Diploma of Broadcasting - Radio

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Comments about Diploma of Broadcasting - Radio - At the institution - Ottawa - Ontario

  • Objectives
    This two-year diploma program provides students with formal training to become leaders in the communication industry. All aspects of the radio industry are covered with the common focus of making graduates job-ready. Equal importance is given to creative production elements and technical quality in operations. The program has an academic component and follows a hands-on approach to learning, stressing the importance of teamwork. Students follow a common curriculum that emphasizes announcing, broadcast journalism and production techniques.
  • Academic title
    Diploma of Broadcasting - Radio
  • Course description

    Level 1

    ENL1813M Communications I

    RAD1500 Radio Production I

    RAD1501 Performance I

    RAD1502 Radio News Writing I

    RAD1504 Radio Programming I (CKDJ)

    RAD1505 Commercial Writing I

    RAD1506 Introduction to Broadcasting

    RAD1537 Research Methods

    Level 2

    ENL1947A Communications II: Scriptwriting for Radio

    RAD1503 Music Appreciation

    RAD1508 Performance II

    RAD1509 Radio News Writing II

    RAD1510 Radio Programming II (CKDJ)

    RAD1511 Radio Formats

    RAD1534 Trends and Pop Culture

    RAD1545 Radio Production II

    RAD1546 Current Affairs Programming I

    Level 3

    RAD1514 Station Operation I (CKDJ)

    RAD1536 Advanced Production Techniques

    RAD1539 Media Sales

    RAD1543 Internet Radio

    RAD1547 Marketing and Promotion

    RAD1549 Current Affairs Programming II

    RAD1552 Podcasting

    Choose one from equivalencies:

    GED0380 General Education Elective

    Level 4

    RAD1531 Station Operation II (CKDJ)

    RAD1540 Directed Research

    RAD1548 Media Relations

    RAD1551 Field Work I – Radio

    RAD1553 Field Work II - CKDJ

Other programs related to radio

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