Level 1 Credits
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
- PFLP-1002 Canadian Criminal Justice System 3.00
- PFLP-1003 Fitness & Lifestyle Management 1 2.00
- PFLP-1004 Criminal Code 3.00
- SOCI-1036 Issues in Diversity 3.00
- PSYC-1001 Introduction to Psychology 3.00
- SOCI-1001 Sociology & Canadian Society 3.00
- WRIT-1044 Reason & Writ 1 for Human Services 3.00
Level 2 Credits
Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
- CRIM-1001 Criminology 3.00
- PSYC-1002 Interpersonal & Group Dynamics 3.00
- SOCI-1004 Contemporary Social Problems 3.00
- PFLP-1006 Fitness & Lifestyle Management 2 2.00
- PFLP-1001 Career Opportunities 2.00
- COMM-3048 Communication for Police, Law & Security 3.00
- PFLP-1015 Law Enforcement Ethics & Comm. Services 3.00
Level 3 Credits
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
- PFLP-3001 Criminal Law and Civil Law 3.00
- PFLP-3002 Police Powers I 3.00
- PFLP-3003 Interviewing & Investigation 3.00
- PFLP-3004 Youth in Conflict With the Law 3.00
- PFLP-3005 Fitness & Lifestyle Management III 1.00
- PSYC-3001 Abnormal Psychology 3.00
- PFLP-3017 Community Policing 2.00
- PFLP-3008 Provincial Offences 3.00
Level 4 Credits
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
- PFLP-3007 Traffic Management 3.00
- PFLP-3009 Criminal Code & Federal Statutes 3.00
- PFLP-3010 Police Powers II 3.00
- PFLP-3011 Investigation & Evidence 3.00
- PFLP-3012 Conflict Management 3.00
- PFLP-3013 Fitness & Lifestyle Management IV 1.00
- PFLP-3015 GIS Crime Mapping 3.00
- PFLP-3016 Public Safety in the 21st Century 3.00
Gen Ed - Elective
Take 3 General Education Credits -
Normally taken in Level 2
COMM-3048 - Communication for Police, Law & Security
This course provides students with professionalcommunication skills with emphasis on guidelinesused by police agencies. Students continue todevelop and enhance reading comprehension andwritten communication skills while also developingwork-search skills and group skills. Assignmentsinclude various professional business writingdocuments (letters/memos/r233sum233s), contentspecific police reporting documents, and anaudio/visual/oral presentation. In addition,students will also apply formatting and editingskills to written documents in an electronicenvironment as well as preparing a ProfessionalDevelopment Portfolio for employment application.
CRIM-1001 - Criminology
This course provides an examination of the theoretical explanations of criminal social-psychological behaviour. Criminological theory is related to various types of criminal activity in Canada, and is examined through crime statistics, correlates of criminal behaviour and applied uses of social science in forensic applications. The impact of theory on the development and effectiveness of the justice system is discussed with an emphasis on future interventions and trends.
PFLP-1001 - Career Opportunities
This course will explore the structure, duties, administration, and jurisdiction of various law enforcement agencies, both public and private. The student will be encouraged to assess and evaluate these agencies as potential career options as well as apply knowledge obtained from presentations by various law enforcement professionals.
PFLP-1002 - Canadian Criminal Justice System
This introductory course provides the student with an overview of the Canadian Criminal Justice System with a particular emphasis on the history, function, role and organization of Canadian law enforcement services. The operation of the Criminal Justice System will be examined and analysed in light of contemporary issues affecting the system. Each of the major components from enforcement through the courts and correctional services will be explored.
PFLP-1003 - Fitness & Lifestyle Management 1
Society has come to recognize that personal and collective wellness is essential to the enhanced quality of life. This course introduces the student to the concepts of wellness and provides practical strategies for developing a healthy lifestyle. Students, through lectures, practical experience and self-evaluation will address physical fitness, self-responsibility and social interaction. The student will evaluate and implement an effective personal fitness program.
PFLP-1004 - Criminal Code
In this course students will analyse specific elements of selected criminal code offences. These include offences against the person, against property and against public order. Students will research case law and assess its impact on criminal offences and use case law to argue or defend decisions.
PFLP-1006 - Fitness & Lifestyle Management 2
Society has come to recognize that personal and collective wellness is essential to the enhanced quality of life. A continuation of PFLP 1003, this course continues on the concepts of wellness and provides practical strategies for developing a healthy lifestyle. Students, through lectures, practical experience and self-evaluation will address physical fitness, stress management, leadership/team/suicide, cardiovascular disease, shift work, nutrition, back health and infectious and non infectious diseases. Bonafide Occupational Testing.
PFLP-1015 - Law Enforcement Ethics & Comm. Services
This course will explore basic concepts andpolicies with respect to ethical reasoning andbehaviour by law enforcement personnel. Similarly,the structure and administration of communityorganizations and social services will be exploredand the interrrelationship of law enforcementagencies and practices with social services. Thestudent will be encouraged to participate in andmaintain a portfolio of community service hours(volunteer work) as part of the philosophy of thiscourse.
PFLP-3001 - Criminal Law and Civil Law
This course will enable the student to analyse the elements of an offence, to classify offences and to identify possible defences in criminal cases. This course will also enable the student to analyse the rights and obligations of citizens involving areas of civil law. The student will recognize the responsibilities and limitations of citizens and police officers in light of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The student will develop legal research and analysis skills to locate, interpret and apply statute and case law.
PFLP-3002 - Police Powers I
This course will examine pertinent sections of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and their impact on the Canadian Criminal Procedure. Citizen and police arrest and release authorities, police powers of search and seizure, with and without warrant, police discretion and its implications will be discussed. This course will enable the student to become familiar with police terminology and apply the procedures required to arrest and release.
PFLP-3003 - Interviewing & Investigation
This course focuses on interviewing and investigation skills. Students develop the interviewing skills necessary to retrieve information from victims, witnesses and suspects. They also learn the basic steps of investigation including the practical development of notetaking and observation skills.
PFLP-3004 - Youth in Conflict With the Law
This course will enable the student to explain the historical, philosophical and theoretical application of legislation affecting young persons; in particular, to explain, analyze and apply the principles and processes of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, as it applies to police and other professionals who work with young persons. Topics such as questioning, diversion, arrest, custody, youth records and confidentiality, court processes, sentencing, parental responsibilities, protection of society and child protection will be covered.
PFLP-3005 - Fitness & Lifestyle Management III
Based on the skills and knowledge gained in Lifestyle Management I and II, this course will center on the practical application of Bonafide Physical and Occupational Requirements. Students will be required to apply appropriate fitness skills to continue to increase and/or maintain an overall physical fitness level that will allow the student to work towards meeting or achieving the standards for PREP and PARE.
PFLP-3007 - Traffic Management
Students will master definitions to interpret and apply traffic laws, including police authorities. Students will develop the knowledge, skills and ability to apply Federal and Provincial operating offences to real life scenarios. Students will become proficient in employing strategies and procedures for managing accident scenes and relating to motor vehicle stops.
PFLP-3008 - Provincial Offences
Students will interpret and apply provincial statutes. Topics studied will include arrest, search and seizure authorities, common offences and the involvement of non-police agencies. Statutes examined will be: Provincial Offences Act, Mental Health Act, Tenants Protection Act, Trespass to Property Act, Liquor License Act, Coroners Act, the Blind Persons Act, and Games and Fish Act.
PFLP-3009 - Criminal Code & Federal Statutes
Students will interpret elements of offences related to weapons and the Firearms Act, controlled drugs and substances and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. Provisions of other Federal Statutes and their relationship with the Criminal Code will also be examined.
PFLP-3010 - Police Powers II
This course is a continuance of Police Powers I. It will focus on police governance and accountability issues related to the Police Services Act, police complaints, First Nations policy and management and labour issues. Use of force theory, law and other legal issues related to the use of force will be discussed. Theory related to officer safety will be examined.
PFLP-3011 - Investigation & Evidence
In this course students will examine the requirements of a continuing investigation. They will learn the rules of evidence and develop the ability to apply said rules in the collection and presentation of evidence in a court of law. Forensic requirements, statute law and other related issues will be emphasized.
PFLP-3012 - Conflict Management
This course is designed to develop the ability of the participant to intervene in conflict situations which will be examined from their inception through to the police intervention stage. Problem solving skills and non violent intervention techniques including intervention strategies will be discussed. With an emphasis on officer safety, awareness and preparation, recognition of behaviour patterns which may lead to violent encounters and legal responses to same are dealt with.
PFLP-3013 - Fitness & Lifestyle Management IV
As a continuation for lifelong commitment to fitness and success in meeting the requirements for the Bonafide Physical and Occupational Requirements, the student participates in a practical setting to develop skills necessary to meet the physical demands of a Policing career.
PFLP-3015 - GIS Crime Mapping
This course is an advanced level course in crimemapping utilizing Geographic Information Systems(GIS). GIS assists law enforcement agencies andofficers in the prevention and reduction ofemergencies while simultaneously allowing forfirst responders to make informed and accurateresponses based on statistical andmethodologically sound computer-generated models.The student will also learn how crime mappingassists in the recovery from a criminal event, andallows the agencies and/or officers involved toassist in the healing and continuity of acommunity. Lastly, the student will acquireknowledge relevant to the establishment andcontinuity of evidence utilizing GIS software anddata.
PFLP-3016 - Public Safety in the 21st Century
This course is designed to provide the studentwith an understanding of how public safetyagencies have become first-line defenders ofcitizens, property, and the environment. Thestudent may be introduced to course materialspertaining to CPTED (Crime Prevention ThroughEnvironmental Design), Biometric Technologies andVerification Systems, Crisis Management andIncident Response Plans, and/or the Fundamentalsof Emergency Management and Preparedness.
PFLP-3017 - Community Policing
This course will provide students with knowledgeof the theory and applications of communitypolicing. Problem solving models, alternativedispute resolution strategies, public relations,and community development and involvement willalso be discussed. Students will be required toassess a community problem and develop, implement,and evaluate results to resolve a communityproblem.
PSYC-1001 - Introduction to Psychology
In this introductory level course students learn to apply basic psychological concepts including scientific methods, biological bases of behaviour, perception, states of consciousness, learning, motivation and theories of personality. Emphasis is placed on the causes and consequences of human behaviour including abnormal behaviour.
PSYC-1002 - Interpersonal & Group Dynamics
This is an introductory level course in which students learn to apply knowledge about interpersonal relations and group dynamics to working in a team. The major emphasis will be on utilizing effective communication skills with individuals, as well as groups. There will be a specific focus on the issues that law enforcement personnel must manage. Group cohesiveness and group decision-making skills will be developed.
PSYC-3001 - Abnormal Psychology
This course offers the student an opportunity to explore the topic of Abnormal Forensic Psychology, its theoretical knowledge base, and examine its practical applications to the multi-faceted mosaic of Law Enforcement. These discussions will include but are not limited to such topics as: Abnormal Psychology and Victimization, Behavioural and Emotional Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence, Mood Disorders, Bipolar Disorder, Suicide, Anxiety Disorders, Personality Disorders and Schizophrenia. There will be a specific focus on the student developing a competency with Police Mental Health Response Strategies with these disorders.
SOCI-1001 - Sociology & Canadian Society
This course is designed to acquaint the student with the sociological perspective and theanalysis of social events. Topics of study will include research methodology, culture,socialization, deviance and crime, social inequality, social change, and collective behaviour.The student will also analyze how law enforcement personnel, law enforcement services, andsociety have benefited from the social sciences.
SOCI-1004 - Contemporary Social Problems
The student will analyze contemporary Canadian social problems using the current social science paradigms and theories. Contemporary topics that are particularly relevant to law enforcement such as the sex industry in Canada; alcohol and other drugs; domestic violence; gender inequality; and economic inequalities, will be addressed.
SOCI-1036 - Issues in Diversity
In this course students will critically identify and examine issues in diversity. Specifically, students will focus on topics pertaining to inequity in various social settings, including but not limited to: race, gender, ethnicity, class and sexual orientation. Incorporating social/legal explanations of diversity, students will develop a clear understanding of the impacted groups and possible strategies of community empowerment.
WRIT-1044 - Reason & Writ 1 for Human Services
This course will introduce human services studentsto essential principles of reading, writing, andreasoning at the postsecondary level. Studentswill identify, summarize, analyze, and evaluatemultiple short readings and write persuasiveresponse essays to develop their vocabulary,comprehension, grammar, and critical thinking.