Master of Science in Anatomy and Neurobiology

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Comments about Master of Science in Anatomy and Neurobiology - At the institution - Halifax - Nova Scotia

  • Academic title
    Master of Science in Anatomy and Neurobiology
  • Course description
    All of our graduate students are required to take Anatomy 5200.06.

    Anatomy 5200X/Y.06 Research Laboratory Techniques in Anatomy & Neurobiology: Lecture and Laboratory sessions on the theoretical and practical aspects of research techniques in Anatomy and Neurobiology.

    All of our graduate students are required to take one of the following 4 core anatomy courses or have previously taken an equivalent course.

    Anatomy 5030.06 Human Histology:  A series of lectures and laboratories describing the structure of the tissues and organs of the human body.

    Anatomy 5100.06 Human Neuroanatomy: Introduction to the anatomy and organization of the human nervous system. Lectures, labs and discussion groups.

    Anatomy 5130X/Y.06 Topics in Mammalian Embryology and Molecular Developmental Biology: This course will cover various topics in general embryology, histology and molecular developmental biology. Students will learn how and why genetically engineered mice are generated. They will become familiar with different phenotypic analyses of mice and mouse embryos that are used as models of human diseases.

    Anatomy 5162.03 Gross Anatomy of the Head and Neck:
    A detailed study of the gross anatomy of the head and neck (half credit only).

    Anatomy 5555.03 Embodying The Body:
    The Human Body For Anatomists And Humanists: This course explores form and function of the human body and how these relate to broader issues associated with what it means to be human. The course begins with an anatomical exploration of the body, then expands into contemporary issues about the body and embodiment, including gender identity, beauty, etc. (half credit only).

    The following courses are offered to provide foundation knowledge in support of student research.

    Anatomy 5063.03 Neurobiology of the Peripheral Autonomic Nervous System: Overview of classical concepts of peripheral autonomic functions, and their re-evaluation in light of recent research. Discussion of the roles of autonomic neurons in control of specific end-organs will be emphasized.

    Anatomy 5070.03 Chemical Neuroanatomy: Anatomy of neurotransmitter-specific cell groups and their projections, plus chemistry, metabolism, electrophysiology, pharmacology, pathology, and behavioral functions of transmitters. Lectures and seminars.

    Anatomy 5170.03 Special Topics: This is a flexible class permitting a student to work closely with one or several faculty members; the contact of the class is determined by the individual student in consultation with the faculty member involved and is intended to enable students to take advantage of specialized educational opportunites that fall outside the normal class offerings of the Department. A description and justification of class contact must be prepared and approved by the student's Advisory Committee and the Department Graduate Studies Committee.

    Anatomy 5217X/Y.06 Functional Human Anatomy:
    Graduate students entering the MSc(OT) program will cover a full-credit (6 credit hours) of gross and neuroanatomy and histology of the human body through the use of lectures, anatomical specimens and demonstrations. The focus is on function anatomy and neurological control of the head, limbs and back and on the organization of sensory and motor systems. Laboratory study includes osteology, living (surface) anatomy and learning from anatomical specimens about musculo-skeletal innervation and vasculature anatomy used in the performance of daily life. Emphasis is on critical thinking, and the self-directed use of web-baseed, video, and other modular resources.

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