ESL - English Language Foundations 1 Certificate

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Comments about ESL - English Language Foundations 1 Certificate - At the institution - North Vancouver - British Columbia

  • Objectives
    The English as a Second Language (ESL) department offers permanent residents and international students a variety of Intermediate, Advanced and College Preparatory English courses to help them improve their competency in English for work, daily life, and post-secondary study. Courses cover reading, writing, grammar, speaking and listening skills.
  • Academic title
    ESL - English Language Foundations 1 Certificate
  • Course description
    Certificate Requirement    Course Credits
    Required:    15.00
    • ESLF 040    English Language Foundations I    15.00
    Credits    15.00
    Total Program Credits    15.00

    ESLF 040    English Language Foundations I
    15.00 credits    (20,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: Capilano College English Placement Test or equivalent
    This intensive 20-hour per week course provides students with basic language skills to the Lower Advanced level. It includes reading (skimming and scanning, predicting, drawing conclusions), vocabulary building (word structure, synonyms and antonyms), grammar (meaningful and appropriate use of structures), writing (compound sentences), listening (discussions on a variety of topics), speaking (general conversations, social situations, levels of speech), and pronunciation (vowels, consonants, word stress and rhythm).

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