Criminology Diploma

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Comments about Criminology Diploma - At the institution - Prince George - British Columbia

  • Academic title
    Criminology Diploma
  • Course description
    To graduate from this program, you must take the courses listed in the chart below. Please note that you must complete at least 30 credits at CNC, and that you cannot use the same course more than once to meet graduation requirements.

    Some courses need prerequisites – it’s your responsibility to ensure you have them. As well, not all courses are offered every semester; it’s your responsibility to determine when they’re offered. If you need help planning your schedule, please see a CNC counsellor/advisor.

    Group A

    All of:
        * CRIM 101: Introduction to Criminology
        * CRIM 102: Psychology of Criminial and Deviant Behaviour   
        * CRIM 103: Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
        * CRIM 106: Sociological Explanations of Crime and Deviance
        * CRIM 120: Research Methods in Criminology
        * CRIM 135: Introduction to Canadian Law and Legal Systems
        * CRIM 230: Canadian Law
    Plus one of
        * CRIM 201: Policing in Modern Society
        * CRIM 241: Introduction to Corrections
    24 credit hours

    Group B
    All of:
        * ENGL 103: Composition and Style
        * PSCI 131: The Administration of Justice
        * PSYC 101: Introduction to Psychology I
        * PSYC 102: Introduction to Psychology II
        * PSYC 201: Statistics for the Social Sciences
        * SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology I
        * SOC 102: Introduction to Sociology II
    Plus one of
        * PHIL 101: Moral Philosophy
        * PHIL 102: Theory of Knowledge
        * PHIL 110: Logic 1: Propositional Logic
        * PHIL 220 : Political Philosophy
    Plus one university-level course in one of the following subjects (must transfer directly* to SFU):
        * Aboriginal Studies
        * Anthropology
        * Commerce
        * Computer science
        * Economics
        * English
        * Math
        * Philosophy
        * Political science
        * Psychology
        * Sociology
        * Women's studies
    27 credit hours

    Group C
    Any 3 university-level courses that transfer directly* to SFU        
    9 credit hours

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