Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry

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Comments about Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry - At the institution - Montreal - Québec

  • Objectives
    Concordia University's Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry provides students with the skills they need to launch a career in a wide range of exciting directions. Several of our programs in chemistry and biochemistry are accredited by the Québec Order of Chemists and provide the necessary hands-on laboratory training required for the future job market. Our laboratories are equipped with state-of-the art scientific instrumentation and our faculty includes dedicated teachers and renowned researchers. As a chemist or biochemist, you can have a front-row seat for the scientific and technological achievements that are shaping our society. You can choose to design new chemical compounds, investigate aspects of biotechnology, use computers to model molecules, surfaces, or reactions, or explore the fields of photochemistry and laser spectroscopy or materials with exciting new electrical, magnetic and optical properties. An undergraduate degree in chemistry or biochemistry enables students to assume a professional position in a hospital, in an environmental or government laboratory, or in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology or chemical industries. Others proceed to graduate school.
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
  • Course description
    Core Component for Biochemistry — 48 credits

    The common core is made up of 16 courses in Molecu-lar and General Genetics, Cell Biology, Cell Physiology, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Cell Biology labs, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Biophysical Chemistry.

    Honours in Biochemistry — 72 credits*

        * 48 Core Program
        * 6 credits in research Project and Thesis
        * 3 credits of Advanced Laboratory in either Molecular Biology or Biochemistry
        * 9 credits in Analytical, Organic, Physical Chemistry
        * 6 credits of advanced-level courses in Biochemistry, three of which may be in Cell and Molecular Biology
        * 18 elective credits are chosen by the student (which must include the General Education requirement)

    NOTE: A high level of performance is required to enter in the Honours program.

    Specialization in Biochemistry
    — 69 credits*

    The Specialization is similar to Honours but the Research Project and Thesis is replaced by an additional advanced laboratory course (3 credits).

    Major in Biochemistry — 48 credits

        * 48 Core Program
        * 42 elective credits in any department (which must include the General Education requirement), some of which could take the form of a Major or Minor in another discipline

    *The Order of Chemists of Quebec has fully accredited the curricula of these programs. Upon satisfactory completion of this program, a graduate is eligible for membership in the Order. A working knowledge of French is also required for membership in the Order of Chemists of Quebec.

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