Diploma in Fitness and Health Promotion

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  • Objectives
    This program prepares students to perform the roles and responsibilities of a fitness and health consultant. Fitness and health consultants provide services including planning, promoting and delivering a wide variety of services. These services include activity and educational programs, which enhance the health, fitness and well-being of individuals and groups in diverse settings.
  • Entry requirements
    You would be an excellent fit for the Fitness and Health Promotion program if you: * Enjoy learning about the human body and how it works; * Are interested in your own personal health and how you can make healthier lifestyle choices; * Enjoy helping others to develop healthier lifestyle habits; * Like to work 'hands-on' with other people and enjoy educating others; * Prefer a physically active lifestyle; and * Are friendly, outgoing and like to ineract with other people.
  • Academic title
    Diploma in Fitness and Health Promotion
  • Course description
    Level 1

    ENL1813S Communications I

    Communication remains an essential skill sought by employers, regardless of discipline or field of study. Using a practical, vocation-oriented approach, students focus on meeting the requirements of effective communication. Through a combination of lectures, exercises, and independent learning, students practise writing, speaking, reading, listening, locating and documenting information, and using technology to communicate professionally. Students develop and strengthen communication skills that contribute to success in both educational and workplace environments.

    FIT2211 Computer Applications I

    In this course, students will learn how to use the College Network System, Blackboard software and how to manage their accounts. Other topics covered include the basics of Internet, email, attachments, file management, word processing, mail merges and the use of Microsoft Office Suite.

    FIT2212 Introduction to Fitness/Wellness

    In this course, students will gain a good understanding of fitness and wellness and they will understand the components of a healthy lifestyle. They will have an opportunity to experience all the components of fitness by participating in their own personal fitness program.

    FIT2213 Leadership in Society

    Students will explore the topic of leadership and how leadership styles have affected various societies. Models of leadership will be examined as well as different leaders in history. The situational leadership model and ethics of various leadership styles will be discussed.

    FIT2214 Nutrition

    This course will give the exercise leader a good background in nutrition as it relates to a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating choices. Topics will include the major nutrients, electrolyte balance, weight control, vitamins and minerals and how they affect performance.

    FIT2215 Physiology

    In this course, the student will learn about the physiology of various systems in the body, including the muscular, respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems. Basic concepts of physiology and how they relate to exercise will be covered.

    FIT2216 Fitness Management Finance

    This course will introduce students to basic accounting terminology and the preparation of a balance sheet. They will learn to prepare a current operating budget based on priorities and financial realities. Students learn the importance of the budget as a planning tool.

    FIT2217 Anatomy for Fitness Leaders

    This course will help students develop a good understanding of the anatomical basis of movement and exercise. By focusing on the skeletal system, skeletal muscles and major joints of the body, students will learn muscle origins, insertions and actions so that they will be able to design appropriate and effective exercises.

    Level 2

    ENL1832C Report Writing for Recreation

    This course encourages students to develop the skills necessary to research and analyze information and to summarize, evaluate, and report on program related materials. Students learn to research, summarize and organize information, and to report information using standard formats. Students produce oral and written inspection, evaluation, or progress reports. Course materials are examined in lectures, workshops, and project groups.

    FIT2220 Fitness Assessment

    In this course students will learn the role of fitness assessment in designing and prescribing appropriate fitness and lifestyle programs for clients. Students will learn how to administer the Canadian Physical Activity, Fitness and Lifestyle Appraisal (CPAFLA) to apparently healthy individuals and to interpret these assessments based on the Canadian population. The emphasis of CPAFLA is on health-related fitness. Students will be qualified to conduct the CPAFLA protocols and counsel clients based on the results of the appraisal. This course is the first of two modules that lead to certification as a CSEP CPT.

    FIT2221 Computer Applications II

    In this course students will learn to use Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software for creating and tracking budget information, and Microsoft PowerPoint for creating effective presentations.

    FIT2222 Mechanics of Exercise

    Using the knowledge gained in FIT2217 Anatomy for Fitness Leaders, students will learn how the bones, muscles and joints function during movement and exercise. By analyzing movement, students will learn to design safe and effective exercise programs.

    FIT2223 Applied Leadership

    In this course, students will learn how to apply leadership styles to various workplace settings. The student will learn strategies to use in dealing with meetings and group behaviours, including dealing with difficult people. Conflict resolution and negotiation strategies will be covered.

    FIT2224 Group Fitness I

    This course is an introduction to group exercise leadership. Topics covered include how to design and lead group fitness classes, including aerobics. This course has a large practical component where students will be leading and participating in exercise classes.

    FIT2225 Exercise Physiology

    Building on the knowledge gained in FIT2215 Physiology, this course will give students knowledge of how the body responds to exercise both in the shorter and longer term. By the end of this course, students will have a good understanding of the relationship of the human body, health and exercise, and its adaptation to various environmental conditions.

    FIT2226 Psychology

    Students will learn about the basic concepts in the field of psychology. A variety of schools of thought in psychology will be presented. Historical research methods and popular theories will be discussed. Topics will include classical and operant conditioning, motivation, behaviour change, learning and development.

    Level 3

    FIT2230 Sports Injuries/Exercise Safety

    This course will emphasize the importance of exercise safety as the best method of preventing sports injuries. Ensuring safe exercises and facilities will reduce the incidence of activity related problems. Basic sports injury identification and treatment will be covered as well.

    FIT2231 Fitness Management Operations

    This course will introduce the student to the skills and knowledge required to manage a safe and effective fitness facility. Risk management, human resources management, policies and procedures, facility layout and design, contracts and service agreements and organizational structures will all be covered.

    FIT2232 Personal Training

    In this course, students will learn how to assess client needs, so they can develop safe and effective individual exercise programs for healthy clients. This course will lead to certification as a personal trainer. This course is the second of two modules leading towards certification as a CSEP CPT.

    FIT2233 Group Fitness II

    In this course, students will further develop their skills as group fitness leaders. Students will create and instruct group fitness classes which will lead to being certified as a group fitness instructor.

    FIT2234 Computer Applications III

    In this course students will learn to create, edit and modify Internet web pages and post them to the Internet. They will also learn to use Microsoft Access database software for creating, using and maintaining client data.

    FIT2235 Career Planning and Professional Development

    Students will create a personal career plan, related to their career goals. Professional development and the role of professional organizations in the student's career will be discussed. Students will create sample cover letters, and an updated resume. They will also arrange their field placement during this course.

    FIT2236 Field Placement I

    During this course, students will complete a two-week, full-time placement. This will allow the students to apply skills and knowledge gained in classes in a workplace setting.

    Choose one from equivalencies:

    GED3010 General Education Elective

    For this course, you will have the opportunity to choose one from a group of general education electives. Your options will include courses which cover the following broad topic areas: Arts in Society, Civic Life, Social and Cultural Understanding, Personal Understanding, and Science and Technology.

    Level 4

    FIT2240 Programming for Diverse Populations

    In this course, students will learn how to develop appropriate fitness and lifestyle programs for various 'diverse' populations. Youth, older adults, pregnant women, individuals with respiratory disorders, athletes, individuals with mobility problems and other groups will be discussed.

    FIT2241 Special Topics/Trends in Fitness

    This course will cover a variety of topics and current trends in the fitness and wellness industry. Students will participate in various fitness tests and activities to broaden their knowledge and experience.

    FIT2242 Marketing and Entrepreneurship

    This course provides students with an overview of the basic principles of marketing and sales, as well as, small business ownership. Various methods of marketing will be covered and students will develop a marketing plan. Students will also learn how to create their own business.

    FIT2243 Fitness Management Customer Service

    Customer service is the basis for a successful fitness and wellness industry. This course will examine the essential components of good customer service, including needs assessments and the importance of exceeding customer expectations. Methods of dealing with difficult customers will be presented, as well as strategies for client retention.

    FIT2244 Health and Wellness Promotions

    This course will provide the student with knowledge in the area of health and wellness promotion strategies and practices. Students will undertake health promotion projects in various settings.

    FIT2245 Sports Nutrition

    Building on the knowledge gained in FIT2214 Nutrition, this course provides an overview of the physiology of the digestive system and the importance of food and nutrition for optimal health, an active lifestyle and peak sport performance. Specific issues such as the female athlete triad, sport nutrition for athletic performance, dietary fads, and sport nutrition supplements will also be discussed.

    FIT2246 Field Placement Seminar

    Students learn the nature and function of field placement, the process of negotiating a field placement contract, the students' roles and responsibilities, and the methods to deal with typical problems.

    FIT2247 Field Placement II

    In this course, students will complete a five-week full-time placement at a fitness related workplace of their choice. Students will apply the skills and knowledge learned in class and previous placements

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