Master of Science in Biology

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  • Academic title
    Master of Science in Biology
  • Course description
    BIOL 5001 [0.5 credit] (BIO 5101)
        Topics in Biotechnology
        A course concerned with the utilization of biological substances and activities of cells, genes, and enzymes in manufacturing, agricultural, and service industries. A different topic will be selected each year.
        Prerequisite: a course in cell physiology or biochemistry, or permission of instructor.

    BIOL 5003 [0.5 credit] (BIO 5103)
        Comparative Biochemistry
        Advanced topics emphasizing biochemical structures, functions, and methodologies in the context of animal (invertebrates and vertebrates) adaptations to environmental stress. Offered in alternate years.
        Prerequisite: an undergraduate biochemistry course.

    BIOL 5009 [0.5 credit] (BIO 8124)
        Ontario Vegetation: Patterns, Processes and Protection
        Patterns of vegetation and plant species distributions in Ontario will be investigated with respect to their origin and maintaining processes. Current methods of protection of significant and representative vegetation using zonal concepts will be considered.

    BIOL 5100 [0.5 credit] (BIO 5301)
        Plant Development
         An advanced course dealing with selected topics in the experimental study of plant development.

    BIOL 5105 [0.5 credit] (BIO 5302)
        Methods in Molecular Genetics
        Review of the fundamental theory and techniques in genetic manipulation of prokaryotes and eukaryotes and examination of some of the innovative new strategies being applied to a variety of problems in molecular biology.
        Precludes additional credit for BIOL 4106 or BIOL 5107.
        Prerequisite: graduate standing and permission of the Department.

    BIOL 5106 [0.5 credit] (BIO 5308)
        Laboratory Techniques in Molecular Genetics
        This laboratory course, which is complementary to BIOL 5105, is designed to give students practical experience in many of the important techniques in molecular genetics.
        Precludes additional credit for BIOL 4109 or BIOL 5107.
        Prerequisite: graduate standing and permission of the Department.

    BIOL 5201 [0.5 credit] (BIO 8301)
        Evolutionary Genetics and Computer Analyses
        Students will learn the basic concepts in molecular evolution and gain hands-on experience with the computer analysis of DNA sequences.Topics will include molecular sequence databases, multiple alignments, amino acid and codon usage, molecular clocks, and phylogenetic trees.
        Prerequisites: graduate standing plus basic courses in genetics and evolution; permission of the Department.

    BIOL 5202 [0.5 credit] (BIO 8302)
        Topics in Evolutionary Genetics
        A lecture/seminar course on the genetic mechanisms and forces responsible for variation and evolutionary change in natural populations.Topics to include protein and genome evolution, molecular phylogenies, DNA sequences in population biology, and the evolution of multigene families.
        Prerequisites: graduate standing plus basic courses in genetics and evolution; permission of the Department (Offered in alternate years).

    BIOL 5203 [0.5 credit] (BIO 8303)
        Techniques of Light Microscopy
        Advanced laboratory and lecture course on the principles and techniques of light microscopy.
        Precludes additional credit for BIOL 5200 (BIO 8238) (if taken before 1997-98).
        Prerequisite: open to fourth-year and graduate students with consent of the instructor.

    BIOL 5204 [0.5 credit] (BIO 8304)
        Techniques of Electron Microscopy
        Advanced laboratory and lecture course on the principles and techniques of electron microscopy.
        Precludes additional credit for BIOL 5200 (BIO 8238) (if taken before 1997-98).
        Prerequisite: open to fourth-year and graduate students with permission of the instructor.

    BIOL 5205 [1.0 credit] (BIO 5204)
        Plant Physiology and Metabolism
        Advanced course dealing with selected topics in plant physiology and metabolism.
        Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of the Department.

    BIOL 5304 [1.0 credit] (PSY 6201)
        Basics of Neuroscience
        A comprehensive neuroscience course from cellular levels to neural systems and behaviour. Topics covered include aspects of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology and behavioural and cognitive neuroscience. (Also listed as PSYC 5200)

    BIOL 5306 [0.5 credit] (BIO 9201)
        The interaction between light and living organisms; introduction to photochemistry, detailed study of photosynthesis, vision, photosensitivity, and photoperiodism.
        Prerequisite: an advanced course in animal or plant physiology or biochemistry, or permission of the Department.

    BIOL 5307 [0.5 credit] (BIO 8122)
        Advanced Insect Physiology
        Physiological characteristics of insects.

    BIOL 5402 [0.5 credit] (BIO 8162)
        Developmental Endocrinology/Topics in Comparative Endocrinology
        A lecture and reading course concerned with classical and current topics in the field of comparative endocrinology. Special emphasis on the vertebrates. Offered in alternate years.
        Prerequisite: an undergraduate course in endocrinology.

    BIOL 5405 [1.0 credit] (BIO 9202)
        Project in Applied Ecology
        A course in the form of a special research project in which the student identifies an environmental problem and the corporate or governmental body that has the power to rectify the problem.

    BIOL 5407 [0.5 credit] (BIO 5305)
        Quantitative Ecology
        Analysis of the distribution and abundance of organisms and of related environmental phenomena.
        Prerequisites: graduate standing, courses in elementary ecology, elementary statistics and biostatistics, and permission of the Department.

    BIOL 5409 [0.5 credit] (BIO 5306)
        Mathematical Modeling for Biologists
        This course is designed to develop mathematical tools for the modeling of biological processes. The student is taught the necessary mathematics and a computer language, and guidance is given in the choice of simulation of a biological process.

    BIOL 5500 [1.0 credit] (BIO 5207)
        Selected Topics
        Courses in selected aspects of specialized biological subjects not covered by other graduate courses; course details will be available at registration.

    BIOL 5501 [0.5 credit] (BIO 8100)
        Selected Topics in Biology I
        Courses in selected aspects of specialized biological subjects not covered by other graduate courses; course details will be available at registration.

    BIOL 5502 [0.5 credit] (BIO 8102)
        Selected Topics in Biology II
        Courses in selected aspects of specialized biological subjects not covered by other graduate courses; course details will be available at registration.

    BIOL 5503 [0.5 credit] (BIO 5901)
        Recent Advances in Biology
        A course intended for all first-year graduate students to bring them up to date in the various major areas of biology. The course consists of selected readings, lectures, and invited speakers. Graded Sat/Uns.

    BIOL 5506 [0.5 credit] (BIO 5213)
        Advanced Insect/Animal Systematics
        A lecture and seminar course concerning methods, roles and advances in systematics of insects and other animals. One research project required.
        Prerequisite: a 4000-level course in identification or classification of insects or other animals.

    BIOL 5508 [0.5 credit] (BIO 8306)
        Advanced Topics in Ecology I
        Lectures, seminars and discussions on current literature on experimental approaches, concepts, and findings in population and community ecology, ecosystem and landscape ecology, and biostatistics. The content complements BIOL 5509 (BIO 8307).
        Precludes additional credit for BIOL 5408 (BIO 9200) (if taken before 1997-98).

    BIOL 5509 [0.5 credit] (BIO 8307)
        Advanced Topics in Ecology II
        Lectures, seminars and discussions on current literature on experimental approaches, concepts and findings in population and community ecology, ecosystem and landscape ecology and biostatistics. The content complements BIOL 5508 (BIO 8306).
        Precludes additional credit for Biology 61.548 (BIO 9200) (if taken before 1997-98).

    BIOL 5601 [0.5 credit] (BIO 5161)
        Advanced Topics in Insect Evolution I
        An exploration of major concepts and questions in insect evolution in the areas of systematics, morphology, the fossil record, biology, and behaviour. The content complements BIOL 5602 (BIO 5162).
        Precludes additional credit for BIOL 5600 (BIO 5160).

    BIOL 5602 [0.5 credit] (BIO 5162)
        Advanced Topics in Insect Evolution II
        An exploration of major concepts and questions in insect evolution in the areas of systematics,
     morphology, the fossil record, biology, and behaviour. The content complements BIOL 5601 (BIO 5161).
        Precludes additional credit for BIOL 5600 (BIO 5160).

    BIOL 5605 [0.5 credit] (BIO 5102)
        Field Course
        Credit for this 0.5 credit course is based on a total of three weeks of field-course modules, involving one or two weeks of intensive and continuous field work with attendant assignments. For details, see coordinator.

    BIOL 5709 [0.5 credit] (BIO 8113)
        Chemical Toxicology
        An introduction to modeling chemical hazards and exposures at the cellular level. The properties of toxic substances are compared to the responses of enzymatic systems. These interactions are defined as Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships and used to interpret hazardous materials under regulations such as WHMIS. (Also listed as CHEM 5709/CHM 8157)
        Prerequisite: BIOL 6402/CHEM 5708 (BIO 9101/CHM 8156).

    BIOL 5801 [0.5 credit] (BIO 5105)
        Animal Behaviour
        Animal behaviour from an ecological and evolutionary point of view, with additional independent assignments.
        Prerequisites: BIOL 3305 and BIOL 3601 or equivalents and registration in a graduate program, or written permission of the Department.

    BIOL 5802 [0.5 credit] (BIO 8365)
        Advanced Behavioural Ecology I
        Recent ideas and research on advanced topics dealing with the evolution of foraging, temporal, spatial, and reproductive strategies are discussed and critically examined. Offered in alternate years.

    BIOL 5909
        M.Sc. Thesis

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