Master of Environmental Studies

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Comments about Master of Environmental Studies - At the institution - Halifax - Nova Scotia

  • Objectives
    The MES program is designed to broaden a student’s perspective on natural resource and environmental issues while strengthening their research capabilities.
  • Academic title
    Master of Environmental Studies
  • Course description

    Class Requirements:
    •  MGMT 5000.03: Management without Borders - a seminar class taken during the first year of study 
    •  ENVI 5035.03/5007.03: Research Methods I and II taken in the first year of study 
    •  ENVI 5009.06: The Graduate Seminar - all MES students are expected to attend and participate, although only students in the second year of their MES program are required to enroll. 
    •  Thesis 

    Elective Classes:
    Students can select a minimum of three electives in consultation with faculty advisor/supervisor. Several elective classes at the School are likely to be offered only every second year. Students are encouraged to consult with faculty on class availability. Classes that may be of particular interest are:
    •  ENVI 5001.03: Environmental Assessment 
    •  ENVI 5002.03: Joint Project 
    •  ENVI 5031.03: Environmental/Ecological Economics 
    •  ENVI 5039.03: Indigenous Peoples and Natural Resource Management 
    •  ENVI 5041.03: Environmental Education 
    •  ENVI 5047.03: Protected Areas Management 
    •  ENVI 5205.03: Resource and Environmental Law 
    •  ENVI 5480.03: Environmental Ethics 

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