Graduate Certificate in Service Engineering & Network Management

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Comments about Graduate Certificate in Service Engineering & Network Management - At the institution - Montreal - Québec

  • Objectives
    The Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering (CIISE) offers a Graduate Certificate in Service Engineering and Network Management for qualified university graduates who wish to obtain a complete set of knowledge and expertise that is necessary to work in the area of telecommunication and enables students to acquire knowledge in the area of network management.
  • Academic title
    Graduate Certificate in Service Engineering & Network Management
  • Course description
    Requirements for Completion

       1. Credits. A minimum of 20 credits.
       2. Courses. Candidates in the graduate certificate program must take 16 credits of core courses while the balance of 4 credits may be chosen from the elective list or other courses offered by the CIISE or other ENCS departments.
       3. Good Standing. Students who have completed at least two courses will be assessed in June of each year. To be permitted to continue, students must have obtained a weighted cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 3.
       4. Graduation. To be eligible to graduate, students must have obtained a CGPA of at least 3.
       5. Courses:

        Core Courses

            * INSE 6120 Crypto-Protocol and Network Security
            * ELEC 6861 Higher Layer Telecommunications Protocols
            * INSE 7110 Value Added Service Engineering in Next Generation Networks
            * INSE 7120 Advance Network Management

        Electives (Course Description)

            * INSE 6100 Advanced Java Platforms
            * COMP 6471 Software Design Methodologies
            * COEN 7311 Protocol Design and Validation
            * COMP 7231 Distributed Computer Systems

        Pre-requisites: Special Permission must be obtained from CIISE.

    Core Courses

        * ELEC 6861 Higher Layer Telecommunications Protocols (4 credits)

          Prerequisite: ELEC 6851
          Broadband communications: concept, issues, signaling techniques, examples. Multimedia communications: traffic characteristics, classes, issues (e.g. QOS) and architectures. Internetworking: issues, architectures (e.g. router, bridge, gateway), protocols and standards: ISO, IP and IPv6. Network Management: issues, architecture, management information base (MIBs), SNMP, TMN and CMIP. Advanced topics, such as policy approach for network management. A project.

        * INSE 7110 Value Added Service Engineering in Next Generation Networks (4 credits)

          Prerequisite: ELEC 6861 or equivalent
          Telecommunications service engineering, or more simply service engineering, is the discipline that addresses the technologies and engineering process for the specification, implementation, testing, deployment, usage of value added services in telecommunication networks, value added services, or more simply services, can be defined as anything that goes beyond two party voice calls. They are either call related (e.g. call diversion, multiparty gaming, conducted conferences) or non-call related (e.g. customized stock quotes, web surfing from a cellular phone). Some services may combine call related and non-call related features (e.g. call centres). This course will cover the basics of service engineering (such as basic concepts, value added services, service life cycle, service engineering, intelligent networks, WAP/Imode/TINE-C). The basics of next generation networks (such as session initiation protocol (SIP), H.323, Megaco, H.248, 3GPP/3GPP2 architecture, softswitch). Signaling protocol � specific approaches (such as H.232 supplementary services, SIP CGI, SIP servlet API). Signaling protocol neutral approaches (such as CPL, JAIN JCC/JCAT, PARLAY; web services). Approaches at the research stage (such as context awareness; mobile code-based approaches). A project.

        * INSE 7120 Advanced Network Management (4 credits)
          Prerequisite: ELEC 6861 or equivalent
          Network management � basics (history and basic definitions, management frameworks, functional areas). The simple network management protocol framework (history, protocol architecture, functional architecture, information architecture, RMON, management by delegation, distributed management and JASMIN NIB, case studies). OSI systems management, TNM and other frameworks (OSI communication, information and functional models, TMN functional, physical and information architecture, case study, CORBA based management, web based management, DTMF, JMX). Interoperability issue and in-depth study of a specific functional area overview of known techniques (e.g. dual MIBs), alarm filtering techniques (e.g. artificial intelligence), alarm correlation techniques (e.g. artificial intelligence, coding theory). Approaches still a research level (mobile agent based network management, active network based network management, policy based artwork management, use of SML/web services). A project.

    Elective Courses

        * INSE 6100 Advanced Java Platforms (4 credits)

          Prerequisite: Permission of the CIISE is required
          This course emphasizes the architecture and the inner workings of the Java virtual machine; 3 distributions of the Java platform: the micro-edition, the standard edition and the enterprise edition; the JCP process and the Java standards proposed as API extensions; semantic foundations of Java: static semantics and dynamic semantics. Introduction of technologies that are used to accelerate (performance analysis, hardware accelerators, ahead-of-time, just-in-time, selective dynamic compilation and component-based acceleration) and secure (virtual machines, such as vulnerability analysis, Java security models, byte-code verification, access controllers, security managers, policy files and certified compilation) Java. Semantic correctness of acceleration and security techniques will also be addressed. A project.

        * COMP 6471 Software Design Methodologies (4 credits)

          Prerequisite: COMP 5541
          This course covers the state-of-the-art in architectural design of software systems. The course considers commonly used software system architectures, techniques for designing and implementing these architectures, models and notations for characterizing and reasoning about architectures and design plans. Design methods, object-oriented application frameworks, design patterns, design quality assurance, coupling and cohesion measurements, design verification and documentation. Assignments include a design project.

        * COEN 7311 Protocol Design and Validation (4 credits)
          Prerequisites: COEN 6311, ELEC 6851, or 6461
          OSI model, introduction to seven layers, protocols, services. Protocol modelling techniques: FSM models, Petri net models, Hybrid models. Temporal logic. Protocol specification languages of ISO: Estelle model and language. Lotos model and language. Protocol implementation and techniques from formal specification to implementation. Protocol verification techniques: communicating FSM, reachability analysis, verification using checking, protocol design validation. Protocol performance: performance parameters, performance measurement by simulation, extensions to Estelle. Protocol testing: test architectures, test sequences, test sequence languages, test design methodology. A project.

        * COMP 7231 Distributed Computer Systems (4 credits)

          Prerequisite: COMP 6281
          Models of distributed systems: topology, synchrony, failure, and buffering. Fundamental concepts: states and events, global consistency, potential-causal ordering, logical clocks, vector clocks, the FLP impossibility theorem. Naming and security. Distributed consensus: atomic commitment, clock synchronization, replication management, weight-free algorithms. Network algorithms: termination detection, deadlock detection, global snapshots and stable/unstable predicate detection. High-level specification of distributed applications. Projects will be offered in selected topics in distributed systems.

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