Early Childhood Educator Ontario College Certificate

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Comments about Early Childhood Educator Ontario College Certificate - At the institution - Kitchener - Ontario

  • Objectives
    Students will explore the development of children and apply that knowledge to plan, implement and evaluate quality programs for young children in licensed child care settings. Facilitating children's development of a positive self-concept through creativity, play and diversity is the main theme of the ECE Apprenticeship Program. The Apprentice is required to complete 22 core Early Childhood Education courses, as well as an introductory College writing course, offered at Conestoga College's Doon Campus.
  • Practical experience
    In addition to the in-school theory training, Apprentices are required to have an employer sponsor and complete between 4,000-6,000 hours of practical work experience as required by the training standards set by Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.
  • Entry requirements
    The 3-year Early Childhood Educator Apprenticeship (ECE) Certificate program is designed to provide those individuals working with young children in a child care setting with the opportunity to pursue formal education and training on a part-time basis.
  • Academic title
    Early Childhood Educator Ontario College Certificate
  • Course description
    COMM1590     Basic Writing Skills
    Description: This course will cover basic writing skills with emphasis on sentence structure, standard English grammar, diction, usage and mechanics. The course will also deal with the writing process including planning, drafting and revising. Students will learn basic research and APA documentation skills through reading and synthesizing a variety of program-related material.
    Hours: 45
    Credits: 3

    COMM1630     Interpersonal Communication

    Description: This course will focus on engaging in a process of interpersonal communication making use of both non-verbal and verbal communication skills.
    Hours: 42
    Credits: 3

    ECE1500     Child Development I
    Description: This course will identify basic tenets of development in all domains from conception to early childhood and a variety of observation techniques. Topics will include developmental processes, periods of development, examining developmental domains, explaining theories of development, identifying characteristics of physical, cognitive, and social/emotional development, discussing general principles that govern human growth and development, explaining influences of genetics, growth, culture, and context on development, as well as demonstrating basic observation skills.
    Hours: 42
    Credits: 3

    ECE1510     Creative Arts
    Description: Not only will the student learn to plan, implement and evaluate a creative arts curriculum in this course, but will also learn to examine children's creative expressions. The role of creative expressions in children's development and facilitating creative experiences as well as articulating a personal philosophy for facilitating creative expression will also be discussed.
    Hours: 42
    Credits: 3

    ECE1520     Advocacy and Bias-Free Practice

    Description: Exploring topics such as identifying the early childhood educator's responsibilities in supporting the needs of individuals, this course also examines: the roles and responsibilities of government as they apply to early childhood education programs, the role of advocacy, influences of immigration on the composition of society and the value of diversity that exists among individuals.
    Hours: 42
    Credits: 3

    ECE1530     Preschool Learning Environment I
    Description: The apprentice will be able to communicate positively with young children and plan programs that foster self-expression and creativity. The course will explore topics such as incorporating a bias-free attitude and approach in the pre-school learning environment, describe the value of play in early childhood development, summarize the role of teacher in creative a play-based learning environment, evaluate children's exploration of the learning environment, explain the impact of physical and a social environment on social behavior.
    Hours: 42
    Credits: 3

    ECE1540     Preschool Learning Environment I Placement
    Description: Upon successful completion of this placement, the apprentice will be able to implement and evaluate curriculum that fosters self-expression and creativity. The focus of the placement will be on demonstrating professionalism, incorporating a bias-free attitude and approach in the pre-school learning environment, maintaining a healthy and safe environment, examining the effects of routine, schedules in the environment on children, demonstrate positive guidance techniques with pre-school children, create learning experiences, implement and evaluate learning experiences and engage in reflective practice.
    Hours: 42
    Credits: 2

    ECE1550     Child Development II

    Description: This course will enable the apprentice to recognize basic tenets of development in all domains from middle childhood adolescence, utilizing a variety of observation techniques and critically examining current child development research. Topics to be explored will be principles of human development, applying child development concepts to real life situations, analyzing influential theories in child development, identifying sequences of physical, cognitive, and social/emotional development, examining recent child development research, apply observational techniques and organize anecdote assessments, narrative observations and documentation into a developmental portfolio.
    Hours: 42
    Credits: 3
    Pre-Requisites: ECE1500

    ECE1560     Preschool Learning Environment II

    Description: Upon completion of this course, the apprentice will be able to meet the interests and needs of individual children by facilitating program experiences in small groups with a focus in Math, Language, physical knowledge and problem-solving skills. The apprentice will articulate one's role as an early childhood educator in children's play, demonstrate methods of generating experiences for young children, demonstrating skills in the observations of children's cognitive processes, develop conversational skills that enhance child-initiative learning, describe elements of the physical environment that facilitates child-initiative experiences and support techniques that foster the development of self-esteem and pro-social behavior
    Hours: 42
    Credits: 3
    Pre-Requisites: ECE1500, ECE1530

    ECE1570     Preschool Learning Environment II Placement

    Description: This placement will enable the apprentice to meet the needs and interests of children by implementing and evaluating learning experiences with a focus on Math, Language, physical knowledge and problem-solving skills. The apprentice will demonstrate professionalism, observation and evaluating skills of children's learning, utilize teaching strategies that foster the development of self-esteem, facilitate communication skills that promote children's expression, and maintaining a healthy and safe environment.
    Hours: 96
    Credits: 4

    ECE1580     School Age Learning Environment

    Description: This course will focus on creating and maintaining a positive learning environment for school age children by describing a physical, cognitive and social/emotional development of the school age child, planning and implementing curriculum in a school age learning environment, demonstrating a repertoire of activities suitable for school age children, demonstrating the leadership skills necessary to implement school age curriculum, evaluating positive guiding techniques with school age children and distinguishing between a variety of curricula that provide care for school age children.
    Hours: 42
    Credits: 3

    ECE1590     School Age Learning Environment Placement

    Description: This placement will enable the apprentice to plan, implement and evaluate curriculum for school age children. The apprentice will demonstrate professionalism, maintain a healthy and safe environment, apply guidance strategies, design curriculum for the school age learning environment, implement curriculum that fosters children's strengths, needs and interests, and evaluate curriculum.
    Hours: 40
    Credits: 2

    ECE1600     Health, Safety and Nutrition

    Description: This course will enable the apprentice to promote a healthy and safe environment for children by utilizing current health, safety and nutrition legislation, explain how specific health needs of specific children are met, demonstrating sensitivity and respect for the primary role of parents and family, applying principles of health promotion to one's own life and the life of children, identifying strategies required to maintain safe indoor environment, implementing control measures in early childhood environment to reduce the transmission of communicable diseases, implementing required procedures when reporting suspected child abuse.
    Hours: 42
    Credits: 3

    ECE1620     Infant/Toddler Learning Environment

    Description: This course will enable the apprentice to design and implement a curriculum for infants and toddlers by identifying the characteristics of infant and toddler development, identifying the processes that underline the development of secure attachment, relate the concepts of principles of child development to an infant and toddler curriculum, explain strategies that support, encourage and extend learning in an infant and toddler environment, develop infant and toddler curriculum and design an infant and toddler environment.
    Hours: 42
    Credits: 3
    Pre-Requisites: ECE1500, ECE1530

    ECE1630     Infant/Toddler Learning Environment Placement

    Description: This placement will enable the apprentice to design and implement a curriculum for infants and toddlers. The apprentice will demonstrate professionalism, maintaining a healthy and safe learning environment, examine the effects of routines, schedules and a physical environment on children's behavior, demonstrate sensitive care giving, demonstrate basic design principles when arranging an infant and toddler early learning environment, plan, implement, evaluate curriculum that enhances a holistic development of infants and toddlers and engage in reflective practice.
    Hours: 40
    Credits: 2

    ECE1640     Philosophy of Early Childhood Education

    Description: This course will challenge the apprentice to consolidate professional, ethical, and philosophical issues into practice. The course will include developing one's own philosophy, integrating one's own philosophy into professional practice, incorporating one's own values and beliefs into a philosophy of early childhood education, explain current issues that affect early childhood education, incorporate practical theoretical influence into an active and reflective philosophy, defend theoretical foundations of the early childhood profession and examine the interconnection between philosophies, theories, historical influences and curriculum.
    Hours: 42
    Credits: 3

    ECE1650     Preschool Learning Environment III

    Description: This course will provide the apprentice with an opportunity to develop curriculum based on the observed needs and interests of children in a preschool environment. Topics will include developing curriculum that is based on the strengths, needs and interests of individuals in groups of children, promoting a bias-free approach, developing goals and learning objectives for individuals in groups of children based on their strengths, needs and interests, analyzing the observed behavior of children, facilitating child-initiated experiences for individuals and groups of children, utilizing designed principles, promote a healthy and safe environment and engaging in reflective practice.
    Hours: 42
    Credits: 3
    Pre-Requisites: ECE1570

    ECE1660     Preschool Learning Environment III Placement
    Description: This placement opportunity will provide the apprentice with the experience of implementing and evaluating curriculum based on the observed needs and interests of children on a preschool environment. The apprentice will implement curriculum, that is based on the strengths, needs, and interests of individuals and groups of children, create a bias-free learning environment, evaluate a preschool learning environment and evaluate self within the context of the environment.
    Hours: 96
    Credits: 4

    ECE1670     Child, Family and Community
    Description: This course will enable the apprentice to support the complex process of socialization of the young child. Topics to be covered will include a process of socialization, the diversity of family dynamics and values and the impact of media on the socialization process of young children, applying strategies to help children cope with loss and reporting suspected child abuse.
    Hours: 42
    Credits: 3
    Pre-Requisites: ECE1640, COMM1630

    ECE1680     Administration
    Description: This course will focus on principles and procedures involved in the Administration of an early childhood education environment including such topics as organizational structure, creating a program philosophy statement, establishing policies and procedures, explaining legislation that affects early childhood learning environment, identifing effective employee supervision and applying quality measures to early childhood learning environment.
    Hours: 42
    Credits: 3

    ECE1690     Child Development III Assessment and Inclusion

    Description: This course will support the inclusion of children in early childhood learning environments including examining inclusion, recognizing the child as an individual, describing how genetics, growth and culture affects the development of individual children, examine the process of early intervention, research current information on exceptionalities, administers screening tools with the specific child and implement an individual program plan for the specific child.
    Hours: 42
    Credits: 3
    Pre-Requisites: ECE1500, ECE1550

    ECE1700     Advanced Curricula

    Description: This course will enable the apprentice to integrate curriculum and theories of early learning into one's own professional practice. Topics will include analyzing existing curriculum, designing curriculum, creating a learning environment, implementing curriculum, evaluating curriculum and engaging in reflective practice.
    Hours: 42
    Credits: 3

    ECE1710     Advanced Curricula Placement
    Description: This placement will focus on planning, implementing and evaluating curriculum, within an inclusive early childhood education environment. The apprentice will demonstrate professionalism, curriculum development in an inclusive environment, implement curriculum that recognizes children's individual needs and interests, evaluate curriculum based on applied knowledge, adapt curriculum in response to the learning environment, enhance the quality of early childhood education environment and engage in reflective practice.
    Hours: 96
    Credits: 4

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