Certificate in Business Management

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Comments about Certificate in Business Management - At the institution - Victoria - British Columbia

  • Objectives
    The Business Management program provides you with additional business management and leadership skills. The 10-course, 30-credit program offers an assortment of courses designed to provide you with an understanding of the elements of business management and operations. It includes a combination of required basic management skills and flexibility to enable you to meet your business management needs. This certificate also provides the graduate with additional education opportunities through: * Business Administration Diploma Programs * Thompson Rivers University
  • Academic title
    Certificate in Business Management
  • Course description
    Core Courses                            Credits

    BUS 214*
    Leadership Skills                          3.0

    Plus four (4) courses from the following:

    ACCT 110
    Financial Accounting 1                3.0

    BUS 130

    Business Communications            3.0

    BUS 140
    Business Info. Technology   

    BUS 230
    Elementary Statistics

    ECON 102
    The Canadian Economy                3.0

      ECON 103
    Principles of Microeconomics        3.0


      ECON 104
    Principles of Macroeconomics 

    FIN 110
    Business Finance 1                      3.0


      BUS 120
    Business Law  

    MARK 110
    Introduction to Marketing            3.0

    Five (5) electives**                    15.0

    Total Credits                                30.0

    *If you've completed 48 hours of core course work from the Leadership Development Certificate program you'll be eligible to receive transfer credit for this course. For information about the Leadership Program courses call 250–370–4128. Other students may be eligible to receive credit through assessment of their prior learning (PLA) for this course. To discuss Prior Learning Assessment options, please contact the Chair at 250–370–4130.

    **Required electives may be any School of Business credit course for which you have the prerequisites. Electives can include core courses not taken.

Other programs related to business management (others)

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