Home Support/Resident Care Attendant Certificate

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Comments about Home Support/Resident Care Attendant Certificate - At the institution - North Vancouver - British Columbia

  • Objectives
    Students learn the basics in physical care with a focus on the spiritual and emotional well-being of the resident. Graduates of this full-time program are qualified to work with clients/residents in various continuing care settings, such as extended care facilities, intermediate care facilities and home support agencies.
  • Practical experience
    Clinical experiences take place in a variety of continuing care facilities and home support agencies.
  • Academic title
    Home Support/Resident Care Attendant Certificate
  • Course description
    First Term    Course Credits
    Required:    18.25
    • HSRC 100    Health: Lifestyle and Choices    1.50
    • HSRC 101    Health and Healing: Concepts for Practice    3.75
    • HSRC 102    Human Relations: Interpersonal Communications    1.50
    • HSRC 110    Work Role: Introduction to Continuing Care    1.50
    • HSRC 111    Clinical Skills    7.00
    • HSRC 112    Special Needs in Resident Care    3.00
    Credits    18.25

    Second Term    Course Credits
    Required:    4.75
    • HSRC 113    Home Support/Resident Care Practicum    4.75
    Credits    4.75
    Total Program Credits    23.00

    HSRC 100    Health: Lifestyle and Choices
    1.50 credits    (10,0,0) hrs    03 wks
    This course provides an introduction to the concept of health and the concepts of a health enhancing lifestyle. Students will reflect on their own experience of health challenges and resources that may affect their lifestyle choices and consequently their health.

    HSRC 101    Health and Healing: Concepts for Practice
    3.75 credits    (5.33,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    This course provides students with the opportunity to develop a theoretical framework for practice. Students will examine significant philosophical beliefs and theoretical understandings underlying competent practice as a home support/resident care attendant. The course will focus on the concepts and principles related to health and healing across the lifespan, as well as aspects of caregiving that promote individual health and healing.

    HSRC 102    Human Relations: Interpersonal Communications
    1.50 credits    (10,0,0) hrs    03 wks
    This course focuses on the development of self awareness and increased understanding of others. Students will explore basic communication concepts and practical skills which contribute to effective interpersonal relationships.

    HSRC 110    Work Role: Introduction to Continuing Care
    1.50 credits    (10,0,10.66) hrs    03 wks
    This course provides students with an introduction to the role of the home support attendant and the resident care attendant in continuing care areas. The course builds on the content of other courses and further develops the knowledge, attitudes and values required for competent practice as a home support/resident care attendant.

    HSRC 111    Clinical Skills
    7.00 credits    (0,5,8) hrs    20 wks
    This practical course focuses on the acquisition and application of caregiving skills aimed at maintaining and promoting comfort, safety and independence for individuals in the home or in a continuing care facility. Students spend one day per week in the College health lab learning the practical skills needed to work with clients/residents. Field trips are included in this course to increase student's awareness of community facilities. Students spend 22 days on a complex care unit. Assignments are integrated with the lab instruction and course work. All clinical placements are arranged by the College.

    HSRC 112    Special Needs in Resident Care
    3.00 credits    (8,0,0) hrs    08 wks
    This course builds upon content in the other HSRC courses, to help students explore concepts and approaches which apply to the care of residents experiencing changes in mental functioning.

    HSRC 113    Home Support/Resident Care Practicum
    4.75 credits    (0,0,35) hrs    05 wks
    This five-week course provides students with an opportunity to work with a health care team in selected continuing care and special care facilities, as well as home support agencies. Select supervised experiences will emphasize the application and integration of knowledge and skills learned in other courses. The clinical experience provides an opportunity for the student to become better prepared to take on the role of a home support/resident care attendant. Opportunities will be provided for the learner to gain increased self confidence in the work setting and to become socialized as a member of the health care team.

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