Graduate Certificate in Management Accounting

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Comments about Graduate Certificate in Management Accounting - At the institution - Montreal - Québec

  • Academic title
    Graduate Certificate in Management Accounting
  • Course description
    The Graduate Certificate in Management Accounting Program consists of eight courses (23 credits). The program can be completed on a part-time basis over a period of 16 months, starting in the fall term and ending in December of the following year.

    Classes are held on Saturdays for a period of seven weeks per session. A three-hour mid-term exam is written during those seven weeks and the final exam is scheduled for the last day of each session. Classes begin at 9 am and end at 4 pm. There is a one-hour break for lunch and shorter coffee breaks.

    • ACCO 661 - Financial Accouting 1
    • ACCO 662 - Management Accounting 1    

    • ACCO 671 - Financial Accounting 2
    • ACCO 672 - Managerial Accounting 2

    • FINA 620 - Applied FinancialManagement
    • ACCO 673 - Specialized Topics in Taxation

    • ACCO 681 - Financial Accounting 3
    • ACCO 682 - Comprehensive Case Analysis

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