Law, Society and Justice Profile

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Comments about Law, Society and Justice Profile - At the institution - Montreal - Québec

  • Objectives
    The profile offers a coordinated group of courses that examines the relationship between law and society.
  • Entry requirements
    The Law, Society and Justice profile will be of interest to students who have academic and career goals relating to the legal and forensic professions, as well as to journalism, civil service, and public interest advocacy organizations.
  • Academic title
    Law, Society and Justice Profile
  • Course description
    Term 1
    Course Number     Course Name     C - L - H     Hrs
    330-101-DW    Western Civilization    3 - 0 - 3    45

    Description:    This course traces the growth of Western civilization from its roots in the Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman traditions to the 20th century. Among the major themes covered are the emergence and influence of key intellectual currents, social and political revolution, the development of industrial society, the birth of the nation state, imperialism, totalitarianism, and the two world wars. Students are introduced to basic concepts such as historical cause and social change, race, class and gender, as well as to the major political ideologies.
    350-101-DW    General Psychology    2 - 1 - 3    45

    Description:    This is the first course in the discipline for most students and a requirement for all students in the Social Science program. It is also necessary for admission to most university psychology programs. The course is designed to acquaint students with the principles and methods of psychology and to expose them to the various areas encompassed by the field.
    387-101-DW    Individual and Society    3 - 0 - 3    45

    Description:    This course introduces students to the basic ideas and perspectives of sociological investigation and interpretation. It focuses on the ways individuals are shaped by and respond to culture and social organization. Students are introduced to the major areas of sociological research, including representative studies and their findings about Canada, Quebec and other societies, in order to provide a systematic understanding of the contemporary social world.
    General Education

    • 109-103-02    Health and Physical Education    1 - 1 - 1    30
    • 345-103-04    Knowledge    3 - 1 - 3    60
    • 602-10_-03    French: Bloc A    2 - 1 - 3    45
    • 603-101-04    Introduction to College English    2 - 2 - 4    60

    Term 2
    Course Number     Course Name     C - L - H     Hrs
    300-300-DW    Research Methods    2 - 2 - 2    60

    383-101-DW    Introduction to Economics    3 - 0 - 3    45

    Description:    This course is a pre-requisite to all other Economics courses. The course introduces students to economic systems, the great economic thinkers, the different schools of thought, and the basic concepts and theories of economics. Students will become familiar with introductory tools, methods, and models of economic analysis, as well as recognize their limitations. Applying different perspectives and relying on current and historical data, the course exposes students to Canada’s and Quebec’s major macroeconomic problems such as unemployment, recessions, inflation, and the public debt. Students will learn how governments can use fiscal, monetary, and trade policies to reduce domestic economic problems. The course prepares students to critically assess government economic policies and economic information in the news media.
    385-101-DW    Introduction to Politics    3 - 0 - 3    45

    Description:    This course introduces students to the political dimension of human behaviour. It examines how people organize themselves for the purpose of making collective decisions for the protection and defense of their communities, how they mobilize resources to achieve common goals, how they pursue common values, and how they resolve the conflicts that inevitably arise from these political actions; in short, how people govern themselves.
    387-219-DW    Sociology of Law    3 - 0 - 3    45

    Description:    This course examines the law as a social phenomenon. Particular areas of focus are on the evolution of modern legal systems, the emergence of the modern legal profession, current controversies with respect to such matters as civil rights or the regulation of sexuality, and the implications of post-industrialization and globalization on legal systems and issues such as human rights and citizenship.
    General Education

    • 109-104-02    Physical Activity    0 - 2 - 1    30
    • 345-102-03    World Views    3 - 0 - 3    45
    • 603-102-04    Literary Genres    2 - 2 - 3    60
    • COMP 1    Complementary         

    Term 3
    Course Number     Course Name     C - L - H     Hrs

    ___-___-__    Option 100 Level Course          

        * Anthropology
        * Biology
        * Business Administration
        * Classics
        * Geography
        * Mathematics
        * Philosophy
        * Religion

    330-201-DW    Canadian History    3 - 0 - 3    45

    Description:    These courses teach students to design and produce a historical essay. In their course the students elaborate a work plan and research strategy on their chosen topics, select historical sources relevant to their topic and produce a formal research essay. Course themes are determined by the instructor and have included such topics as Canada’s First Nations, the Cold War, genocides, imperialism, right-wing politics in the United States, civil wars and revolutions, etc.
    350-214-DW    Psychology and the Law    2 - 1 - 3    45

    Description:    The emphasis in this course is on the analysis of legal issues and procedures in the context of psychological concepts and theory. Topics include criminal responsibility, competence, eyewitness testimony, child abuse, profiling, domestic violence, prediction of dangerous behaviour, and media violence. The course includes presentations by attorneys and a judge.
    360-300-DW    Quantitative Methods    2 - 2 - 2    60

    Prerequisite:    300-300-DW - Research Methods

    General Education
    • 602-B__-03    French: Bloc B    2 - 1 - 3    45
    • 603-103-04    Literary Themes    2 - 2 - 3    60
    • COMP 2    Complementary         

    Term 4
    Course Number     Course Name     C - L - H     Hrs

    ___-___-__    Option 300 Level Course          

    Choose one from disciplines previously taken.
    ___-___-__    Option 400 Level Course          

    Choose one from a discipline in which you have previously taken a 200-Level or 300-Level Course. *
    300-308-DW    Integrative Seminar    2 - 2 - 4    60
    Prerequisites:    300-300-DW - Research Methods
    360-300-DW - Quantitative Methods

    385-306-DW    Canadian Democracy    3 - 0 - 3    45

    General Education

    • 109-105-02    Active Living    1 - 1 - 1    30
    • 345-BXH-03    Applied Themes in Humanities    3 - 0 - 3    45
    • 603-BXE-04    Applied Themes in English    2 - 2 - 2    60

Other programs related to law - various

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