Master of Science in Kinesiology

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Comments about Master of Science in Kinesiology - At the institution - Halifax - Nova Scotia

  • Objectives
    A multi-disciplinary study of human movement, the MSc Kinesiology program focuses on the theoretical and applied aspects of human performance in a variety of settings. The combination of theory and application, together with development of research skills, results in an outstanding academic experience and preparation for professional practice or further study.
  • Academic title
    Master of Science in Kinesiology
  • Course description

    Required classes
    •  Two of: 
     • KINE 5501.03 (or equivalent): Advanced Research Methods in Social or Natural Sciences 
     • KINE 5503.03 (or equivalent): Intermediate Statistics for Health Sciences 
     • KINE 5590.03 (or equivalent): Measurement and Instrumentation 

    •  KINE 6000.03: Graduate Seminar in Kinesiology (3 credit hours) 
    •  KINE 9000.00: Thesis (12 credit hours) 

    Elective classes
    •  One, three credit-hour graduate course must be selected from the Kinesiology offerings. 
    •  The remaining elective course or courses can be chosen from the graduate offerings within or outside of the School of Health and Human Performance. Elective courses must be relevant to the student's degree program and are to be determined in consultation with the Supervisor. 

    • KINE 5501.03: Advanced Research Methods in the Social and Natural Sciences.
    • KINE 5503.03: Intermediate Statistics for Health Sciences.
    • KINE 5510.03: Cardiorespiratory Dynamics in Exercise.
    • KINE 5516.03: Neuromuscular Physiology.
    • KINE 5523.03: Biomechanics of Human Motion.
    • KINE 5530.03: Cognitive Ergonomics.
    • KINE 5572.03: Topics in Human Performance: Motor Control.
    • KINE 5590.03: Measurement and Instrumentation in Human Movement Analysis.
    • KINE 5600X/Y.06: (5601.03/5602.03) Independent Study in Kinesiology.
    • KINE 5990.03: Interdisciplinary Human Nutrition.
    • KINE 6000.03: Graduate Seminar in Kinesiology.

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