Comments about Community and Justice Services Ontario College Diploma - At the institution - North Bay - Ontario
Our Community and Justice Services program presents students with a unique and comprehensive two-year program. The multi-disciplinary approach offers you a balanced curriculum of theory and applied practices necessary in preparing students for diversified and challenging employment options. Our program not only provides you with entry level positions in the field of Youth Justice, Adult Corrections and Restorative Justice but also prepares our graduates for entry-level management positions.
Practical experience
Students are required to complete a 240-hour field placement component (six-weeks) related to the field of Community and Justice Services. The program coordinator will secure and supervise placements for students based on interest and career choice. Students can express interest in a placement anywhere in Canada.
Academic title
Community and Justice Services Ontario College Diploma
Course description
BCL 130 Microsoft Office I
CJS 100 Canadian Correctional System
CJS 101 Correctional Programming I
CJS 105 Criminology I
JUS 100 Introduction to Canadian Law
JUS 115 Criminal Law and Procedures
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology
CGE 125 General Education Communication
CJS 150 Criminology II
CJS 151 Community Program Development and Intervention
CJS 155 Correctional Administration I
CJS 160 Interviewing and Counselling Techniques
HUM 118 Group Dynamics I Theory
PSY 240 Abnormal Psychology
SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology
CMM 180 Business Correspondence
CJS 201 Special Topics: Diverse Client Groups
CJS 205 Introduction to Management Techniques
CJS 210 Principles of Community Re-integration
CJS 226 Youth Case Management
CJS 230 First Nations/Multiculturalism
HUM 218 Group Dynamics II
SOC 221 Social Problems in Adolescents
CJS 110 Youth and Adult Worker Physical Standards
CJS 250 Field Placement Integration
CJS 251 Placement Workshops