Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering

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  • Objectives
    The MEng programs are designed to provide practicing engineers the opportunity to strengthen and extend knowledge they acquired at the undergraduate level, to further develop their analytical and design skills, and to enhance their ability to comprehend and solve complex and advanced technology concepts.
  • Entry requirements
    Applicants to the MEng programs must have completed a bachelor’s degree in engineering with high standing. These programs are entirely course work oriented; however, within the frame of these courses a student may elect to take project course(s).
  • Academic title
    Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
  • Course description
    Students may specialize in one of the following branches: 1. Industrial Control Systems; 2. Materials and Composites; 3. Mechanical Systems; 4. Thermofluid Engineering. Students must complete 45 credits in courses. Courses must be selected as follows:
    1. A minimum of 16 credits chosen from the courses listed in one of the following specialization areas:
        • Industrial Control Systems: MECH 6021, 6061, 6071, 6621, 6631; ENGR 6301, 6411.
        • Materials and Composites: MECH 6441, 6501, 6511, 6521, 6561, 6581.
        • Mechanical Systems: MECH 6431, 6481, 6751, 7711; ENGR 6301, 6311.
        • Thermofluids Engineering: MECH 6111, 6121, 6131, 6171, 6181; ENGR 6201, 6261.
    2. A minimum of 20 credits chosen from Topic Areas E01, E03, E04, E05, E06, E10, E11‡, E12, E51, E52, E53, E54, E55‡, E56, E57, MECH courses in E02, ENGR 6971, ENGR 6981, and ENGR 6991.
    3. The remaining credits may be chosen from:
        • Graduate seminar in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, ENGR 7011 (1 credit)
        • Courses chosen from other Topic Areas in the Engineering Courses section. (The student must obtain written approval from the Department that offers the course).

    ‡ Students must obtain approval from the Aerospace Program Director for all the courses listed in topic area E11 and for the courses: MECH 6091, 6231, 6241 and 7221 listed in topic area E55.

    MECH 6011 Analysis and Design of Pneumatic Systems (4 credits)
    Principles and operating characteristics of fluidic elements; modelling of wall attachment; beam deflection; turbulent and vortex amplifiers; design and analysis of microdiaphram and diaphram ejector amplifiers; methods of evaluation performance characteristics of fluid devices; passive fluidic elements; digital and analog fluidic circuit theories and their applications; case studies of fluidic systems. Project on selected topics.

    MECH 6021 Design of Industrial Control Systems (*) (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: ENGR 6101 or equivalent.
    Analog and digital control system design. Analog controller design methods: lead and lag compensators, pole placement, model matching, two-parameter configuration, plant input/output feedback configuration. Introduction to state-space control system. State estimator and state feedback. Introduction to digital control system. Z-transform. Difference equations. Stability in the Z-domain. Digital implementation of analog controllers. Equivalent digital plant method. Alias signals. Selection of sampling time. PID controller. Project on specific topic or applications.

    MECH 6041 Virtual Systems Engineering (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
    Theory and application of virtual systems with an emphasis on virtual prototyping of mechanical systems. Virtual system modelling: particle systems, rigid body systems, lumped parameter models, and multi-domain system modelling. Non-real-time simulation methods: numerical integration methods, stiff systems and implicit methods. Hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HIL): Real-time simulation, multi-rate simulation and scheduling. Stability, invariance, and robustness. Virtual environments. Distributed simulation and time delay analysis. Design and analysis of virtual engineering systems: specification, design, verification, validation and prototype testing. A project.

    MECH 6051 Process Dynamics and Control (*) (4 credits)
    Dynamics of mechanical and chemical processes: linear and nonlinear system capacity, resistance, piping complexes; characteristics and dynamics of control valves; process time constants; proportional, reset and derivative control actions; feed forward and cascade control, direct digital control case studies on design of level control; p-4 control and heat exchanger control; analysis of industrial hazards and security. Project on selected topics of current interest.

    MECH 6061 Analysis and Design of Hydraulic Control Systems (*) (4 credits)
    Introduction to fluid power control technology; fundamentals of fluid transmission media; basic hydraulic control system components and circuits; hydraulic servosystems; modeling and dynamic analysis of hydraulic systems – design examples; basic pneumatic control system components and circuits – design examples. Projects on selected topics.

    MECH 6071 Switched and Hybrid Control System (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: MECH 6021 or equivalent.
    Review of linear control design techniques for nonlinear systems and their limitations; introduction to Lyapunov stability, Lyapunov functions and LaSalle’s invariance principle; introduction to switched and hybrid systems using piecewise-affine systems as a motivating example; modeling and simulation of switched and hybrid systems; switching policies, hybrid automata and executions; Lyapunov stability analysis of switched and hybrid systems; stability as a convex optimization problem; Lyapunov-based control of switched and hybrid systems; controller design as a non-convex problem; stability analyses and the controller design problems; dynamic programming and optimal control techniques; extensive examples from simplified models of industrial problems in the aeronautical, automotive and process industries. The course includes a computer aided controller design project.

    MECH 6081 Fuel Control Systems for Combustion Engines (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: ENGR 6201.
    Introduction to fuel control systems for combustion engines with fuel injection. Dynamics of fuel injection for steady-state and transient process; injection characteristics for different combustion patterns; speed and power control in relation to engine characteristics; design principles of fuel systems; special requirements for starting, shut-down, schedule modulation; testing methods; wear and reliability problems. Case studies include: multicylinder in-line injection pump, rotary distributor injection pump, mecano-pneumatic fuel control unit. Full term project work on alternative fuel delivery systems and emissions control for combustion engines. Modelling and simulation. Demonstration of alternative fuel injection system on diesel engine in lab.

    MECH 6091 Flight Control Systems (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: ENGR 6101 or equivalent.
    Basics of flight dynamics modeling: axes systems and notation; equations of motion; aerodynamic forces and moments, airplane stability, aircraft on the ground; simulator flight model design. Flight instruments: classification; principles of operation, cockpit displays. Flight controls basics: configuration; control forces; primary and secondary controls. Introduction to automatic flight control: stability augmentation; autopilots; flight guidance and flight management systems; design examples. Flight simulation: classification; standards and regulations; system configuration and components. Projects on selected topics.

    MECH 6101 Kinetic Theory of Gases (4 credits)
    Equations of state for gases; molecular explanation of equations of state; introduction to quantum mechanics; the molecular theory of thermal energy and heat capacity; molecular velocity distribution, molecular collisions and the transport properties of gases, introduction to chemical kinetics. Project on specific topic or applications.

    MECH 6111 Gas Dynamics (*) (4 credits)
    Combined effects in one-dimensional flow; multidimensional flow; method of characteristics; one-dimensional treatment of non-steady gas dynamics; shock wave interactions; instability phenomena of supersonic intake diffusers; shock-boundary layer interactions. Projects on unsteady gas dynamics and on shock wave propagation and interactions.

    MECH 6121 Aerodynamics (*) (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: ENGR 6201.
    Flow conservation equations, incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, inviscid irrotational and rotational flows: the Euler equations, the potential and stream function equations. Kelvin, Stokes and Helmholtz theorems. Elementary flows and their superposition, panel method for non-lifting bodies. Airfoil and wing characteristics, aerodynamics forces and moments coefficients. Flow around thin airfoils, Biot-Savart law, vortex sheets. Flow around thick airfoils, the panel method for lifting bodies. Flow around wings, Prandtl’s lifting line theory, induced angle and downwash, unswept wings, swept compressibility correction rules, the area rule. Transonic flow: small disturbance equation, full potential equation, supercritical airfoils. Project on specific topic or applications.

    MECH 6131 Conduction and Radiation Heat Transfer (4 credits)
    Solutions by analytical, numerical, and analogue methods of steady and transient temperature fields with and without heat sources; introduction to convection. Basic concepts and relations of radiation heat transfer, radiation of strongly absorbing media, and radiation of weakly absorbing media. Project on selected topics.

    MECH 6141 Heat Exchanger Design (4 credits)
    Review of heat transfer and flow losses; design consideration of heat exchangers; double pipe exchanger; shell and tube exchanger; extended surfaces; condenser, evaporator, regenerator, cooling tower. Project on selected topics.

    MECH 6161 Gas Turbine Design (*) (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: MECH 6171.
    Study of practical criteria which influence the design of a gas turbine engine including relevant mechanical and aerodynamic constraints. The aerodynamics of each of the three major components of a modern turbo-fan engine, namely the compressor, the combustor and the turbine is considered. Air system acoustics, engine aerodynamic matching of components and modern performance testing methods. A design project is assigned for each of these components. Project on specific topic or applications.

    MECH 6171 Turbomachinery and Propulsion (*) (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: ENGR 6201.
    Review of the gas turbine engine cycle and components arrangement. Types of turbo-propulsion for aircraft: turboprop, turbofan and turbojet. Energy transfer in incompressible and compressible turbomachines: the Euler equation, velocity triangles. Axial-flow compressors; mean-line analysis. Mechanisms of losses in turbomachines. Three-dimensional motion in turbomachines; the radial equilibrium equation and its numerical solution by finite difference methods. Dimensional analysis of incompressible and compressible flow in turbomachines, compressor and turbine performance maps; surge and stall. Centrifugal compressors. Axial-flow turbines. Prediction of performance of gas turbines, components matching. Projects on selected topics.

    MECH 6181 Heating, Air Conditioning and Ventilation (4 credits)
    The effect of air temperature, humidity and purity on physiological comfort; overall heat transmission coefficients of building sections, air infiltration, ventilation and solar radiation loads; heating and air conditioning load calculations; heating, air conditioning and ventilating systems, equipment and controls; design of hot water piping and air distribution systems, pressure drop calculations; selection and specifications of mechanical equipment for heating, ventilation and air conditioning applications. Project on selected applications.

    MECH 6191 Combustion (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: MECH 6111.
    Chemical thermodynamics; review of chemical kinetics; conservation equations for multicomponent reacting systems; detonation and deflagration of premixed materials; premixed laminar flames; gaseous diffusion flames, droplet combustion; turbulent flames; two-phase reacting systems; chemically reacting boundary layers. Projects on selected topics.

    MECH 6221 Advanced Turbomachinery (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: MECH 6171.
    The course deals with the aerodynamics of turbomachines with emphasis on compressible flow machines. Review of turbomachinery fundamentals; energy transfer, reaction, efficiency, performance characteristics. Description of flows in turbomachinery passages: lift and drag cascade performance data, three-dimensional flow patterns; blade-to-blade and through-flow numerical analyses. Aerodynamic losses in turbomachines: types, loss coefficients, correlations, models, performance evaluation. The aerodynamics of axial and radial machines: factors affecting design, selection of parameters, preliminary design, airfoil design, off-design performance. Projects on selected topics.

    MECH 6231 Helicopter Flight Dynamics (4 credits)
    Prerequisites: ENGR 6311 and MECH 6121, previously or concurrently.
    Fundamental aspects of helicopter technology; rotary wing aerodynamics; aeromechanical stability; hover and forward flight performance; ground and air resonance; introduction to vibration and structural dynamic problems in helicopter; case studies in the rotorcraft field. Case studies and projects on selected topics.

    MECH 6241 Operational Performance of Aircraft (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: MECH 6121.
    Introduction to fixed-wing aircraft operation. Flying environment and its measurement by aircraft instrumentation. Computation of lift and drag, effects of viscosity and compressibility. Review of piston, turboprop, turbojet and turbofan powerplants. Operational performance of aircraft in climb, cruise, descent and on ground. Advanced aircraft systems. Operational considerations in aircraft design. Projects on selected topics.

    MECH 6261 Mathematical Methods for Aerothermodynamics (4 credits)
    General tensor analysis; Navier-Stokes equations; perturbation methods: regular, singular and matched asymptotic expansions (boundary layer theory); calculus of variations; conformal mapping; Schwartz-Christoffel transformations; mathematical aspects of wave theory; applications to mechanical engineering problems. Project on specific topic or applications.

    MECH 6301 Vibration Problems in Rotating Machinery (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: ENGR 6311.
    Torsional vibrations critical speeds, rotors driven by reciprocating machines, finite element modelling, whirling of shafts, gyroscopic effects, rotors on fluid film bearings, instability in torsional and bending vibrations, balancing, response to support excitations, condition monitoring. Projects on selected applications.

    MECH 6311 Noise and Vibration Control (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: ENGR 6311.
    Introduction to noise and vibration, measurement units. Review of wave theory, noise control criteria and standards, sources and nature of mechanical equipment noise, devices for noise control such as silencers, baffles and acoustic enclosures. Machinery vibration sources, radiation of noise from vibrating structures, devices and methods for vibration control such as isolators, dampers, absorbers and in-situ balancing. Active control of noise and vibration. Projects on selected applications.

    MECH 6321 Optimum Design of Mechanical Systems (4 credits)
    Survey of practical methods for optimum design of mechanical systems; optimal performance criteria and selection of design variables. Introduction to analytical and numerical optimization methods for single- and multi-variable unconstrained problems: direct search and gradient methods. Constrained optimization. Optimality criterion techniques for mechanical systems. Case studies in the area of machine tools, structural systems, machine element design, vehicle design, and hydraulic control systems. Discussion on commercial software packages, their capability, availability and limitations. Optimization project on selected topics.

    MECH 6351 Modal Analysis of Mechanical Systems (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: ENGR 6311.
    Natural frequencies and normal modes of multi-degree-of-freedom systems; orthogonality of normal modes; eigenvalue and eigenvector extraction methods; vibration response using normal mode analysis; complex natural frequencies and complex modes in damped systems, modal damping random response considerations; nonsymmetric systems using biorthogonality relations; modal parameter identification from tests, application of modal analysis to mechanical systems. Projects on selected applications.

    MECH 6361 Mechanics of Biological Tissues (4 credits)
    The course deals with mechanical behaviour of tissues in human body such as bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels, muscles, skin, teeth, nerves. Classification of biological tissues; mechanical properties in vivo and in vitro testing; constitutive relationships, viscoelastic behaviour and rate/time dependency; remodelling and adaption due to mechanical loading; analogous mechanical systems. Project on current topic.

    MECH 6371 Design and Fabrication of Microsystems and Devices (4 credits)
    Introduction to microsystems and devices; mechanical properties of materials used in microsystems; microfabrication and post-processing techniques; sacrificial and structural layers; lithography, deposition and etching; introduction and design of different types of sensors and actuators; micromotors and other microdevices; mechanical design, finite element modelling; design and fabrication of free-standing structures; microbearings; special techniques: double sided lithography, electrochemical milling, laser machining, LIGA, influence of IC fabrication methods on mechanical properties; application examples in biomedical, industrial and space technology areas; integration, bonding and packaging of MEMS devices. This course includes a project.

    MECH 6411 Theory and Design of Machine Tools (4 credits)
    Dynamics and self-induced vibrations in the metal cutting process; analysis and design of speed change gears; mechanical, electrical and hydraulic drives; hydraulic copying systems and automatic control; numerical control of machine tools; machine tool vibrations; random processes in manufacturing systems. Project on specific topic or applications.

    MECH 6421 Metal Machining and Surface Technology (4 credits)
    Theoretical and practical aspects of mechanics and dynamics of metal machining; tool geometry in machine and working reference systems with their transformation matrices; machinability; wear; cutting forces; temperature distribution; tool material unconventional machining; machining economics; optimizing techniques for cutting conditions; surface mechanics and application of random processes. Project on selected topics.

    MECH 6431 Introduction to Tribology (Wear, Friction and Lubrication) (4 credits)
    Contact between stationary surfaces; dry friction; rolling contract; wear; boundary lubrication; lubricating oils and greases; hydrodynamic journal bearings; case studies in Tribology as applied to design and manufacturing problems. Project on specific topic or applications.

    MECH 6441 Stress Analysis in Mechanical Design (4 credits)
    Stress analysis for design of elastic and visco-elastic mechanical components subject to thermal, fatigue, vibrational and chemical environments; buckling and creep; cumulative damage. Case studies, and project from selected applications.

    MECH 6451 Computer-Aided Mechanical Design (4 credits)
    Concept of value and decision theory in design; design application and case studies in the implementation of digital computer-oriented design of engineering systems. Examples include design of specific machine elements, design of vehicle suspension, hydraulic positioning systems, ship propulsion system, multi-speed gear box, and cam drives. Introduction to identification, optimization, and parameter sensitivity. Implementation of these methods uses remote terminals and graphic display units. A project.

    MECH 6471 Aircraft Structures (4 credits)
    Aero/performance aspects of aircraft structures; Airworthiness and design considerations; Materials; Static, vibratory and aeroelastic loadings; Propulsion-induced loadings; Functions and fabrication of structural components; Stress analysis of wings, fuselages, stringers, fuselage frames, wing ribs, cut-outs in wings and fuselages, and laminated structures; Buckling of aircraft structures: local buckling, instability of stiffened panels; flexural-torsional buckling; Fracture and fatigue failures. Case studies.

    MECH 6481 Aeroelasticity (4 credits)
    Aerodynamic loading of elastic airfoils; phenomenon of divergence; effect of flexible control surface on divergence of main structure; divergence of one- and two-dimensional wing models; phenomenon of flutter; flutter of two- and three-dimensional wings; approximate analysis techniques; flutter prevention and control; panel flutter in high speed vehicles; flutter of turbomachine bladings; vortex induced oscillations; bridge buffeting. Project on specific applications.

    MECH 6491 Engineering Metrology and Measurement Systems (4 credits)
    Introduction to metrology, linear and geometric tolerancing, non-optical and optical methods in form measurement, fundamentals of optical metrology, interferometry - theory and overview, Moiré and phase shifting interfereometry, speckle interferometry and holography, light sources, detectors and imaging systems. Applications to precision measurement, Doppler vibrometry and dynamic characterization, applications to MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems), and special topics include: nanometrology, X-ray interferometry and interference spectroscopy. A project.

    MECH 6501 Advanced Materials (4 credits)
    Advanced composites. Polymer matrix composites. Resins and fibers. Metal matrix composites. Ceramic matrix composites. Interfaces. Mechanical properties. Applications. Project on selected topics of current interest.

    MECH 6511 Mechanical Forming of Metals (*) (4 credits)
    Mechanisms of plastic deformation at ambient and elevated temperatures; plasticity theory; mechanical forming processes; forging; rolling; extrusion; wire drawing; deep drawing; bending; results of processing; mechanical properties; residual stresses; fibrous textures and preferred orientations; effects of annealing. Process modelling by shearline or finite element analysis. Project on current research topics and selected applications.

    MECH 6521 Manufacturing of Composites (4 credits)
    Hand lay-up. Autoclave curing. Compression molding. Filament winding. Resin transfer molding. Braiding. Injection molding. Cutting. Joining. Thermoset and thermoplastic composites. Process modelling and computer simulation. Nondestructive evaluation techniques. Project on selected topics of current interest.

    MECH 6531 Casting (4 credits)
    Phase equilibrium diagrams; mechanisms of solidification; design of castings for various moulding processes, section sizes, dimensional accuracies and surface finishes; continuous casting; control of grain size; segregation and porosity. Defects in castings. Project on current research topic and selected applications.

    MECH 6541 Joining Processes and Nondestructive Testing (4 credits)
    Principles of joining; fusion welding; arc, torch, plasma, electron beam, resistance, etc; solid state welding; heterogeneous hot joining (brazing, soldering); heterogeneous cold joining; metallurgy of joints; joint properties; nondestructive testing processes; radiography, ultrasonic, magnetic particle, die penetrant, etc. Project on current research topic or selected applications.

    MECH 6551 Fracture (4 credits)
    Fracture mechanisms; ductile and cleavage; brittle fracture; notch effects; propagation of cracks; ductile-brittle transition; inter-granular fracture; hydrogen embrittlement; fatigue initiation mechanisms; crack propagation; preventive design; creep failure, mechanisms maps, fatigue; pore formation; grain boundary sliding; high temperature alloys, testing techniques; fractography. Project on current research topics and selected applications.

    MECH 6561 High Strength Materials (4 credits)
    Studies of the microstructures responsible for high strength and of the thermomechanical treatments producing these microstructures; dislocation theory; strain hardening; strengthening by solid-solution, massive hard phases, precipitation, dispersed particles, and martensitic and bainitic structures; fibre and particulate composites; surface treatments; residual stresses of thermal or mechanical origin. Project on current research topics and selected applications.

    MECH 6571 Corrosion and Oxidation of Metals (4 credits)
    Electrochemical corrosion and preventative measures. Stress corrosion, corrosion fatigue. Oxidation at low and high temperatures and protective measures. Selection of alloys and coatings. Project on current research topic or selected applications.

    MECH 6581 Mechanical Behaviour of Polymer Composite Materials (4 credits)
    General applications of polymer composite materials in the aircraft, aerospace, automobile, marine, recreational and chemical processing industries. Different fibres and resins. Mechanics of a unidirectional lamina. Transformation of stress, strain, modulus and compliance. Off-axis engineering constants, shear and normal coupling coefficients. In-plane and flexural stiffness and compliance of different laminates including cross-ply, angle-ply, quasi-isotropic and general bidirectional laminates. Strength of laminates and failure criteria. Micro-mechanics. Projects on selected applications.

    MECH 6601 Testing and Evaluation of Polymer Composite Materials and Structures (4 credits)
    Theory and practice for the determination of tensile, compression and shear properties of composite materials; techniques for the determination of physical and chemical properties; non-destructive techniques such as ultrasonics, acousto-ultrasonics, acoustic emission, infrared and lasers for evaluation of composite structures. Project on selected topics of current interest.

    MECH 6611 Numerically Controlled Machines (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: MECH 6451 or equivalent.
    Positioning and contouring NC machines, typical NC applications; analysis of typical NC systems and design considerations; components. Design project on multi-surface machine parts.

    MECH 6621 Microprocessors and Applications (*) (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: A course in industrial electronics or permission of the instructor.
    Introduction to the concepts and practices of using microprocessors and micro-computers in such applications as instrumentation, manufacturing, control and automation; architecture and programming techniques; interface logic circuits; I/O systems; case studies of mechanical engineering applications. Project on specific topic or applications.

    MECH 6631 Industrial Automation (4 credits)
    Introduction to mechanization of industrial processes such as machining, material handling, assembling, and quality control; selection of actuators and sensors for mechanization; design of sequential control circuits using classical methods, ladder diagram, travel-step diagram and cascade method; specifying control sequences using GRAFCET and FUP; special purpose circuits such as emergency circuits, timers, and programmable logic controllers (PLCs); case studies dealing with typical industrial manufacturing processes and computer simulation. Project on specific topic or applications.

    MECH 6641 Engineering Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue (4 credits)
    Fracture mechanics and fatigue of machine elements and structures; Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM); Elastic Plastic Fracture Mechanics (EPFM); Finite Element Analysis for fracture; LEFM and EPFM
    Testing; Fracture mechanics approach to fatigue crack growth problem; Constant-amplitude, variable-amplitude and stochastic loading cases; Industrial applications to mechanical design and fracture and fatigue control in machine elements and structures; Damage tolerance design. Case study or project on selected applications.

    MECH 6651 Structural Composites (4 credits)
    Analysis for design of beams, columns, rods, plates, sandwich panels and shells made of composites; anisotropic elasticity; energy methods; vibration and buckling; local buckling in sandwich structures; free edge effects and delamination; joining; and failure considerations in design. Project on selected applications.

    MECH 6661 Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria of Materials (4 credits)
    Thermodynamic laws and relationships. Partial and relative state functions: Activities in multicomponent systems, reference and standard states, solution thermodynamics. Thermodynamics of phase transformations and chemical reactions in engineering materials. Calculation of thermodynamic functions and properties. Experimental methods of determining thermodynamic properties. Multicomponent and multiphasic systems. Generalized phase rules, phase diagrams, stability diagrams and other diagram types. Computational thermodynamics for developing engineering materials. A project.

    MECH 6671 Finite Element Method in Machine Design (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: MECH 6441.
    Role of Finite element method in machine design. Variational principles. Formulation of the finite element problem in stress, vibration and buckling analyses of machine components. Different elements and interpolation functions. Application in machine design; fracture. Case study or project on selected applications.

    MECH 6681 Dynamics and Control of Nonholonomic Systems (4 credits)
    Kinematics of nonholonomic systems; dynamics of nonholonomic systems, including d’Álembert principle, Euler-Lagrange equations; equations of motion of nonholonomic systems with Lagrangian multipliers; the reaction of ideal nonholonomic constraints; nonholonomic Caplygin systems; Bifurcation and stability analysis of the nonholonomic systems. Analysis and design of nonlinear control of nonholonomic systems, including kinematic control and dynamic control as well as force control. Controller designs with uncertain nonholonomic systems. Application examples including control of wheeled mobile robots and walking robots. A project.

    MECH 6691 Optical Microsystems (4 credits)
    Microfabrication and micromachining required for optical microsystems; optical microsystem modeling, simulation, sensitivity analysis. Properties of materials suitable for optical MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems). Measurements, sensing and actuation suitable for optical microsystems. Introduction to micro-optical components; optical waveguide-based systems. Design of different optical MEMS devices. Chemical and biochemical sensing with optical microsystems. Assembly, packaging and testing of optical MEMS devices. A Project.

    MECH 6751 Vehicle Dynamics (4 credits)
    Tire-terrain interactions; side-slip; cornering and aligning properties of tires: camber angle and camber torque; estimation of braking-tractive and cornering forces of tires; steady-state handling of road vehicles: steering response and directional stability; handling and directional response of vehicles with multiple steerable axles: handling of articulated vehicles: handling and directional response of tracked and wheeled off-road vehicles; directional response to simultaneous braking and steering. Project on research topics.

    MECH 6761 Vehicular Internal Combustion Engines (*) (4 credits)
    Mechanical design of vehicular engines; gas exchange and combustion engine processes; combustion chambers design; fuels and fuel supply; ignition and control systems; cooling and lubrication of engines; emissions formation and control; engine operational characteristics - matching with vehicles; enhancement of engine performance; engine testing; environmental impact of vehicular engines; recent developments in energy-efficient and “clean” engines. Design of calculation project of vehicular engine. Project work on alternative fuel delivering systems and emissions control for combusion engines. Modeling and simulation. Demonstration of alternative fuel injection system on diesel engine in lab.

    MECH 6771 Driverless Ground Vehicles (*) (4 credits)
    Definition and classifications; case studies of major industrial and research vehicle prototypes; applications; kinematic modelling for feedback control of a driverless vehicle as a planar rigid body; vehicle motion and its relation to steering and drive rates of its wheels; co-ordinate systems assignment; transformation matrices; condition for rolling without skidding and sliding; sensor models and sensor integrations; dead-reckoning control; global and local path planning; introduction to dynamic modelling of driverless vehicle with and without the dynamics of wheel assemblies; design of optimal controllers; introduction to adaptive neuro-morphic controller. Projects are an integral part of the course for which the following may be used: TUTSIM, FORTRAM, or C. Project on selected topics.

    MECH 6781 Guided Vehicle Systems (*) (4 credits)
    Definition and classification of guided transportation systems; track characterization: alignment, gage, profile and cross-level irregularities; wheel-rail interactions: rolling contact theories, creep forces; modeling of guided vehicle components; wheelset, suspension, truck and car body configurations, suspension characteristics; performance evaluation: stability/hunting, ride quality; introduction to advanced guided vehicles. Project on selected topics is an integral part of the course.

    MECH 691 Topics in Mechanical Engineering I (4 credits)
    See Note at the beginning of Engineering Courses section.

    MECH 6941 Concurrent Engineering in Aerospace Systems (4 credits)
    Introduction: objectives, definitions, impact on product development; process modeling and optimization; forming of engineering team; selection of techniques, methodology and tools; market design focus vs. quality design focus; development time management; process integration; aerospace case studies/projects, future trends.

    MECH 6961 Aerospace Case Study I
    See Requirements for the Degree in the Engineering (Aerospace) section.

    MECH 6971 Aerospace Case Study II
    See Requirements for the Degree in the Engineering (Aerospace) section.
    Note: MECH 6961 and MECH 6971 are restricted to students registered in aerospace engineering programs at Concordia or participating universities. These courses cover topical case studies drawn from aerospace industrial experience. They are conducted in a modular form by experienced engineers who specialize in one or more facets of this industry. They are given in collaboration with the other participating universities and may be conducted at any of the Montreal universities in the language of convenience to the instructor.

    MECH 7011 Dynamics of Hydraulic Control Systems (4 credits)
    Prerequisites: MECH 6021, 6061.
    Review of hydraulic control system technology and the need for dynamic analyses. Conventional techniques for assuring good response by analysis. Power flow modelling, power bond graphs, and digital simulation techniques. Obtaining dynamic relationships and coefficients. Phenomena which can affect dynamic response. Projects on selected topics.

    MECH 7101 Convection Heat Transfer (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: ENGR 6201.
    Heat transfer in laminar flow, review of the differential and integral forms of the general energy equation for boundary layer regimes; solution of the energy equation for free convection, forced convection and heat transfer in entrance regions. Heat transfer in turbulent flow; review of the energy equation for turbulent flow; momentum-heat transfer analogies; experimental results for forced convection, free convection, and combined free and forced convection. Project or term paper required.

    MECH 7221 Space Flight Mechanics and Propulsion Systems (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: MECH 6111.
    Tsiolkovskij equation; spacecraft attitude determination, prediction and control; nozzle design; heat transfer in rocket motors; flight performance; chemical rocket performance analysis; fundamentals of liquid and solid motor design; electric, solar, fusion thruster. Projects on selected topics.

    MECH 7231 Aerothermodynamics of Viscous Fluid Flows (4 credits)
    Review of basic concepts of continuum mechanics: mass momentum and energy conservation; Navier-Stokes equations and the boundary layer assumption; thin shear layer: wake and jets in general curvilinear coordinates; similarity in incompressible flow; Falkner-Skan equation; integral methods; Thwaite’s method, Karman’s method, Pohlhausen’s Method; Crocco’s result and similarity in compressible flow; Stewart-Illingsworth; internal flow applications; external flow applications; boundary layer stability; Orr-Sommerfeld equation; laminar separation; Stratfor’s criterion; transition and turbulence: experimental observations, modelling; turbulent separation: Stratford’s criterion. Project on specific topic or applications.

    MECH 7411 Mechanisms and Linkage Design (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: ENGR 6301.
    Geometry of motion and mobility criteria; synthesis of planar and space mechanisms, dynamic analysis of mechanisms; industrial applications of mechanisms; mechanical robots and manipulators. Project on current research topics.

    MECH 7501 Design Using Composite Materials (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: MECH 6581.
    General concept involving design using composite materials. Integral approach to design. Selection of materials. Selection of fabrication techniques. Computer-aided design tools. Consideration for fracture, fatigue, buckling and impact. Joining consideration. Design of tubes, beams, columns. Design of aircraft components. Project on selected topics.

    MECH 7511 Vehicle Vibration and Control (4 credits)
    Dynamic modelling of ground vehicles for analysis of ride performance; ride comfort and safety criteria; modelling of human body; characterization of road inputs; modelling and design of vibration isolators: primary suspension, secondary suspension; active, semi-active and passive isolators; kinematic and dynamic analysis of suspension linkages; laboratory methods for performance evaluation of vehicle suspension systems; software packages and case studies. Projects on selected applications.

    MECH 7711 Handling and Stability of Road Vehicles (4 credits)
    Prerequisite: MECH 6751 or equivalent.
    Mathematical methods in vehicle dynamics; tire and suspension modelling and design for handling; static roll; steady turning and off-tracking analysis of straight and articulated road vehicles; directional stability and braking analysis; directional response of articulated vehicles with steerable axles; software packages and case studies. Project on selected topics is an integral part of the course.

    MECH 791 Topics in Mechanical Engineering II (4 credits)
    See Note at the beginning of Engineering Courses section.

    MECH 8011 Doctoral Seminar in Mechanical Engineering
    Grading on a pass/fail basis only. No credit value.

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