Course description
Level One
COMM1090 Practical Writing and Oral Communications Skills
Description: This course will cover basic oral and written communication skills with an emphasis on workplace application. Students will learn how to plan, write and revise written communication using correct grammar, sentence structure and mechanics. Students will also communicate orally, through regular short presentations and classroom work.
Hours: 30
Credits: 2
HSF1140 Group Dynamics and Conflict Management
Description: This course is intended to introduce the students to the concept of working effectively in groups and/or part of a team and conflict resolution. One half of the course will focus on team dynamics which will include concepts such as communication, power, leadership, creativity and decision making. The other half of this course will be oriented around conflict resolution and will therefore address perspectives on conflict, how to assess conflict, how to approach conflict and forgiveness.
Hours: 30
Credits: 2
PSW1800 Professional Practice I
Description: This course introduces the student to the role, responsibilities and scope of practice, including workplace legislation and established policies and procedures relevant to the Personal Support Worker. The student is introduced to the roles of the health care team with a focus on interprofessional relationships. Current issues and trends in health care delivery and their impact on the Personal Support Worker role will be discussed. The students will be introduced to the concept of the individual. In this course the student will be introduced to the concepts of communication and interpersonal skills essential to establishing and maintaining effective relationships with clients and family members. Problem solving and decision making skills will be presented and the use of written materials, including documentation and care planning will be discussed. The principles of teaching and learning, observation skills and reporting to supervisors will be taught. Students will be provided with opportunities to practice these skills. The concepts introduced in this course are incorporated in all courses.
Hours: 36
Credits: 3
PSW1810 Supportive Care I Part A
Description: This course introduces the student to concepts and principles of supportive care, which are applied in Long Term Care Supervised Practice I Part A and continues in Long Term Care Supervised Practice I Part B . The course focuses on development of relevant knowledge and skills required by the Personal Support Worker to assist clients with personal care and routine activities of daily living. Infection control and environmental safety are also incorporated into the content . Students will have the opportunity to practice skill sets learned in a laboratory setting. The student will develop a basic understanding of interprofessional skills related to the role of the Personal Support Worker. Related processes that influence normal body structure and function are incorporated
Hours: 36
Credits: 3
PSW1820 Supportive Care I Part B
Description: This course emphasizes the concepts and principles of supportive care, which are applied in Long Term Care Supervised Practice I Part A and Long Term Care Supervised Practice I Part B. The course focuses on relevant knowledge, attitudes and skills, including basic calculations required by the Personal Support Worker to assist clients with nutrition, nutritional supplements, and feeding. Students will have the opportunity to practice these skills in a laboratory setting. Related processes that influence normal body structure and function are incorporated.
Hours: 36
Credits: 3
PSW1830 Supportive Care I Part C
Description: This course continues to emphasize the concepts and principles of supportive care, which are applied in Long Term Care Supervised Practice I Part A and Long Term Care Supervised Practice I Part B. The course focuses on relevant knowledge, attitudes and skills required by the Personal Support Worker to assist clients with skin care, positioning, mobility, high risk feeds and choking. Students will have the opportunity to practice these skills in a laboratory setting. Related processes that influence normal body structure and function are incorporated.
Hours: 36
Credits: 3
PSW1840 Professional Practice II
Description: This course continues to emphasize the role of the Personal Support Worker and the individuality of the client. The concept of interprofessional teamwork and the importance of interprofessional communication will be discussed. Students will learn the importance of the role the Personal Support Worker in relation to interprofessional collaboration. Stress and time management skills will be course themes. Family violence and abuse will be discussed and the student will learn how to respond appropriately if abuse is suspected. The concepts introduced in this course are expressed in all courses.
Hours: 24
Credits: 2
PSW1850 Support for Acute and Chronic Care Needs
Description: This course is designed to provide the student with the knowledge and skills required to assist clients and support families with activities of daily living. The major focus of the course is the role of the Personal Support Worker in assisting clients who are experiencing physiological challenges. Related processes that influence normal body structure and function are incorporated. The student will learn the role of the Personal Support Worker as it relates to supporting family members and assisting clients who are disabled, ill or convalescing. Specific communication skills and maintaining supportive relationships are topics addressed in the course. The importance of interprofessional concepts in relation to supporting clients with acute and chronic care needs is discussed.
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
PSW1860 Long Term Care Supervised Practice I Part A
Description: This course provides the student with opportunities to practice clinical skills, under supervision in a practicum setting in a Long Term Care Home. The student will have opportunities to apply knowledge and skills acquired in theory to practice. During this experience the student will also develop an understanding of the role of the Personal Support Worker in a Long Term Care Home and develop an understanding of interprofessional relationships.
Hours: 55
Credits: 3
PSW1870 Long Term Care Supervised Practice I Part B
Description: This course provides the student with opportunities to continue to build and practice on clinical skills, under supervision in a practicum setting in a Long Term Care Home. The student will have opportunities to apply knowledge and skills acquired in theory to practice. During this experience the student will continue to develop an understanding of the role of the Personal Support Worker in a Long Term Care Home and develop an understanding of interprofessional relationships.
Hours: 48
Credits: 2
Level Two
PSW1880 Supportive Care II Part A
Description: This course introduces the student to concepts and principles of supportive care, which are applied in Long Term Care Supervised Practice II and Community Care Supervised Practice III. The course focuses on development of the relevant knowledge and specific skills required by the Personal Support Worker to assist clients in both settings. The student will be introduced to the community setting and the principles of home management will be incorporated. The importance of interprofessional teamwork in relation to supporting the client with specific needs will be discussed. Related processes that influence normal body structure and function are incorporated. Students will have the opportunity to practice these skills in a laboratory setting.
Hours: 32
Credits: 2
Pre-Requisites: PSW1800, PSW1810, PSW1820, PSW1840
PSW1890 Supportive Care II Part B
Description: This course builds on the concepts and principles of previous supportive care courses, which are applied in Long Term Care Supervised Practice II and Community Care Supervised Practice III. The course focuses on development of the relevant knowledge and specific skills required by the Personal Support Worker to assist clients in both settings. The importance of interprofessional teamwork in relation to supporting the client with specific needs will be discussed. Related processes that influence normal body structure and function are incorporated.
Hours: 30
Credits: 2
Pre-Requisites: PSW1830, PSW1860, PSW1870
PSW1900 Support for Mental Health Care Needs
Description: This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge and skills required to assist clients and support families with mental health care needs. Related processes that influence normal body structure and function are incorporated. The importance of the Personal Support Workers role as a member of the interprofessional team in relation to supporting clients with mental health care needs is discussed.
Hours: 30
Credits: 2
Pre-Requisites: PSW1800, PSW1840, PSW1850
PSW1910 Support for Complex and Palliative Care Needs
Description: This course is designed to focus on the role of the Personal Support Worker in supporting families and assisting clients who are experiencing complex and palliative care needs. Related processes that influence normal body structure and function are incorporated. Specific communication skills and maintaining supportive relationships are topics addressed in the course. The importance of the Personal Support Workers role as a member of the interprofessional team in relation to supporting clients with complex and palliative care needs is discussed.
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
Pre-Requisites: PSW1800, PSW1840, PSW1850
PSW1920 Long Term Care Supervised Practice II
Description: This course provides the student with opportunities to continue to practice clinical skills, under the supervision of an instructor in a practicum setting in a Long Term Care Home. The student will continue to apply knowledge and skills learned in Long Term Care Supervised Practice I Part A and Long Term Care Supervised Practice Part B. Opportunities will be provided to apply new knowledge and perform skills that have been learned. The student will expand his/her understanding of the Personal Support Worker role. The student will continue to develop interprofessional relationships.
Hours: 70
Credits: 4
Pre-Requisites: PSW1860, PSW1870
PSW1930 Community Care Supervised Practice III
Description: This course provides the student with opportunities to practice clinical skills, under the supervision of an instructor. The student will continue to apply knowledge and skills gained in Long Term Care Supervised Practice I Part A, Long Term Care Supervised Practice I Part B, and Long Term Care Supervised Practice II in a community setting under the supervision of a preceptor and an instructor on call. During this experience, the student will assist clients with routine activities of daily living, home management activities, and adapt skills learned to the community setting. An understanding of the role and responsibilities of the Personal Support Worker in the community settings, will be developed. The student is also introduced to the members of the health care team with an emphasis on interprofessional relationships.
Hours: 56
Credits: 3
Pre-Requisites: PSW1860, PSW1870
PSW1940 Pregraduate Consolidation Experience
Description: This course facilitates the transition from the role of a student to the role of a Personal Support Worker as a beginning practitioner. During this course, the student will apply and consolidate knowledge and skills gained in the previous theory, skills lab and practicum courses of the program. The student will have the opportunity to support individuals and families in a Long Term Care Home or in a Community setting. Opportunity to participate as a contributing member of the interprofessional team, under the guidance of a preceptor and instructor on call, will be provided.
Hours: 68
Credits: 3
Pre-Requisites: PSW1860, PSW1870