Interior Plant Care Certificate - Part-time

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Comments about Interior Plant Care Certificate - Part-time - Kitchener - Ontario

  • Objectives
    This program is designed to teach the art and skills of interior plant usage and care. It provides the knowledge, skills and professionalism required for a successful career in the interior plant care industry. Students in this program will receive the necessary training to qualify for the appropriate pesticide applicators licenses.
  • Academic title
    Interior Plant Care Certificate
  • Course description
    HORT1010      Botany
    Description: This course will introduce the students to the basic principles of botany, morphology and anatomy. Students will also learn the basis of plant nomenclature, systematic, and classification.
    Hours: 30
    Credits: 2

    HORT1020     Plant Science

    Description: This course will introduce the student to the basic principles of plant physiology with an emplasis on plant nutrition, growth and development. The control of plant growth and development through environmental, cultural and hormonal modification will be examined in the context of horticultural production and modern plant use in the landscape.
    Hours: 30
    Credits: 2

    HORT1130     Plant Propagation

    Description: This course will introduce the student to the fundamental techniques that are used for the commercial propagation of horticultural plant material. This course will cover topics such as: seed collection, seed dormancy, seed stratification, seed storage and viability testing and germination, cuttings, division, layering, grafting and tissue culture. Students will also learn strategies and techniques for producing and maintaining healthy seedlings and plantlets for small and large scale productions.
    Hours: 36
    Credits: 3
    Pre-Requisites: HORT1010, HORT1020

    HORT1190     Indoor Plant Identification and Care
    Description: This course will teach the students to identify indoor plants that are typically used in Canadian indoor landscapes. Students will also gain an appreciation for the correct use and care of these individual plant species. Topics such as plant handling, plant health trouble-shooting, irrigation techniques and nutrient management will be thoroughly examined.
    Hours: 30
    Credits: 2
    Pre-Requisites: HORT1010, HORT1020

    HORT1250     Pest and Disease Control Strategies for Indoor Landscapes
    Description: This course will teach the students practical ways to identify common pest and diseases that affect indoor landscape plants. Pest and disease control concepts including pest diagnosis and biology, problem-solving, and integrated pest management (IPM) will be thoroughly examined. The impact that pest and disease control products have on the environment will also be examined. At the end of this course the student will have the necessary knowledge to write the MOE's "Greenhouse/Interior Plant" exterminators license exam.
    Hours: 24
    Credits: 2
    Pre-Requisites: HORT1010, HORT1020

    HORT1300     Interior Landscape Design
    Description: This course will teach the students how to use basic landscape design principles for use in interior landscape applications. Problem-solving and site appropriate indoor plant selection will be taught. Incorporation of living wall technology into the design will also be discussed.
    Hours: 30
    Credits: 2
    Pre-Requisites: HORT1190, IDEC1070

    HORT1310     Cost Estimation for Plant Care Businesses

    Description: In this course, students will be taught the principles for correctly estimating the cost associated with interior landscape maintenance, grounds maintenance, and other horticultural business endeavours. Incorporation of overhead, material costs and profit margins into a quote will also be discussed.
    Hours: 24
    Credits: 2
    Pre-Requisites: HORT1040, HORT1300

    HORT1320     Interior Plant Care-Field Placement I

    Description: Students will have the opportunity to apply the skills learned in the theoretical and workshop portions of the curriculum. The placement will occur in a business that will allow the student to explore more closely specific areas of specialization within the topic areas covered by the certificate.
    Hours: 80
    Credits: 3

    HORT1330     Interior Plant Care-Field Placement II

    Description: Students will have the opportunity to further apply the skills learned in the theoretical and workshop portions of the curriculum. The placement will occur in a business that will allow the student to explore more closely specific areas of specialization within the topic areas covered by the certificate.
    Hours: 80
    Credits: 3
    Pre-Requisites: HORT1320

    IDEC1070     Introduction to Interior Decorating

    Description: Covering the basic principles of design, this course will show the importance of room décor. Career options will be reviewed as well as what makes a professional portfolio. Decorating basics will be discussed and illustrated in a colour-board presentation at the end of the course. This course must be completed prior to all other program courses.
    Hours: 30
    Credits: 2

    OMDP1040     Customer Service Excellence
    Description: To have an edge in today's marketplace you must excel in customer service. Providing a quality product or service is merely the entrance fee to play in the game. Learn the benefits of delivering quality customer service, the use of awards and assessment in a service culture, and the formulation of a quality service plan.
    Hours: 30
    Credits: 2

    OMDP1050     Dealing With Difficult People
    Description: Understanding people and being able to work with them, no matter what type of people they are, is one of the major keys to management and life success. Through this course you should be able to identify and cope with some of the most difficult behaviours you would encounter. Other topics include: personality styles, establishing rapport, body language, matching and mirroring techniques, and the skills necessary to feel totally connected with anyone you choose.
    Hours: 30
    Credits: 2

          Electives: Program Option     
    Description: Student must pass 3 Course(s)

    Elective Courses:

    FLOR1010     Floral Design I

    Description: This introductory course will include post-harvest care of cut flowers, cover basic elements and principles of floral design, colour principles and basic design styles using fresh flowers. Introduction to wedding work will be covered (bows, corsages and boutonnieres) as well as introduction to dry flowers. Students will take all projects home.
    Hours: 36
    Credits: 3

    HORT1140     Soil and Root Zone Management
    Description: This course will teach the students the fundamental of soil chemistry, as it relates to plant nutrient management, and the mechanical properties of the soil. Students will learn to identify the soil type and structure, and the techniques required to modify and amend the soil according to plant needs. Basics of plant nutrition and fertilization techniques will also be taught. Students will learn the techniques of soil and plant testing to evaluate the soil quality and nutrient deficiencies. The usage of MSDS sheets and any ?Rules & Regulations? that relate to the utilization and storage of fertilizer will be discussed.
    Hours: 36
    Credits: 3
    Pre-Requisites: HORT1010, HORT1020

    HORT1200     Pest Control Options for the Home Gardener

    Hours: 24
    Credits: 2
    Pre-Requisites: HORT1010, HORT1020

    OMDP1080     How To Start A Small Business
    Description: This course will guide the businessperson through the process of setting up a business. Content areas include feasibility study, forms of ownership, financing, operations, marketing plans and personal skills. In short, this course will help transform your business idea into a functional business.
    Hours: 30
    Credits: 2

    OMDP1100     Marketing Strategies

    Description: In today's competitive marketplace, how do you make your service or product stand out from the others? Developing a marketing plan, being aware of lifestyle trends and understanding pricing techniques are just a few of the answers that will be explored. This course is intended for anyone interested in marketing and will have a special emphasis for those involved in small to medium-sized businesses.
    Hours: 30
    Credits: 2

Other programs related to botany (plant sciences)

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