Master of Arts in Art Education

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Comments about Master of Arts in Art Education - At the institution - Montreal - Québec

  • Objectives
    The Master of/Magisteriate in Arts (Art Education) is designed to help students develop a critical understanding of the field of art education, and introduces them to past and current trends, as well as to theories and practices that influence the teaching of visual arts. Students engage in the program of study best suited to their particular academic and professional goals by choosing either the Thesis Option or the Course Option. Graduates go on to a wide range of professional positions in schools, museums and cultural services.
  • Academic title
    Master of Arts in Art Education
  • Course description
    Option A
    The MA (Art Education) Thesis Option is suitable for students seeking to develop in-depth research expertise, and whose goals include doctoral studies and/or research-oriented professional positions.
    12 credits in core Art Education courses: ARTE 670, 672, 680 and 682.
    6 credits in Art Education Special Topics courses: ARTE 660 A-Z.
    15 credits in elective courses.* May include up to 12 credits in Topics in Studio Inquiry courses: ARTE 606, 607, 608, 609.
    12 credits Thesis: ARTE 698. Students may choose from three types of thesis: Scholarly Thesis, Studio Inquiry and Essay, or Teaching Project and
    Report. All of these require approval of the project by the Thesis Supervisor and Thesis Advisory Committee, and an oral defense.

    Option B
    The MA (Art Education) Courses Option
    is suitable for students who seek advanced levels of professional development rather than in-depth training as researchers.
    12 credits in core Art Education courses: ARTE 670, 672, 680 and 682.
    12 credits in Art Education Special Topics courses: ARTE 660 A-Z
    6 credits in Art Education Topics in Studio Inquiry courses: ARTE 606, 607, 608, 609.
    15 credits in elective courses.* May include up to 12 additional credits in Topics in Studio Inquiry courses: ARTE 606, 607, 608, 609.
    * Elective Courses must be selected in consultation with the Program Advisor and approved by the Graduate Program Director. Some restrictions apply; for more details consult the department.

    ARTE 606 Topics in Studio Inquiry (3 credits)

    In this course students identify the content and the processes essential to their on-going studio performance. Students are expected to develop parallel inquiry into exhibitions, installations, performances, documentations, notation systems and related readings. Evaluation is based on workshop and seminar participation, studio performance and class presentations. Computer access and shared studio space are available. This course may be repeated as ARTE 607, 608, and 609.

    ARTE 660 Selected Topics in Art Education (3 credits)
    A seminar course offering students the opportunity to study various aspects of art education. Specific topics vary from year to year to take advantage of the special expertise of the faculty.

    ARTE 670 Critical Perspectives on Art Education History: History, Theory and Practice (3 credits)
    A seminar course in which students develop critical reading and writing skills while adding to their understanding of developments past and present that have shaped the field of art education.

    ARTE 672 Advanced Critical Analysis (3 credits)

    Prerequisite: ARTE 670.
    A seminar course in which students develop advanced skills in critical analysis, academic writing and library research. Assignments include compiling and writing a review of literature on a topic of research or professional interest.

    ARTE 680 Foundations for Inquiry (3 credits)
    A seminar course in which students are introduced to the basic concepts, terminology, and contexts of inquiry in art education. Students learn about the practice of systematic inquiry, including: identifying and articulating a topic or question; situating the inquiry within a theoretical framework; relating the inquiry to art education practices; and selecting appropriate inquiry procedures. Each student develops a proposal for a small-scale project related to his/her particular art education interests.

    ARTE 682 Research Practice (3 credits)

    Prerequisite: ARTE 680.
    A seminar course in which students conduct a small-scale research project based on their own research proposal. Students are introduced to appropriate forms and practices for conducting the project and presenting the results.

    ARTE 698 Thesis
    The thesis topic is chosen in consultation with the thesis supervisor, and is approved by the thesis advisory committee. Students produce a thesis proposal; conduct the proposed inquiry; produce the thesis; and present it orally to their thesis advisory committee. Guidelines for the thesis are described in Thesis Preparation and Thesis Examination Regulations available from the School of Graduate Studies and Art Education's Master of Arts Thesis Procedures available from the department's programs office.

    Scholarly Thesis (12 credits)

    Students develop a scholarly thesis in consultation with the faculty supervisor. The thesis is a minimum of 15,000 words and must address implications for art education. The thesis is presented to the advisory committee for evaluation which includes an oral examination.

    Studio Inquiry and Essay (12 credits)

    Students develop a cohesive body of artwork for presentation, with the guidance
    of the faculty supervisor. In the essay (6,000-10,000 words) students address the
    connections between art-making and art-teaching practices. The artwork and essay are presented to the advisory committee. Evaluation includes an oral
    examination on both components.

    Teaching Project and Report (12 credits)

    Students organize and conduct a professional project directly related to art education, with the guidance of the faculty supervisor. The project may be carried out on site in an educational setting or institution. In the report (6,000- 10,000 words) students document, analyze and evaluate the project. Evaluation includes an oral examination on the outcome of the project.

    ARTE 664 Independent Study (3 credits)

    ARTE 665 Independent Study (3 credits)

Other programs related to education (other subjects)

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