Specialist in Applied Information Technology - LCE.3V Option: Legal Administrative Assistant Program

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Comments about Specialist in Applied Information Technology - LCE.3V Option: Legal Administrative Assistant Program - At the institution - Longueuil - Québec

  • Course description
    Specialist in Applied Information Technology -  LCE.3V Option: Legal Administrative Assistant Program / Spécialiste en technologies de l'information appliquées à la bureautique - LCE.3V Concentration: Assistant administratif en milieu juridique:

    The Specialist in Applied Information Technology -  LCE.3V Option: Legal Administrative Assistant program is an intensive study of the legal profession. In this program, students will learn legal office procedures, terminology, court systems, legal record keeping and bookkeeping. They will not only enhance their keyboarding and transcription skills, but will also receive hands-on training in the two major word processing programs. Course material in this program will include wills and estates, real estate, corporate and commercial law, civil litigation, and family law. After graduation, students will be well prepared to begin their career as legal administrative assistants in law offices or as assistants in legal departments of financial, real estate and other firms. 

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