Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physics (Theory Stream)

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Comments about Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physics (Theory Stream) - At the institution - Ottawa - Ontario

  • Objectives
    The four-year Bachelor of Science (Honours) programs in Applied Physics and in Physics (either in the Experimental or Theory stream) each require 20.0 credits to complete. These degrees prepare you for a physics career in the industrial sector or for further studies in pure or applied physics at the graduate level. These three B.Sc. Honours programs start from a common first year in which you will take introductory Physics, another experimental science, Mathematics, Computer Science, as well as a selection from the Humanities or Social Sciences. In subsequent years there is also a common core to which the Applied Physics program adds additional courses in computing and electronics, while the Physics (Theory) program enhances the number of Mathematics courses. In the fourth year of the program, you will undertake a major individual project, done under the supervision of a faculty member.
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physics (Theory Stream)
  • Course description
    Physics (Theory Stream)
    B.Sc. Honours
    (20.0 credits)

       1. Credits included in the Major CGPA (10.0 credits)

       1. 1.0 credit from (PHYS 1001 and PHYS 1002) (recommended), or (PHYS 1003 and PHYS 1004) or (PHYS 1007 and PHYS 1008 with an average grade of B- or higher);
       2. 1.0 credit in PHYS 2202 and PHYS 2604;
       3. 5.0 credits in PHYS 3007, PHYS 3308, PHYS 3606, PHYS 3701, PHYS 3802, PHYS 3807, PHYS 4409, PHYS 4707, PHYS 4708, and PHYS 4807;
       4. 1.0 credit in one of:
             1. PHYS 4907 plus 0.5 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level;
             2. PHYS 4908 plus 0.5 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level;
             3. PHYS 4909 [1.0];
       5. 1.0 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level or above;
       6. 1.0 credit in PHYS, COMP, MATH and/or STAT at the 3000-level or above;

       2. Credits Not Included In the Major CGPA (10.0 credits):

       7. 1.0 credit from (BIOL 1003 and BIOL 1004), CHEM 1000 [1.0], or (ERTH 1006 and ERTH 1007);
       8. 4.5 credits in MATH 1004, MATH 1005, MATH 1104, MATH 2004, MATH 2107, (MATH 2108 or MATH 3107), MATH 3705, MATH 3806 and STAT 3502;
       9. 1.5 credits in COMP 1005, COMP 1002 and COMP 2004;
      10. 0.5 credit in NSCI 1000 or Approved Arts or Social Sciences Elective;
      11. 1.5 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences Electives;
      12. 1.0 credit in free electives.
    • PHYS 1001 - Foundations of Physics I
    • PHYS 1002 - Foundations of Physics II
    • PHYS 1003 - Introductory Mechanics and Thermodynamics
    • PHYS 1004 - Introductory Electromagnetism and Wave Motion
    • PHYS 1007 - Elementary University Physics I
    • PHYS 1008 - Elementary University Physics II
    • PHYS 1901 - Planetary Astronomy
    • PHYS 1902 - From our Star to the Cosmos
    • PHYS 2101 - Mechanics and Properties of Matter
    • PHYS 2202 - Wave Motion and Optics
    • PHYS 2203 - Astronomy
    • PHYS 2305 - Electricity and Magnetism
    • PHYS 2306 - Physics of Electrical and Electronic Measurements I
    • PHYS 2604 - Modern Physics I
    • PHYS 2903 - Physics and the Imagination
    • PHYS 2906 - Co-operative Work Term Report 1
    • PHYS 3007 - Third Year Physics Laboratory: Selected Experiments and Seminars
    • PHYS 3008 - Third Year Physics Laboratory: Selected Experiments and Workshop
    • PHYS 3207 - Topics in Biophysics
    • PHYS 3308 - Electromagnetism
    • PHYS 3402 - Heat and Thermodynamics
    • PHYS 3606 - Modern Physics II
    • PHYS 3608 - Modern Applied Physics
    • PHYS 3701 - Elements of Quantum Mechanics
    • PHYS 3801 - Classical Mechanics
    • PHYS 3802 - Advanced Dynamics
    • PHYS 3807 - Mathematical Physics I
    • PHYS 3808 - Mathematical Physics II
    • PHYS 3904 - Co-operative Work Term Report 2
    • PHYS 3905 - Co-operative Work Term Report 3
    • PHYS 3906 - Co-operative Work Term Report 4
    • PHYS 4007 - Fourth-Year Physics Laboratory: Selected Experiments and Seminars
    • PHYS 4008 - Fourth-Year Physics Laboratory: Selected Experiments and Workshop
    • PHYS 4201 - Astrophysics
    • PHYS 4202 - Cosmology
    • PHYS 4203 - Physical Applications of Fourier Analysis
    • PHYS 4208 - Modern Optics
    • PHYS 4307 - Electromagnetic Radiation
    • PHYS 4407 - Statistical Physics
    • PHYS 4409 - Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
    • PHYS 4508 - Solid State Physics
    • PHYS 4602 - Particle Physics
    • PHYS 4608 - Nuclear Physics
    • PHYS 4707 - Introduction to Quantum Mechanics I
    • PHYS 4708 - Introduction to Quantum Mechanics II
    • PHYS 4807 - Computational Physics
    • PHYS 4901 - Special Topics in Physics
    • PHYS 4905 - Cooperative Work Term Report 5
    • PHYS 4906 - Cooperative Work Term Report 6
    • PHYS 4907 - Fourth-Year Project
    • PHYS 4908 - Fourth-Year Project
    • PHYS 4909 - Fourth-Year Project

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