Course description
PHOT1010 Fundamentals Of Photography
Description: Practical demonstration and evaluation of your photographs will be provided throughout the course. You will learn to operate your digital SLR camera and compose effective photographs. Course hours include one off-campus field trip.
Hours: 30
Credits: 2
PHOT1020 Advanced Photography
Description: Going beyond the basics, this course will teach the student advanced photographic techniques. The student will gain advanced knowledge of alternative camera formats and when to use them. Through assignments and demonstrations, the student will gain confidence in photography.
Hours: 30
Credits: 2
Pre-Requisites: PHOT1010
PHOT1030 Basic Development Techniques (Darkroom)
Description: This course introduces the student to basic black/white darkroom techniques. Experienced through hands-on assignments and practical demonstrations in film development and print enlargement. The student will be working throughout the course towards a final presentation.
Hours: 30
Credits: 2
Pre-Requisites: PHOT1020
PHOT1040 Advanced Development Techniques (Darkroom)
Description: This course will introduce the student to a wide range of advanced darkroom techniques such as split filtering, toning and custom development. Students will be expected to not only strengthen craft and technique, but also their ability to communicate through their photographs.
Hours: 30
Credits: 2
Pre-Requisites: PHOT1030
PHOT1050 Digital Imaging Part I
Description: This course is designed to introduce students to the ever advancing and changing world of digital photography. Emphasis will be placed on the following skills: image input, colour correction, density/contrast control, blemish removal and touch up, black and white or sepia conversions and to final preparation for the output of their choice. Basic computer skill is strongly recommended, and access to a digital SLR camera.
Hours: 30
Credits: 2
Pre-Requisites: PHOT1020
PHOT1060 Commercial Studio - Part I
Description: This course introduces the student to the works of commercial photography. Topics include the basic techniques required in the operation of medium and large format cameras, basic studio lighting techniques, with practical demonstrations and exercises. Introduction to film emulsions used, processing methods and exposure measurements will also be covered.
Hours: 30
Credits: 2
Pre-Requisites: PHOT1020
PHOT1070 Commercial Studio - Part II
Description: Designed for students willing to expand their skills, this course teaches how to produce quality commercial photographs. The many types of photography will be examined in detail. Commercial photography as a career will be a focus for those students showing enthusiasm.
Hours: 30
Credits: 2
Pre-Requisites: PHOT1060
PHOT1080 Business Of Photography
Description: Familiarizing students with the business aspects of photography, this course will teach students about managing studio production and promotion. Topics range from quoting and client relations to archiving images and post production.
Hours: 30
Credits: 2
Pre-Requisites: PHOT1040, PHOT1070, PHOT1120
PHOT1090 Photography - Field Placement
Description: Students will apply the skills learned in the theory prerequisite courses. The placement will occur in a photography studio or lab under the direction of the store manager/supervisor. Involvement in all areas of photography from customer service to lighting is expected. Students will gain a broad understanding of the business of photography.
Hours: 30
Credits: 1
Pre-Requisites: PHOT1080
PHOT1120 Digital Imaging Part II
Description: This course builds upon the skills gained in Digital Imaging - Part I by allowing students to explore advanced imaging techniques. Areas of study will include: custom colour settings, levels and curves, layers, filter applications, renaming/sorting, automated tasks, monitor calibration, image archive systems, and advanced printing and output techniques.
Hours: 30
Credits: 2
Pre-Requisites: PHOT1050