Comments about Master of Arts in Economics - At the institution - Halifax - Nova Scotia
Students must successfully complete the required and optional classes of their program. Normally a course of study includes:
• ECON 5500.03: Macroeconomic Theory
• ECON 5509.03: Microeconomic Theory
• ECON 5575.03/5576.03: Econometrics I/Econometrics II
• 4 half credit electives in applied fields of economics
• An essay which may be built on a term paper originally written in one of the graduate field courses in economics but must demonstrate substantial differences and improvements over the original paper. Papers will be evaluated by two faculty readers drawn from the Department.
Normally ECON 5500, 5509 and 5575 are taken in the fall term, ECON 5576 and the 4 electives are taken in the winter term, and the essay is written in the summer.
Students also have the option of replacing 2 half credit electives and the essay requirement with a thesis that is submitted to and approved by the Department. The thesis must consist of innovative original work of publishable quality.
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