English for Business Course

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Comments about English for Business Course - At the institution - Montreal - Québec

  • Objectives
    This course teaches students the rhetorical principles and writing practices necessary for producing effective business letters, memos, reports, and collaborative projects in professional contexts. The curriculum is informed by current research in rhetoric and professional writing and is guided by the needs and practices of business, industry, and society at large, as well as by the expectations of our students and programs. All sections of this course are offered in networked computer classrooms to ensure that students taking the course are prepared for the writing environment of the 21st-century workplace. The course teaches the rhetorical principles that help students shape their business writing ethically, for multiple audiences, in a variety of professional situations.
  • Course description

    Writing in Context
    Analyze professional cultures, social contexts, and audiences to determine how they shape the various purposes and forms of workplace writing, such as persuasion, organizational communication, and public discourse, with an emphasis on
    • writing for general audiences and decision makers
    • understanding the ethical dimensions of workplace communication

    Writing Process

    Develop and understand various strategies for planning, researching, drafting, revising, and editing documents that respond effectively and ethically to professional situations and audiences.

    Learn and apply strategies for successful collaboration, such as
    • working and communicating online with colleagues
    • setting and achieving project goals
    • responding constructively to peers' work
    • working as part of a writing team and/or with a client organization

    Understand and use various research methods to produce professional documents
    • analyzing professional contexts
    • assessing and using information resources
    • using primary research methods such as interviews, observations, focus groups, and surveys to collect data
    • working ethically with research participants

    Select technologies appropriate to the generic conventions of various types of workplace communication, including email, memos, letters, reports, online documents, and white papers.

    Document Design
    Learn the generic conventions of the design of workplace documents including
    • understanding and implementing various principles of format and layout
    • interpreting and arguing with visual information.

    Course Projects and Activities
    1. Employment Project
    2. White Paper Project
    3. Open Source Development and Documentation Project

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