Master of Arts in Theological Studies

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Comments about Master of Arts in Theological Studies - At the institution - Montreal - Québec

  • Objectives
    The program is structured to enable students to apply contemporary methods of research to theological questions so as to arrive at valid personal knowledge. Option A: the program is centred on the preparation of a substantial thesis. It will be most useful to students who already have a rich background in Theological Studies, and who already have developed an area of special interest in Theology, perhaps with a view to eventual doctoral studies. Option B: is intended to provide students with an opportunity to widen their knowledge of theological areas (i.e. Scripture, History, Systematic Theology, Ethics), while at the same time learning the discipline of research in two shorter research projects.
  • Academic title
    Master of Arts in Theological Studies
  • Course description
    Requirements for the Degree:

       1. Credits. A fully-qualified candidate is required to complete a minimum of 45 credits.
       2. Residence. The minimum residence requirement is one year (3 terms) of full-time graduate study, or the equivalent in part-time study.
       3. Students may enter one of the two options, A or B, outlined below.

    Option A: MA with Thesis (45 credits)

    12 credits - Required Courses:

    THEO 603 - Method in Theology (3 credits)
    THEO 604 - Seminar in Ecclesiology (3 credits)
    THEO 685 Reading Course (6 credits)
    9 credits - Elective Courses

    Chosen from amongst graduate course offerings THEO 620 through to 685

    24 credits - Thesis:

    THEO 695 - Thesis Proposal (3 credits)
    THEO 697 - Thesis (21 credits)

    Option B: MA with Applied Project in Theology (45 credits)

    6 credits - Required Courses:

    THEO 603 - Method in Theology (3 credits)
    THEO 604 - Seminar in Ecclesiology (3 credits)
    18 credits - Elective Courses:

    Chosen from amongst graduate course offerings THEO 620 through to 684
    21 credits - Research:

    THEO 691 - Research Paper (12 credits)
    THEO 692 - Applied Project in Theology (9 credits)

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