Course description
Semester 1
# CHM1100 - 004 - General Chemistry I
This course provides students with a fundamental knowledge of the chemical classification of matter, as well as an introduction to atomic theory, ionic and covalent bonding, kinetic theory of gases, electrolytes, and solutions. Students will write chemical formulae and equations and do calculations in stoichiometry, gas laws, and solution chemistry.
# CHM1101 - 002 - General Chemistry I Lab
In this course, students will learn laboratory safety and the proper use of lab equipment and glassware. They will do experiments supporting the theory they learn in General Chemistry I, in particular, experiments involving stoichiometry, solutions, and gas laws.
# CHM1109 - 004 - Mineral Processing
In this course, students will learn how minerals are processed, as an example of a typical industrial process, as well as the chemistry, physics, and unit operations involved, both fundamentals and control strategies. They will also learn how to use the proprietary, computer based software provided by Svedala Ltd., which allows them to practice controlling a simulated processing plant. Students will discuss the associated health, safety, and environmental issues and visit plants to enhance their understanding. Students will perform illustrative laboratory work.
# ENG1551 - 001 - Writing Fundamentals: Ind. Study
This course is required in the first semester of most post-secondary programs at Cambrian. The purpose of the course is to allow students to develop their independent learning skills and to review the fundamental conventions of Standard English.
# MTH1050 - 003 - Technical Mathematics I
This course covers applications of basic mathematics to the solution of problems involving physics and engineering technology. Basic ideas of physics and use of mathematical methods to solve problems in these areas are introduced. Topics include computational methods, basic algebra, linear equations and right-angle trigonometry.
# PHY1112 - 004 - Physical Principles
Students will learn the theory of scientific measurement, kinematics, statics and equilibrium, Newton's Laws of motion, friction, work and energy, and momentum, fluid mechanics. They will solve problems in all of these areas.
# TCA2300 - 002 - Computer/Multimedia Applications
In this course, students apply computer applications to solve engineering and mathematical problems and to create and enhance reports and presentations. Software will include file handling, spreadsheets, databases, graphics manipulations, and Internet applications including e-mail, browsers, and search utilities.
Semester 2
# CHM1200 - 005 - General Chemistry II
Prerequisite: CHM 1100 This is a continuation of CHM 1100, with the main thrust on equilibria on a qualitative and quantitative basis with respect to gases, acides and bases, and solubility product. Calculations of pH of acids, bases, salts, and buffers are also a major part of the course. Also covered are redox chemistry and an introduction to chemical thermodynamics.
# CHM1201 - 002 - General Chemistry II Lab
Prerequisites: CHM1100, CHM1101 and CHM1200 taken concurrently
# ENG1552 - 002 - Technical Writing I
Prerequisite: ENG 1551 This is the first communication course for technology at Cambrian. Students practice the fundamentals of technical writing by preparing short documents, researching technical information, and presenting oral reports. In this course, students meet General Education requirements by researching the growing impact of technology on society and by heightening their critical thinking through research.
# EPT2407 - 001 - Field Sampling Camp
In this course, students will learn proper sampling techniques, storage methods, instrument control, and how to determine accuracy and precision in interpreting results.
# INT3101 - 003 - Process Instrumentation
This course is an introduction to the instrumentation fundamentals of pressure, temperature, level, and flow. Students will be introduced to the basic instrumentation symbols and standard signals used in the industry, as well as some of the more common drawings used in process control.
# MTH1250 - 003 - Technical Math II
Prerequisite: MTH 1050 This course will strenghten the student's ability to apply algebra and trigonometry in technical applications. Topics covered include algebraic factoring, algebraic fractions and fractional equations, formula manipulation, graphing and interpreting sine and cosine waves, the trigonometry of a circle, exponents and logarithms, exponential and logarithmic equations, and an introduction to statistics. The course will emphasize the solution of word problems related to the electrical field.
# PHY1271 - 004 - Physical Aspects of Chemistry
Students will study introductory thermodynamics and heat transfer, vibrations and waves, simple harmonic motion, sound, electromagnetic radiation, physical and geometrical optics, electrostatics and basic magnetism.
Semester 3
# CHM2320 - 005 - Analytical Chemistry
Prerequisites: CHM1100, CHM1101, CHM1200, CHM1201 This course consists of theory behind gravimetric and volumetric analytical procedures. There will be a review of pH calculations and work problems related to these procedures. Wet analytical techniques will be practiced, specifically gravimetric, acid/base, precipitation, and some redox titrations.
# CHM2335 - 006 - Organic Chemistry I
Prerequisites: CHM1100, CHM1200 In this introductory course, students will learn the physical and chemical properties of organic compounds, chemical bonding and structure, organic momenclature, and functional group analysis. They will do experiments involving the synthesis and purification of organic compounds and extraction of natural products. They will also learn the toxicology of organic compounds and how to use them safely in the laboratory.
# CHM2345 - 004 - Pulp and Paper Processes
In this second course in the series covering typical industrial processes, students will learn the chemistry, physics, and technology of pulp and paper manufacturing and of drinking water treatment and waste water treatment facilities, along with the associated health, safety, and environmental issues. They will also perform illustrative laboratory experiments and visit plants to enhance their understanding. Successful students will be prepared to write the Ontario Environmental Training Consortium (OETC) examinations for water treatment plant operators.
# ENG1751 - 001 - Job Search Skills: Ind. Study
Prerequisite: ENG 1551 Through guided independent study, students will explore the job search process in detail and gain a comprehensive understanding of the theories and practices that lead to successful job searching and career planning. This course will also encourage further development of the independent learning skills and strategies practiced in ENG 1551 and 1581.
# ENG1752 - 002 - Technical Writing II
Prerequisite: ENG 1552 In this course, students refine their technical communication skills by preparing written and oral responses to a variety of work related situations. As well, students complete a resume and other projects to assist them with their employment search. In the context of Cambrian College's General Education program and Generic Skills Standards, the course provides the opportunity for students to develop an understanding of work and the economy and of the relationships among individuals and society.
# INT3120 - 004 - Automatic Control I
This course is an introduction to automatic control of industrial processes. It begins with the concepts of On/Off control and progresses to include proportional, proportional/integral, and proportional/integral/derivative controls. Basic control loops will be studied and the best control strategies will be selected.
# MTH2400 - 003 - Technical Math IV
Prerequisites: MTH 1050, MTH 1250 The foundations of differential calculus are introduced through a review of functional notation, the graphing of functions, and the determination of slope using the two-point method. The concept of limits is developed to determine the slope of the tangent to a curve and to derive the value of e. The formalized derivatives of common algebraic, exponential, and trigonometric functions are then applied to applications such as related rates and determination of rates of change, maxima and minima, and related rates and differential.
Semester 4
# CHM2421 - 005 - Analytical Chemistry II
Prerequisite: CHM2320
# CHM2425 - 005 - Chemical Instrumentation I
Prerequisite: CHM2320 The course consists of the first part of instrumental analytical procedures. The theory will consist of the basic principles and component parts dealing with spectroscopy and spectrophotometers and a comprehensive study of all chromatography methods. Related labs develop skills in producing calibration curves and calculating concentrations of various samples.
# CHM2432 - 003 - Unit Operations & Calculations I
This course deals with the fundamental concepts of engineering. It is intended to improve the students' ability to analyze and solve practical problems and to introduce them to unit operations laboratory. Emphasis is on material and energy balance calculation, operating equipment, and collection of meaningful data. Several industrial processes are discussed.
# CHM2445 - 004 - Smelting and Refining
In this third course in the series covering typical industrial processes, students will learn the chemistry, technology and typical unit operations of the metallurgical industry. They will study the processing operations of the local industries along with associated health, safety, and environmental issues. Students will visit plants and do illustrative laboratory experiments to enhance their understanding.
# CHM2455 - 001 - O.S.H.A.
The Occupational Health and Safety Act is the cornerstone of workplace safety. The OSHA act and regulations will be covered and will prepare the student for the workplace either as an employee or as a supervisor.
# INT3201 - 003 - Instrumentation Practices
Modern industrial processes are operated by means of computer control. This course will cover the use, from an operator's point of view, of programmable controllers (PLC) and distributed control systems (DCS). Associated laboratory work is included.
# MTH3631 - 003 - Technical Math V
This course is an introduction to integral calculus. It includes determining the definite and indefinite integrals of elementary functions, evaluating integrals, determining areas under curves, volumes of revolution, length of paths, first moments of area and centres of gravity, solving first and second order differential equations, and Laplace transforms. The primary objective is to demonstrate the use of integral calculus to solve problems.
Semester 5
# CHM2500 - 012 - Co-op Work Placement and Report
Students will integrate their academic study with online job experiences in an environment relevant to their course of study. Providing a bridge between theoretical classroom knowledge and practical skills required in chemical technology, the work term is an important element of the student's education. Students will be evaluated on this work experience.
Semester 6
# CHM3601 - 004 - Chemical Instrumentation II
Prerequisite: CHM2425 This is a continuation of Chemical Instrumentation I with specific instrumental techniques being taught. Specific instruments will include Atomic Absorption, flame and flameless methods, Emission Spectroscopy, I.C.P., Polarography, Coulometry, Fluoremetry, and X-ray Spectrorscopy.
# CHM3602 - 006 - Physical Chemistry
Prerequisites: CHM 1200, PHY 1112 This is a study of physical chemistry including: gas laws, the laws of thermodynamics, thermochemistry, free energy and equilibrium, the liquid and solid states, colligative properties, electrolytes and non-electrolytes, electrochemistry and corrosion, phase equilibria, and chemical kinetics, along with supporting laboratory work.
# CHM3605 - 006 - Industrial Organic Chemistry
Prerequisite: CHM2335 Students will learn how pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, and food product are synthesized and produced. They will do related laboratory experiments.
# CHM3652 - 002 - Inorganic Chemistry
Prerequisite: CHM 1200 This is a systematic study of the transition elements and their properties in the light of modern chemical theory, the solid state, redox reactions, and nuclear chemistry.
# CHM3672 - 005 - Unit Operations & Calculations II
This is an advanced course in the typical unit operations of chemical engineering. Topics include steady state and transient conductive and convective heat transfer, fundamentals of fluid flow including pump sizing and piping design, and distillation and mass transfer operations. Filtration and drying design equations are developed with suitable applications. The course concludes with an overview of chemical engineering economics.
# MTH2325 - 003 - Technical Math III
This course is designed to cover the application of statistics to engineering problems. It covers and introduces the student to the collection and analysis of data, sampling methods, the use of the normal curve, confidence intervals for means and proportions, tests of hypothesis for means and proportions, the determination of sample size and regression analysis.
# TEC3602 - 001 - Chemical Technical Report
Prerequisite: Successful completion of semesters 1 through 5 and a 2.00 program G.P.A., or greater. This course develops students' communication, technical research and report writing skills. Students must complete a formal engineering technical report.
Semester 7
# CHM3700 - 012 - Co-op Work Placement and Report II