20-credit BSc Honours in Marine Biology
Departmental Requirements
1000 level
• BIOL 1010.03 or 1020.03 (C- or better)
• BIOL 1011.03 or 1021.03 (C- or better)
• CHEM 1041.03/1042.03 (or 1011.03/1012.03)
• COMM 1501.03 or COMM 1502.03 (recommended for students not fully familiar with microcomputers, but not required).
• MATH 1000.03 or MATH 1215.03
• STAT 1060.03
• DISP (SCIE 1500X/Y, 1501X/Y, 1502X/Y, 1503X/Y, 1504X/Y or
1510X/Y) (C- or better)
2000 level
• BIOL 2003.03
• BIOL 2004.03
• BIOL 2020.03
• BIOL 2030.03
• BIOL 2040.03
• BIOL 2060.03
• OCEA 2000.06 or 2001.03/2002.03
• STAT 2080.03
3000 and 4000 level
• MARI 3067.03
• MARI 3071X/Y.06 or 3074.03/3076.03 or BIOL 3050.03
• MARI 3212.03 or 3221.03 (strongly recommended but not required)
• MARI 3301.03
• MARI 3761.03
• MARI 3626.03 or 4060.03 (recommended but not required)
• MARI 4900X/Y.06 or 4901.03/4902.03
In addition to the required Biology credits (3.0) and Marine Biology credits (3.5 - 4.5), students must select 1.5 - 2.5 more full credits from the list of Marine Biology (MARI) classes or BIOL classes with some marine emphasis to fulfill the university requirement of a minimum of 9 credits beyond the 1000 level in the Honours subject.
Classes in Biology taken to satisfy the Marine Biology requirement cannot be counted towards the 2 full credits which are to be taken in a single subject outside the Honours subject.
Other Biology classes with some marine emphasis: BIOL 3042.03, 3101.03, 3102.03, 3326.03, 3615.03, 4061.03, 4063.03, 4074.03, 4661.03
- MARI 3003.03: Dynamics of Biological Oceanography.
- MARI 3067.03: Ecology and Evolution of Fishes.
- MARI 3074.03/3076.03: Physiology of Marine Animals, Part I and II.
- MARI 3212.03: Biology of the Algae.
- MARI 3301.03: Invertebrate Biology.
- MARI 3600.03: Aquaculture.
- MARI 3623.03: Applied Coastal Ecology.
- MARI 3626.03: Field Studies of Marine Mammals.
- MARI 3632.03: Applied Field Methods in Fish Ecology.
- MARI 3664.03: Intertidal Ecology and Diversity.
- MARI 3680.03: Scientific Diving Methods for Marine Ecology.
- MARI 3761.03: Marine Ecology.
- MARI 4060.03: Marine Mammalogy.
- MARI 4075.03: Nutrition in Aquaculture.
- MARI 4335.03: Environmental Impacts in Marine Ecosystems.
- MARI 4369.03: Fisheries Oceanography.
- MARI 4370.03: Deep Sea Biology.
- MARI 4661.03: Introduction to Biological Oceanography.
- MARI 4662.03: Biology of Phytoplankton.
- MARI 4664.03: History of Marine Sciences.
- MARI 4666.03: Benthic Ecology.
- MARI 4800X/Y.06: Special Topics in Marine Biology.
- MARI 4900X/Y.06: Honours Research and Thesis.
- MARI 4901.03: Honours Research and Thesis I.
- MARI 4902.03: Honours Research Thesis II.
- Honours Qualifying Examination.
- MARI 8891.00: Co-op Workterm I.
- MARI 8892.00: Co-op Workterm 2.
- MARI 8893.00: Co-op Workterm 3.
- MARI 8894.00: Co-op Workterm 4.
- BIOC 1040.06: Biological Chemistry and Metabolism for Students of Pharmacy.
- BIOC 1420.03: Introductory Biochemistry for Nursing Students.
- BIOC 2300.03: Introduction to Biochemistry.
- BIOC 2610.03: Introductory Biochemistry Lab.
- BIOC 3200.03: Biological Chemistry.
- BIOC 3300.03: Intermediary Metabolism.
- BIOC 3400.03: Nucleic Acid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
- BIOC 4001.03: Special Topics in Biochemistry.
- BIOC 4010.03: Bioinformatics.
- BIOC 4027.03: Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer.
- BIOC 4302.03: Biochemistry of Lipids.
- BIOC 4305.03: Mechanisms of Signal Transduction.
- BIOC 4403.03: Genes and Genomes.
- BIOC 4404.03: Gene Expression.
- BIOC 4501.03: Medical Biotechnology I.
- BIOC 4603.03: Advanced Laboratory in Biochemical Techniques.
- BIOC 4604.03: Research Project I.
- BIOC 4605.03: Research Project II.
- BIOC 4700.03: Proteins.
- BIOC 4701.03: Enzymes.
- BIOC 4702.03: Biophysical Characterization of Macromolecules.
- BIOC 4804.03: Introduction to Pharmacology I.
- BIOC 4806.03: Introduction to Pharmacology II.
- BIOC 4807.03: Introduction to Pharmacology III.
- BIOC 4811.03: Biochemistry of Clinical Disorders I.
- BIOC 4812.03: Biochemistry of Clinical Disorders II.
- BIOC 4835.03: Human Genetics.
- BIOC 8891.00: Co-op work term 1.
- BIOC 8892.00: Co-op work term 2.
- BIOC 8893.00: Co-op work term 3.
- BIOC 8894.00: Co-op work term 4.
- SCIE 1111.03: Elements of Writing.
- SCIE 2800.00: Science Co-op Seminar Series.