Master of Arts in Social and Cultural Anthropology

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Comments about Master of Arts in Social and Cultural Anthropology - At the institution - Montreal - Québec

  • Objectives
    The program is designed to provide general training in social and cultural anthropology so that graduates will be qualified to pursue further studies in anthropology at the doctoral level, or in the alternative, have acquired the inter-cultural skills they need to work effectively as consultants or mediators in multi-cultural contexts. The program is specifically designed to sensitize students to their ethical responsibilities as anthropologists, provide them with a taste of fieldwork, help them develop a critical understanding of anthropological theory, and encourage experimentation with the medium, form and style of ethnographic presentation. Students are invited to join with faculty in the reconstruction of the discipline of anthropology, and the promotion of intercultural communication and respect.
  • Practical experience
    There is a field work aspect associated with this course.
  • Academic title
    Master of Arts in Social and Cultural Anthropology
  • Course description
    Each student must satisfactorily complete the following program: ANTH 600, ANTH 601, ANTH 610, ANTH 620, ANTH 630, and ANTH 640 or ANTH 641. Each student must further complete the fieldwork and thesis component of the degree program, which is composed of ANTH 690, ANTH 691 and ANTH 692.

    All courses listed below are worth 3 credits unless otherwise noted.

    ANTH 600 Gender, Ethnicity and Class in Anthropological Theory
    This course explores contemporary anthropological theory on gender, ethnicity and class.

    ANTH 601 Inter-Cultural Theories in Anthropology
    This course explores the roots of anthropological theory in Western culture and the decolonization of anthropology since the 1960s.

    ANTH 610 Ethnography, Ethics and Inter-Cultural Skills
    This course explores the methods used to gather ethnographic material, the ethical dynamics of the fieldwork encounter, and the duties of the anthropologist as cultural mediator.

    ANTH 620 Writing Methods in Inter-Cultural Communication
    This course examines a range of methods and styles for presenting ethnographic material, from ethnographic realism to fiction, and encourages further experimentation.

    ANTH 630 New Developments in Inter-Cultural Research
    This seminar course explores some of the ways in which recent advances in anthropological understanding can illuminate social problems and direct social policy.

    ANTH 640 Special Topics I
    This course/tutorial, selected in consultation with the student’s thesis supervisor, may be taken from a cognate discipline, or used to enhance the student’s communication skills.

    ANTH 641 Special Topics II
    This course, selected in consultation with the student’s thesis supervisor, will be offered as the occasion arises, for example, when a faculty member returns from the field, or when a visiting professor is in residence.

    ANTH 690 Thesis Tutorial
    The thesis tutorial is dedicated to crafting a research proposal.

    ANTH 691 Fieldwork: Stage (6 credits)
    The fieldwork requirement, which may last from 3-4 months, involves undertaking research in a community which differs in important respects from the student’s community of reference, and collecting ethnographic data. This research will form the basis of the student’s thesis.

    ANTH 692 Thesis (18 credits)
    The thesis is required to demonstrate that the student has been able to carry out independent field research. It should be a work of near publishable quality, by conventional academic standards, and at the same time, an effective piece of inter-cultural communication. The thesis is evaluated by the student’s Thesis Committee and one other faculty member. The student is also required to defend the thesis orally before the above-mentioned examiners.

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