Business - Accounting Ontario College Diploma

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Comments about Business - Accounting Ontario College Diploma - At the institution - North Bay - Ontario

  • Objectives
    Canadore’s two-year Business Accounting program will help you gain the practical accounting and general office skills you need for entry-level accounting and bookkeeping positions. Accounting involves measuring business activities, processing information into financial reports and statements, and communicating information to the appropriate decision-makers. This program will teach you the technical aspects of financial statement preparation, including accounting systems, procedures and management principles. You will gradually move on to study more complex areas including management accounting, payroll and taxation. With the use of computers and appropriate business application software, you will enhance your ability to perform the functions associated with the accounting profession. Small class sizes and attentive faculty are highlights of this program.
  • Academic title
    Business - Accounting Ontario College Diploma
  • Course description
    ACC 140 Principles of Accounting I
    BCL 130 Microsoft Office I
    BUS 104 Business Skills
    BUS 105 Introduction to Business
    CMM 125 College Communication I
    MKT 100 Marketing for Business
    MTH 170 Business Mathematics

    ACC 154 Computerized Accounting I
    ACC 190 Principles of Accounting II
    BCL 131 Microsoft Office II
    CMM 125 College Communication I (if not already completed)
    FIN 100 Finance I
    MTH 175 Quantitative Methods I

    ACC 235 Management Accounting I
    ACC 216 Corporate Finance I
    ACC 220 General Taxation
    CMM 180 Business Writing
    ECN 101 Macroeconomics
    MTH 205 Quantitative Methods II
    ACC 203 Accounting and Management Information Systems
    ACC 205 Computerized Accounting II
    ACC 232 Payroll Administration
    BUS 290 Career Planning
    LAW 230 Business Law

    Graduates of this two-year program are eligible for some exemptions from the first two levels of the Certified General Accountants program (CGA).

    Students may also receive advanced standing from the Canadian Institute of Management towards the Certificate in Supervisory Management and the Certificate in Management Program, from the Canadian Institute of Bookkeeping towards the Certificate in Bookkeeping, and from the Purchasing Management Association of Canada towards the Certified Professional Purchaser Designation and the Certificate in Purchasing.

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