Master of Business Administration - Natural Resources - Part-time

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Comments about Master of Business Administration - Natural Resources - Part-time - Halifax - Nova Scotia

  • Objectives
    To educate mid-career professionals who have management responsibilities in the natural resources sectors: extractive industries (oil and gas and mining), forestry, fisheries and agriculture. To complement the prior education and experience of students and support the crucial nature of their professional roles in managing the natural resources sector in sustainable, ethical and fiscally responsible ways. To provide a strong Dalhousie response to the increasing international interest in specialist programs that focus on more industry-specific learning whilst providing students with the benefits of a premium degree that is portable across industries and sectors
  • Academic title
    Master of Business Administration - Natural Resources
  • Course description


    BUSI 5103

    The course in financial and managerial Accounting improves the understanding and critical appreciation of the competent manager. This is a conceptual, user-oriented course, which emphasizes exploration, analysis and evaluation.
    BUSI 6207
     Advanced Corporate Finance

    In this course, students develop the special analytical techniques involved in corporate financial decisions. Equal emphasis is placed on theory and the application of theory to financial problems. Students develop increased skills in conducting financial analyses and evaluating long-term financial structure, dividend policy, management of working capital, lease financing, and international corporate finance. By the end of the course, students are able to integrate these issues with the basic theoretical principles of corporate finance.
    BUSI 6410
     Advanced Marketing

    Students in the Marketing Management course develop the ability to understand an industry from the point of view of a marketing manager. Students also develop the capability to prepare a market analysis and a marketing strategy.
    BUSI 5503
     Quantitative Decision Making

    The Quantitative Decision Making course develops an understanding of the basic principles of statistics by examining standard techniques. Students develop the ability to use computer programs extensively; the emphasis is on analysis and interpretation rather than calculation.
     Supply Chain Management & Information Systems

    The course helps students acquire the skills and conceptual background to manage intra- and inter-organizational processes. This includes an understanding of how an organization designs and manages processes and deals with quality, technology and staffing issues and the support role played by information systems. Interaction between an organization’s processes and strategy will be stressed.
    BUSI 5703
     Business Economics

    The Economics course provides students with a framework for the economic analysis of the external environment within which businesses operate. This framework encompasses the opportunities, constraints, and threats business managers face when making operating and competitive decisions.
     People Management

    This class explores how managers can deal effectively with human problems in their organizations. Topics include motivation, communications perception and group dynamics.
     Risk Management

    The course develops decision and risk frameworks for managing natural resources that reflect uncertainty about future values and events and that consider the risk attitudes of the resource managers. Various risk evaluations tools and standards will be presented and issues such as forests, biodiversity, invasive species, fisheries, and non-renewable resources discussed.
     Project Management

    This course introduces theories and practices of project management addressing diverse projects that vary in terms of technology, complexity, and size. Topics include: project management concepts; project life cycles; appropriate tools and techniques; soft skills. The course uses real world examples from the natural resources industries.
    BUSI 6990
     Strategic Management and Leadership

    This course provides students with the ability to integrate the concepts and techniques developed in earlier courses. Strategy-formulation abilities are enhanced, and strategy implementation is emphasized. Students are able to develop and apply the skills necessary in managing organizational change.



     Values-Based Management
    This course introduces students to the relevance and importance of ethics and social responsibility in business. The ultimate intent of the course is to leave students better equipped to identify, think critically about, and resolve ethical issues that are encountered in one-s working life at the individual, organizational, and societal levels.

     Business, Government and Policy
    This course examines the relationship between business and government and policy issues relevant to natural resources management. Differences between governments and businesses are analyzed and techniques used by each side to influence discussed. Various policy themes that affect land and sea-based natural resource industries and individual businesses are explored.

     The Role of the Private Sector in International Development
    This course examines the theory and the practice behind private-sector-led development as well as the role of entrepreneurship in the developing world. There is a broad debate on what, why, how, for whom and by whom is private sector development for. This debate is particularly relevant in a natural-resource business context.

     Social and Ecological Justice and Alternative Dispute Resolution
    This course examines key issues in social and ecological justice, when and how these come into play in business, and approaches for resolving and integrating them into decision-making processes. Students are exposed to case-study analyses of justice issues in natural resource businesses and to concepts and methods in alternative dispute resolution.

     International Cases I Extractive Industries
    In this course we explore cases of well known extractive industry players that have been faced with challenges relating to global citizenship - including the particular question of indigenous peoples, and we focus on several core issues for all mining and oil and gas companies: labour and health issues, governance, reputation management and the marketplace.

     International cases II Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
    In this course we explore cases of well known and lesser known players that have been faced with challenges and opportunities relating to international trade and global society, and we focus on several core issues for all agriculture, fisheries and forestry companies: strategic change, opportunities for value-add markets, international development, ethics, reputation management and the marketplace.

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