Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science

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Comments about Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science - At the institution - Montreal - Québec

  • Objectives
    This scientifically rigorous and truly multi-disciplinary program provides students with an excellent training for careers in the environment (practice, policy, research and teaching). No single discipline has a monopoly on understanding the complex workings of the environment and human transformation of the environment. This program is structured to provide basic skills and allow maximum flexibility for specific student interest. It has three loose streams: ecology, hydrosphere, and earth or geoscience. We envisage most graduates from this program will go on to graduate programs in environmental science, earth science, hydrology and ecology.
  • Entry requirements
    Designed for students with a strong science background.
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
  • Course description
    Honours in Environmental Science: 69 credits

        * 9 required credits in an integrated approach to land, people and society and Biology (Organisms and Biodiversity and Ecology)
        * 3 required credits in basic Computer Programming
        * 6 elective credits in Geography and Geology in The Natural Environment and Geology of the Earth
        * 3 elective credits in Mapping the Environment or Field Methods
        * 3 elective credits in Analytical Chemistry
        * 6 required credits in Biostatisitics and Geographical Information Systems
        * 3 elective credits in either Evolution or Paleobiology
        * 9 elective credits in physical Geography from among: Plant Ecology, Hydrology, Biogeography, Landform Evolution and the Climate System
        * 6 elective credits from Biology, Geology, Chemistry or Engineering
        * 3 elective credits in advanced GIS or Remote Sensing
        * 12 elective credits from advanced Environmental Geography, Geology, Ecology, Chemistry or Environmental Engineering
        * 6 required credits for Honours project
        * 21 elective credits in any department

    Specialization in Environmental Science: 69 credits

    Same requirements as Honours in Environmental Science, but there is no particular performance requirement, and the six-credit Honours essay is replaced by six additional advanced elective credits.

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