Diploma in Broadcasting - Television

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Comments about Diploma in Broadcasting - Television - At the institution - Ottawa - Ontario

  • Objectives
    This two-year diploma program provides students with the formal training needed to become leaders in the television production industry. Curriculum covers all aspects of the production process and is focused on making graduates job-ready. Equal weight is given to the creative side of production and technical operations. The program follows a hands-on approach to learning and stresses the importance of teamwork. Passing grades must be achieved in all core subjects to be promoted from one level to the next. Many projects are completed outside of class hours and significant time is spent working evenings and weekends. Students should be self-starters and able to adhere to strict deadlines. Some courses require the physical ability to carry cameras and other production equipment.
  • Academic title
    Diploma in Broadcasting - Television
  • Course description

    Level 1

    ENL1813M Communications I

    TVA1500 Television Operations I

    TVA1501 Studio Production and Workshop I

    TVA1503 Electronic Field Production I

    TVA1530 Desktop Media Soft Tools

    TVA1543 Broadcast Journalism I

    TVA1546 The Art of Photography

    Level 2

    ENL2018 Communications II: Scriptwriting for Television

    TVA1502 Broadcast Journalism II

    TVA1507 Studio Production and Workshop II

    TVA1509 Electronic Field Production II

    TVA1511 2D Graphics for Media

    TVA1531 Post-Production Techniques

    TVA1536 Television Operations II

    Choose one from equivalencies:

    GED0381 General Education Elective

    Level 3

    TVA1513 Studio Production and Workshop III

    TVA1515 Electronic Field Production III

    TVA1538 Television Operations III

    TVA1539 Introduction to Documentary

    TVA1541 News Production I

    Elective: choose 2

    TVA1525 Motion Graphics for Media I

    TVA1527 Writing for Film and Television I

    TVA1533 Audio and VIdeo Post-Production Tech

    TVA1545 Production and Business Management I

    Choose one from equivalencies:

    GED0381 General Education Elective

    Level 4

    TVA1518 Studio Production and Workshop IV

    TVA1519 Electronic Field Production IV

    TVA1542 News Production II

    Elective: choose 2

    TVA1522 Motion Graphics for Media II

    TVA1534 Advanced Audio and VIdeo Post-Production

    TVA1535 Writing for Film and Television II

    TVA1544 Production and Business Management II

Other programs related to radio, television and film

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