Course description
In fall of year 1, full-time students normally take:
PLAN 5000.06 Planning Studio 1,
PLAN 5101.03 History and Philosophy of Planning,
PLAN 5102.03 Planning Practice,
PLAN 5301.015 Planning Methods A, and
We also recommend that you participate in the Maritime Field Trip.
In winter of year 1, full-time students normally take:
PLAN 5500.06 Planning Studio 2,
PLAN 5302.015 Planning Methods B,
PLAN 5104.03 Planning Law,
In summer, take:
PLAN 5201.00 Work Term
(Students are responsible to locate an appropriate work term placement in a planning-related position. The School works with students to help them tackle their search and prepare for the work term placement.)
In fall of year 2, take:
PLAN 6000.09 Planning Project and Seminar, and
In winter of year 2, take:
PLAN 6500.06 Integrative team project
PLAN 6505.03 Seminar: Theories, Ideas and Debates in Planning, and
Total credit hours required to graduate are 60.