website and send and receive email. The student must be able to access the Internet, and the student also requires an email address. Students further develop their mathematical skills by investigating systems of quadric equations, exponents, radicals, and graphs of trigonometric functions. Exponential and logarithmic functions, and complex numbers are also studied.
# PRT1201 - 004 - Integrated Science & Technology II
This is a theoretical and practical course designed to build a strong foundation in the particle theory of matter, the periodic table, and the atomic structure of common elements and their importance in our daily lives. Students will learn about density, physical and chemical change, word and chemical equations, the classification of matter, and mixtures. The basics of electricity will be studied (series and parallel circuits), using a multimeter. Mathematical calculations will involve Ohm's Law to solve for unknowns (voltage, current, and resistance). Students will select, design, construct, and test related projects (eg. self-propelled vehicle, bridge, electric motor), and they will investigate simple machines (levers, etc.) and compound machines, to determine how they impact our lives. Students will use the appropriate mathematical formulae to solve problems. (eg. ideal and actual mechanical advantage and % efficiency).
# PRT1206 - 002 - Safety in the Workplace II
In this course, students will be made aware that health and safety is the responsibility of everyone in every facet of our lives, and they must demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind necessary to function safely in all situations (at work, home, school, etc.). They will attend safety seminars presented about the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and they will investigate job-specific safety considerations of their chosen career. Students will also learn about the history and development of Unions. Additional topics include employment standards (working conditions), human rights and labour legislation, apprenticeships, and Safety and Health/Labor Standards. A knowledge of safety will be demonstrated by attendance at all presentations, and the satisfactory completion of all assignments and tests.
# PRT1210 - 003 - Practicum II
This course is a continuation of PRT 1110 and utilizes the skills, knowledge, and habits of mind developed in PRT 1110 to help students be successful in their future careers. Students will use the appropriate skills to research, select, and integrate information from various sources to design and build models (self-propelled rocket, airplane/glider, self-propelled vechicle, truss bridge, etc.). Students will investigate internal and external combustion engines (2-stroke, 4-stroke, steam), and motors.
# PRT1215 - 003 - Computers in Pre-Trades & Tech II