Master of Accountancy - Information Systems Stream

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Comments about Master of Accountancy - Information Systems Stream - At the institution - Calgary - Alberta

  • Objectives
    The information systems specialty stream provides students with advanced expertise in information systems and technology. Students will also develop a strong understanding of the strategic role of information systems and will be able to review and assist in their design. Students will complete research and design projects in each of their specialty courses. It is expected that the required independent study project will reflect research and/or consulting activities in the information systems field.
  • Practical experience
    In the summer between the MAcc terms, students are able to pursue a four-month co-op work placement. Although placements are not guaranteed, our Business Career Development Office will work in cooperation with our Co-op Office to help co-op students secure placements. There is an additional administrative fee.
  • Academic title
    Master of Accountancy - Information Systems Stream
  • Course description
    The taxation stream recognizes that taxation is one of the primary areas that generally requires university education beyond the undergraduate level. One method of achieving advanced education in taxation issues is to obtain a Masters degree or an advanced diploma strictly in taxation. However, we believe that it is more appropriate to offer students advanced tax education within the context of a masters degree in accounting. This provides students with the opportunity to view tax in the context of general business planning, and to view tax planning and problem-solving as only one aspect of the business decision-making process.

    In addition to the required courses, students in the tax specialty stream will take MACC 5P41, Advanced Topics in the Taxation of Corporations and their Shareholders, MACC 5P42, Tax Research in Practice, MACC 5P43, Tax Policy, MACC 5P45, International Taxation: The Canada/U.S. Model, and one half-course elective.

    Term 1 -
    Core Courses:        
    Course Number    Course Name
    MACC 5P51             Information Technology and Systems
    MACC 5P91             Advanced Topics in Corporate Finance
    MACC 5P32 **        Global Tax Management and Planning

    Term 2 -
    Core Courses:    
    Course Number    Course Name
    MACC 5Y11/12        Integration and Analysis I and II
    MACC 5P21             Strategic Cost Management
    MACC 5P61             Corporate Governance

    MACC 5Y11: Integration and Analysis I

    Integration of knowledge from various functional areas of accounting and the business disciplines in a professional context. Development of analytical, diagnostic, decision-making, and presentation skills. Application of knowledge and formation of professional judgement in the context of real world situations presented in complex cases.

    MACC 5Y12: Integration and Analysis II

    Continuation of integration of knowledge.

    MACC 5P21: Strategic Cost Management

    Identification and exploration of current and emerging issues in management accounting. Investigation and analysis of complex issues within an applied organizational setting.

    MACC 5P32: Global Tax Management and Planning

    Focuses on the fundamentals of international tax principles and rules. Provides a structural framework within which international tax issues can be examined by both governments and multinational corporations. The role of treaties in international tax planning will be discussed using the Canada-US Income Tax Convention as an example. Particular emphasis will be placed on the key provisions of the OECD Model Treaty. Other topics included will be source-based taxation, related party transactions, harmful tax competition, tax avoidance measures and the role of tax havens.

    MACC 5P41: Advanced Topics in the Taxation of Corporations and Their Shareholders

    Technical and planning issues related to structures for conducting business and investment activities. Focus on various ownership categories, types of business operations and funding issues. investigation of partnerships and trusts as part of a business or investment portfolio structure. Application of provisions of tax law and communication of results of research and analysis.

    MACC 5P42: Tax Research in Practice

    Effective, efficient, tax research techniques. Development of analytical and critical thinking skills in the context of tax planning. Emphasis on development of research skills including discerning facts, locating authorities, assessing and applying authorities and communicating results.

    MACC 5P43: Tax Policy

    Socio-economic, legal and political analysis of the legislation, jurisprudence, and literature of taxation. Evaluation and application of alternative tax systems and methods.

    MACC 5P44: Fundamentals of U.S. Tax

    Fundamentals of the U.S. tax system relative to corporations and individuals. Focus on the structure of U.S. statutes. Particular emphasis on comparative U.S. and Canadian tax policy and implementation. Introduction to reference tools available for tax research in the United States.

    MACC 5Y45: Advanced Special Topics in Taxation

    Emerging issues and topics in taxation. Content varies depending on the instructor and the topics at issue at the time of offering.

    MACC 5P45: International Taxation: The Canada/U.S. Model

    Tax implications of doing business in multiple jurisdictions. Investigation of the United States tax system and Canadian tax provisions regarding multinational investment, in-bound and out-bound.

    MACC 5P51: Information Technology and Systems

    Knowledge-based and decision support systems used in decision making for support of the enterprise at the strategic and operation management levels. Conceptual foundations and techniques for decision making, data management, modeling, and model management. Fundamentals of expert systems and the acquisition of knowledge for such systems.

    MACC 5P52: E-Commerce

    Basic grounding in concepts related to electronic commerce-based solutions (primarily business-to-consumer and business-to-business). Communications infrastructure supporting e-commerce, security and integrity issues. Architecture of e-commerce applications, strategic deployment of e-commerce for global competitive advantage. Design of a working e-commerce system required.

    MACC 5P53: Database Design and Management

    Large-scale database projects. Includes requirements analysis, selection, functional specifications, design, testing, performance evaluation and maintenance of a database system. Design of a database system required.

    MACC 5P54: Knowledge Engineering

    Conceptual foundations for building knowledge-based systems. Application of artificial intelligence, rule-based systems, other common knowledge representation techniques, knowledge acquisition methods, application of KBS in accounting systems and management. Design of a KBS required.

    MACC 5P61: Corporate Governance

    Using examples drawn from current business practices, investigates financial reporting matters, the role and function of auditing and the board of directors, ethics, management policy and leadership. Focuses on developing critical thinking and research skills.

    MACC 5F91: Independent Study

    Research and/or consulting project carried out in collaboration with a faculty adviser and relevant resource personnel. Development of knowledge in a specialized discipline and development of ability to apply the knowledge to particular issues and/or situations.

    MACC 5P92: Independent Study for Information Systems

    Research and/or consulting project carried out in collaboration with a faculty adviser and relevant resource personnel. Development of knowledge in a specialized discipline and development of ability to apply the knowledge to particular issues and/or situations.

    MACC 5P91: Advanced Topics in Corporate Finance

    Investigation of current topics in the world of corporate finance, both domestically and internationally. Exploration of complex issues involved with financial instruments, derivative securities, futures and international markets. Application of knowledge in a real-world environment.

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