Bachelor of Science - Chemistry

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Comments about Bachelor of Science - Chemistry - At the institution - Sherbrooke - Québec

  • Objectives
    The Chemistry Major program prepares students for industrial or other employment that requires a knowledge of chemistry. The program has sufficient flexibility to allow students to obtain a second major or a minor in another academic discipline. The program fulfills the academic requirements for membership in the Chemical Institute of Canada and for accreditation by l'Ordre des chimistes du Québec. (For membership in the latter, it is necessary to possess a working knowledge of the French language.) In addition the Chemistry option in the Biochemistry Major program satisfies these professional requirements - see Biochemistry.
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
  • Course description
    Chemistry Honours

    The Chemistry Honours program is a three-year program that prepares a student for graduate studies in chemistry, for Medicine and Dentistry, as well as for direct professional employment. The program, which fulfils the academic requirements for membership in the Chemical Institute of Canada and for accreditation by l'Ordre des chimistes du Québec, requires 28 three-credit one-semester courses, or their equivalent, for a total of 84 course credits, plus 12 credits for associated laboratory courses, for a total of 98 credits overall. (Most 100-level and 200-level courses are 3-credit one-semester courses to be taken concurrently with a specified laboratory course of one additional credit; 6-credit two-semester courses require a laboratory course of two additional lab credits.) The 84 course credits are divided as follows:- 54 credits of required chemistry (plus 12 lab credits); 3 credits of biochemistry; and 27 credits of options.

    The normal sequence of courses is:
    1st Year
    (30 course credits + labs)
    CHE 102a
    CHE 103b, 183b
    CHE 104a, 184a
    CHE 105a, 185a
    CHE 106b, 186b
    CHE 189b
    15 optional credits

    •     2nd Year
    • (24 course credits + labs)
    • CHE 221b, 281b
    • CHE 227a, 287a
    • CHE 256, 285
    • CHE 223a, 283a
    • CHE 224b, 284b
    • BCH 211b
    • 12 optional credits

        3rd Year
    (30 course credits + labs)
    CHE 222b, 282b
    CHE 470a
    CHE 461b
    CHE 464a
    CHE 465b
    CHE 489

    Mathematics 106a, 107b, and 108a are recommended options for those students who wish to pursue graduate studies in theoretical chemistry.
    Physics 101 (Statistics) is a recommended option for those students who wish to pursue further studies in which additional statistical analysis is relevant.
    Physics 106a and 186a are recommended for those students who have not completed CEGEP Physics NYB or its equivalent. With the approval of the Department, students may substitute certain approved science courses of equivalent standard for Chemistry 470a and 489.
    Honours students are recommended to take a course in German.

    Chemistry Major

    The three-year Chemistry Major program requires 28 three-credit one-semester courses, or their equivalent, for a total of 84 course credits minimum, plus 14 credits for associated laboratory courses, for a total of 98 credits overall. (Most 100-level and 200-level courses are 3-credit one-semester courses to be taken concurrently with a specified laboratory course of one additional credit; 6-credit two semester courses require a laboratory course of two additional lab credits). The 84 course credits are divided as follows: 42 course credits of required chemistry courses (plus 14 lab credits), 3 course credits of biochemistry, 12 optional science credits, and 27 optional credits. Students in a minor program in another division may, with permission of the Department, increase free options to a maximum of 33 credits, and reduce science options to a minimum of 6 credits.
    The normal sequence of courses is:

    1st Year
    (30 course credits + labs)
    CHE 102a
    CHE103b, 183b
    CHE 104a, 184a
    CHE 105a, 185a
    CHE 106b, 186b
    CHE 189b
    6 optional science credits
    9 optional credits

        2nd Year
    (27 course credits + labs)
    CHE 221b, 281b
    CHE 227a, 287a
    CHE 223a, 283a
    CHE 224b, 284b
    CHE 275b
    BCH 211
    3 optional science credits
    3 optional chemistry credits
    9 optional credits

        3rd Year
    (27 course credits + labs)
    CHE 233a, 280a
    CHE 256, 285
    CHE 222b, 282b
    9 optional credits
    3 optional science credits

    Mathematics 106a, 107b, and 108b are recommended science options for students who wish to pursue further mathematical studies.
    Physics 101 (Statistics) is a recommended option for those students who wish to pursue further studies in which additional statistical analysis is relevant.
    PHY 106a and 186a are recommended for those students who have not completed CEGEP Physics NYB or its equivalent.
    Changes in the above sequence may be made with the permission of the Department.

    Chemistry Minor

    A Chemistry Minor will be awarded for the completion of CHE 102a, 103b, 183b, 104a, 184a, 105a, 185a, 106b, 186b, 189b together with 3 one-semester 3-credit courses plus their corresponding 1-credit laboratory courses chosen from CHE 221b, 281b, CHE 222b, 282b, CHE 223a, 283a, 224b, 284b, 227a, 287a, 256, 285, for a total of 32 credits, including lab credits [CHE 256 and 285 count as two semester courses (6 and 2 credits respectively)]. Students taking a Chemistry Minor have a one-lecture course (3 credits) reduction towards the credits necessary for their degree.
    L'Ordre des chimistes du Québec
    This corporation requires a student to obtain the following chemistry credits in order to obtain accreditation:-
    A total of at least 55 credits in chemistry, of which at least 18 credits should be for laboratory work and 30 credits for theoretical work, divided in the following manner:

       1. at least 12 credits of physical chemistry,
       2. at least 12 credits of organic chemistry,
       3. at least 9 credits of analytical chemistry,
       4. at least 9 credits of inorganic chemistry or 12 credits of biochemistry,
       5. 9 additional credits in one or other of the following subjects: physical, organic, analytical, or inorganic chemistry, or biochemistry.

    Further information may be obtained from the Departmental Chairperson.

    Chemistry 100a      Maple-assisted Representation of Scientific Concepts and Digital Design      1-0-3
    This introductory laboratory on analytical and graphical representation of scientific concepts in mechanics, physics, chemistry, and Maple-assisted graphical design, has general relevance to the study of nature and the creation of virtual objects. The laboratory is designed to prepare first-year students to utilize Symbolic Computation Engines with an emphasis on Maple c. Examples covered may include: similarities in the analytical representations of atoms and the cosmos; the vibration of a pendulum and molecular vibration; Markov systems and the study of chemical kinetics; molecules and moles; virtual reality design and Cartesian/spherical coordinates; symmetry and infinity - fractals and the study of geological change; virtual reality and the design of dynamic logos; behavior of particles versus the properties of large systems. Note: This laboratory is a prerequisite for CHE 103B.

    Chemistry 191a     General Chemistry I     3-3-0
    A course for students lacking collegial Chemistry NYA or the equivalent. Atoms, molecules, and ions. Chemical formulae and equations. Thermochemistry. Gases. Electronic structure of atoms. Periodic Table and properties of elements. Chemical equilibrium. Physical properties and structure. Liquids and solids. Phase equilibria. Co-requisite: CHE 081a. Professor Broadbent

    Chemistry 081a     Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I     1-0-4
    A series of experiments in Introductory Chemistry to complement Chemistry 191a which must be taken concurrently. Professor Broadbent

    Chemistry 192b     General Chemistry II     3-3-0
    A course for students lacking Collegial Chemistry 201 or its equivalent. Solutions. An introduction to thermodynamics. Chemical bonding. Molecular shapes. Kinetics. Ionic equilibria. Electrochemical cells. Nuclear reactions. An introduction to Organic Chemistry. Prerequisites: Chemistry 191 (or permission of instructor), and Collegial Mathematics NYA or equivalent; Co-requisite: CHE 082b. Professor Broadbent

    Chemistry 082b     Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II     1-0-4
    A series of experiments in Introductory Chemistry to complement Chemistry 192b which must be taken concurrently. Professor Broadbent

    Chemistry 102a     Inorganic Chemistry I     3-3-0
    The principles of nuclear, atomic, metallic, ionic, molecular structure. Valence bond and molecular orbital theory. Molecular and orbital symmetry. Prerequisites: Collegial Chemistry NYA and NYB. Professor Wood

    Chemistry 103b     Physical Chemistry I     3-3-0
    Ideal and real gases; chemical kinetics and mechanism; an introduction to thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium; ionic equilibria and electrochemistry. This course may be taken online by students who are not registered in a Bishop's Chemistry Program, subject to approval by the instructor. Prerequisites: Collegial Chemistry NYA and NYB, Mathematics NYA and NYB, Physics NYA and NYB; Co-requisite: CHE 183b. Professor Scarlete

    Chemistry 183b     Physical Chemistry Laboratory I     1-0-4
    A series of experiments in Physical Chemistry to complement Chemistry 103b which must be taken concurrently by full-time Bishop's students. Professor Scarlete

    Chemistry 104a     Analytical Chemistry     3-3-0
    Data handling, stoichiometric calculations, gravimetric analysis, acid-base equilibria and titrations, redox equilibria and titrations, complexometric titrations, precipitation reactions and titrations, electrochemical cells and electrode potentials. Prerequisites: Collegial Chemistry NYA and NYB; Co-requisite: Chemistry 184a Professor Wood

    Chemistry 184a     Analytical Chemistry Laboratory     1-0-4
    Quantitative analysis of unknown samples by volumetric, gravimetric, and spectrometric methods will be carried out. Co-requisite: Chemistry 104a Professor Wood

    Chemistry 105a     Organic Chemistry I: Introductory     3-3-0
    An introduction to the chemistry of carbon compounds, their structure, nomenclature, and reaction mechanisms. This course will survey all functional groups and will include an introduction to the chemistry of lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids, and proteins. Prerequisites: Collegial Chemistry NYA and NYB or their equivalent (for example CHE 191 and CHE 192); Co-requisite: CHE 185a. Professor Yeats

    Chemistry 185a     Organic Chemistry Laboratory I     1-0-4
    Experiments in the separation and purification of organic compounds including the use of chromatography. Introduction to functional group analysis and organic synthesis. Chemistry 105a must be taken concurrently. Professor Aris

    Chemistry 106b     Organic Chemistry II: Introductory     3-3-0
    This course is a continuation of Chemistry 105a and will emphasize reaction mechanisms and the synthesis of organic molecules. Spectroscopic methods of structural analysis are introduced. Prerequisite: Collegial Chemistry BFB, Chemistry 105a or their equivalent; Co-requisite: CHE 186b. Professor Yeats

    Chemistry 186b     Organic Chemistry Laboratory II     1-0-4
    Further experiments in organic synthesis and in chromatographic separations. An introduction to multi-step synthesis. Chemistry 106b must be taken concurrently. Professor Yeats

    Chemistry 108     Introductory Organic Chemistry     6-6-0
    This full lecture course in Organic Chemistry is offered only during the two six-week summer sessions. An introduction to the chemistry of carbon compounds; structure, nomenclature, reactions, and spectroscopy of the common organic functional groups; an introduction to the chemistry of lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, and other biologically important molecules; stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms (addition, substitution, elimination, and oxidation-reduction), and the synthesis of organic molecules will be emphasized throughout. Students may not have University credit for both Chemistry 108 and other introductory organic chemistry courses (Chemistry 105 or Chemistry 106 or Chemistry 107). Prerequisite: Collegial Chemistry NYA and NYB or their equivalent. Co-requisite: Chemistry 188. Professor Yeats

    Chemistry 188     Organic Chemistry Laboratory     1-0-4
    This course in practical organic chemistry is offered only during the two six-week summer sessions. Experiments in the separation and purification of organic compounds, including the use of chromatography. Introduction to functional group analysis and the preparation of organic molecules, including multi-step organic synthesis. Students may not have University credit for both Chemistry 188 and Chemistry 185. Chemistry 108 must be taken concurrently.

    Chemistry 189b     Instrumental Analysis Laboratory I     1-0-4
    Study of chromatography and quantitative analysis by chromatographic methods (TLC, GLC, HPLC, and gel permeation). Prerequisites: Chemistry 104a, 184a Professor Wood

    Chemistry 131     Liberal Arts Chemistry: The Chemistry of Everyday Life     3-3-0
    This course will discuss the chemistry underlying some everyday, or easily recognizable, products, processes, and policies. These may include: the chemistry of pollution, warfare, polymers and plastics, household products, and food. This course cannot be taken for credit by students who have received credit for Chemistry 191 or the collegial equivalent course, Chemistry NYA, or equivalent credit elsewhere. Course registration requires the instructor's permission. Professor Aris

    Chemistry 132     Chemistry of Art Conservation and Restoration     3-3-0
    This course is designed to introduce Fine Arts students to some of the scientific aspects affecting art works, collections and archives. Lectures will include a general survey of the properties, structure, decomposition and deterioration of organic and inorganic materials, the chemistry of pigments, scientific methods for the art conservator, and instrumental methods of analysis. This course cannot be taken for science credit by students enrolled in programs Biochemistry, Biology or Chemistry. Professor Aris

    Chemistry 133b     Environmental Chemistry     3-3-0
    Students will be introduced to the importance and impact of chemistry on our environment. The course aims to explore four main areas of environmental chemistry. Chemistry of the atmosphere will deal with ozone production and depletion, air pollution and acid rain, atmospheric aerosols, and greenhouse gases. Chemistry of the hydrosphere will deal with water pollution, microbiological processes, and waste water treatment. Terrestrial chemistry will deal with the physical and chemical properties of soil, soil pollution, and waste treatment (mining, organic, and urban). The fourth section will look at energy production methods, exploring the roles of fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and alternate and renewable energy sources such as solar, biomass, and geothermal energy. Prerequisites: collegial chemistry NYA and NYB or CHE191 and CHE192, or permission of instructor. Note: this course can not be taken for science credit by students enrolled in programs in Chemistry or Biochemistry. Professor Wood

    Chemistry 221b     Inorganic Chemistry II     3-3-0
    Metals, ligands, complexes and coordination compounds, bonding models in transition metal complexes, organometallic chemistry of the d-block, bioinorganic chemistry. Prerequisite: Chemistry 102a Co-requisite: Chemistry 281b Professor Wood

    Chemistry 281b     Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory I     1-0-4
    Synthesis, characterization, and analysis of transition metal complexes. Application of infrared spectroscopy to d-metal complexes. Co-requisite: Chemistry 221b. Professor Wood

    Chemistry 222b     Inorganic Chemistry III     3-3-0
    Electronic spectra of metal complexes, reaction mechanisms of d-metal complexes, main-group organometallic compounds, catalysis. Prerequisites: Chemistry 221b Co-requisites: Chemistry 282b Professor Wood (Not offered 2006-2007)

    Chemistry 282b     Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory II     1-0-4
    Synthesis of transition metal complexes and application of UV-Visible spectroscopy. Synthesis, characterization, and analysis of main-group compounds. Catalysis and catalytic systems. Co-requisite: Chemistry 222b. Professor Wood Not offered 2006-2007

    Chemistry 223a     Physical Chemistry II     3-3-0
    Chemical thermodynamics; Zeroth Law and equations of state; First Law and thermochemistry; the Second Law and chemical equilibrium; the Third Law and introduction to statistical thermodynamics; thermodynamic databases; phase equilibrium; calculation of chemical equilibrium in complex systems. Maple-assisted calculus and computations in physical chemistry. This course may be taken online, pending instructor approval. Prerequisite: Chemistry 103b Professor Scarlete

    Chemistry 283a     Physical Chemistry Laboratory II     1-0-4
    Experiments related to the topics of Chemistry 223a which must be taken concurrently by full-time Bishop's students. Professor Scarlete

    Chemistry 224b     Physical Chemistry III     3-3-0
    Maple-assisted computational statistical mechanics and kinetic theory of gases; gas reactions, chemical dynamics. Quantum chemistry, and spectroscopy; atomic structure, atomic orbitals, and atomic spectra (AAS, XPS, ESCA, EDX,...); introduction to molecular orbitals: LCAO, hybridization. Molecular electronic structure and molecular spectroscopy (physical principles of IR/Raman, rotovibrational spectra, ESCA, EPR and NMR spectroscopies). Prerequisite: Chemistry 103b; Chemistry 105a, 106b Co-requisite: CHE 284b for all Chemistry students and for all biochemistry students planning to do honours research projects in the area of physical chemistry. Professor Scarlete

    Chemistry 284b     Physical Chemistry Laboratory III     1-0-4
    Experiments related to topics of CHE 224b, which must be taken concurrently by chemistry students and by biochemistry students who are planning to do honours research projects in the area of physical chemistry. Co-requisite: Chemistry 224b Professor Scarlete

    Chemistry 227a     Principles and Practices of Chemical Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry     3-3-0
    Theory and applications of multi nuclear magnetic resonance, UV/VIS, EPR and electron spectroscopies for chemical analysis. Mass spectrometry and hyphenated methods. Use of chemical spectroscopy and mass spectrometry for the identification of organic compounds. 2D- and imaging techniques, including MRI. This course may be taken online. Prerequisite: Chemistry 103a, 105a, 106b; Co-requisite: CHE 287a Professor Scarlete

    Chemistry 287a     Principles and Practices of Chemical Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry Laboratory     1-0-4
    Experiments related to topics of CHE 227a, which must be taken concurrently by chemistry and biochemistry students. Co-requisite: Chemistry 227a Professor Scarlete

    Chemistry 230b     Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry     3-3-0
    Selected topics in inorganic chemistry covering all aspects of inorganic chemistry from the alkali metals to the noble gases. Prerequisites: Chemistry 102a Professor Wood

    Chemistry 233a     Introduction to the Chemical Literature     3-3-0
    Sources and retrieval of information pertinent to chemistry; the major abstracting journals, alerting services, citation indexes, and major chemistry reference works. Library practice in the book and journal literature; classification of search strategies and subject orientated problem-solving; the writing of scientific reviews. Prerequisites: Chemistry 102a, 103b, 105a, 106b. Co-requisite: CHE 280a. Professor Yeats

    Chemistry 280a     Computer Applications to Literature Searching     1-0-4
    Computer applications include database management systems, on-line literature searching, and the manipulation of chemical structural and reaction databases. Chemistry 233a or 470a must be taken concurrently. Professor Yeats

    Chemistry 234a     Nuclear Chemistry     3-3-0
    The principles and chemical applications of nuclear phenomena including nuclear properties, radioactive decay, and nuclear reactions. Prerequisites: Chemistry 102a, 103b. Professor Wood Not offered in 2007/2008

    Chemistry 235     Scientific Visualization in Chemistry     3-3-0
    This course provides an introduction to the use of symbolic computational engines such as Maple for developing multimedia interactive computer animations of scientific concepts as a replacement for the classroom use of traditional two-dimensional media. The course, which provides a valuable introduction for both chemical educators and multimedia designers of Web-based learning and training applications at all levels, will concentrate upon developing precise interactive 2Dand 3Dcomputer representations of simple chemical concepts, kinetics, reactions, and mechanisms. Other interactive computer applications include the representation of molecular vibration, the design of molecules of pharmacological importance, and the virtual representation of molecular symmetry. Prerequisites: MAT 191, 192, CHE 191/081, CHE 192/082, PHY 191/081, PHY 192/082 Professor Scarlete

    Chemistry 238b     Petroleum Chemistry     3-3-0
    After a brief introduction to the genesis of crude oil, the petroleum and petrochemical refineries, the course discusses in detail the primary organic products of the petrochemical industry as well as its secondary products, including polymers. Environmental problems associated with the industry and alternate energy sources will also be discussed. Prerequisites: Chemistry 105a, 106b. Not offered in 2007-2008

    Chemistry 263     Introductory Thermodynamics for Pharmacology - online     3-3-0
    This course is part of the online Physical Chemistry program, as presented on the CHEMLOG-server, a certified Physical Chemistry resource for more than 100 Universities worldwide since 1998. The course-content has been built to meet the requirements of the Pharmacology program offered by the University of Waterloo, Ontario, and has been designed in conformity with Québec regulations (CREPUQ Subcommittee for Information Technology and Communication) and the pan-canadian accreditation system for the transfer of credits for online higher education. This course does not require registration in the CHE 283 laboratory course. Contact with students is entirely online, on VOD protocol, and the submission of assignments and exams is mediated via RAC-Webfile pass-worded login. The course introduces the thermodynamic principles via an intuitive, phenomenological approach. The sets for molar heat capacities functions, van derWaals constants for real gases, mechanical constants of materials, and equilibrium constants, are all selected from existent, thermodynamic databases accessible online. Via extended utilization of symbolic computation engines, the student can follow the consequences of the application of thermodynamic principles to real situations. The relationship between the changes in functions of state, U, H, S, F, and G, via modification of parameters of state like P, V, and T, is explained in detail for closed systems, and the effect of chemical reactions is explained in terms of the analysis of open systems. Practical examples cover accurate determination of functions of state, calculation of equilibrium constants of equilibrium concentrations in homogeneous systems including solutions, and gas phase reactions. Heterogeneous systems are introduced via the phase-rule, and calculated via the introduction of the appropriate thermodynamic functions of state in the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The predictions of the phase diagrams simulated via symbolic computation are compared with the experimental phase diagrams from databases such as NIST, TDT, ICT, etc. Prerequisite: a first course in Physical Chemistry or consent of the instructor. Notes: Students registered in Chemistry programs at Bishop's may not receive credit for both this course and for Chemistry 223.

    Chemistry 256f     Intermediate Organic Chemistry     6-3-0
    A more advanced discussion of organic reactions; condensation reactions; rearrangement reactions; organic synthesis; pericyclic reactions; introduction to heterocyclic chemistry. Includes one tutorial hour in alternate weeks. Prerequisites: Chemistry 105a and 106b; Co-requisite: CHE 285. Professor Yeats

    Chemistry 285f     Intermediate Organic Chemistry Laboratory     2-0-4
    Advanced techniques in organic synthesis and in the separation and purification of organic compounds. Identification of unknown compounds using chemical and spectroscopic methods. Chemistry 256 must be taken concurrently. Professor Yeats

    Chemistry 460a     Chemical Literature and Project     3-3-0
    Students must satisfy the requirements of Chemistry 233a and 280a and produce a major written review of an assigned topic from one of the four major areas of chemistry. The review will be based upon a literature search using conventional reference sources, abstracts, alerting services, citation indexes, and computer on-line searching. Students may not register in both Chemistry 233 and Chemistry 460. Co-requisite: Chemistry 280a; Prerequisite: U3 Honours Chemistry registration or permission of the Department. Professor Yeats

    Chemistry 461b     Advanced Inorganic Chemistry     3-3-0
    Selected topics in inorganic chemistry covering all aspects of inorganic chemistry from the alkali metals to the noble gases. Prerequisites: Chemistry 221b, 222b Professor Wood

    Chemistry 464a     Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modelling     3-3-0
    Maple-assisted calculations of molecular orbitals and molecular modelling subroutines; from H2+ molecular ion, via [Ni(En)3]2+ and cis-platin (cancer chemotherapy), to cholesterol and cyclosporin; symmetry and point group analysis of molecular vibration; hybridization and Simple-Huckel Molecular Orbital calculations. Semi-empirical and ab initio methods; calculation of reaction and activation energies via modern alternatives to the Hartree-Fock self-consistent field method; density functional. Combinatorial processing parent-compound libraries and Spartan-assisted CSDB. This course may be taken online (conditions apply, including instructor's permission and level of enrollment) Professor Scarlete

    Chemistry 465b     Topics in Advanced Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry     3-3-0
    A selection of recent topics. Prerequisite: Chemistry 256. Professor Yeats

    Chemistry 470a     Independent Study     3-0-0

    Chemistry 471b     Independent Study     3-0-0

    Chemistry 489f     Honours Chemistry Research Project     6-0-12
    Under the guidance of a faculty member, the student does an experimental research project requiring approximately 12 hours per week in both the Fall and Winter semesters, and presents the results of the project in a seminar and a written dissertation. The project chosen must be approved in advance by the Department, and may be in any field of chemistry plus material science. Prerequisites: U3 Honours Chemistry registration or permission of the Department. Staff

    Chemistry 490ab     Instrumentation and Process Control & Simulation     6-6-0
    This 6-credit course is offered only to students who are eligible for admission into a final year Chemical Engineering program. The course covers the basic principles behind chemical process control and instrument performance of sensors and controllers for optimization of chemical yield, reaction time, and product purity in industrial processes, and will include the use of instruments to control the bibliographic extent in combinatorial processes. Application of mathematical modelling methods, using Maple, for simulating the optimization of chemical process and combinatorial process design, will emphasize PID temperature control under various conditions of fluid flow. Prerequisite: permission of instructor Professor Scarlete

    Chemistry 531ab     Advanced Chemistry of the p-block Elements     3-0-0
    This course focuses on the more recent chemistry of the elements of Groups 13 to 18. Particular topics covered will include p-block radicals, sulfur-nitrogen containing compounds, compounds of the noble gases, and new compounds of the pnictogens, chalcogens, and halogens.

    Chemistry 532ab     Chemistry of the Transition Elements     3-0-0
    This course will offer a survey of the recent chemistry of the transition metal elements with focus on their synthesis and properties.

    Chemistry 533ab     Advanced Chemical Kinetics     3-0-0
    This course focuses on complex reactions mechanisms, oscillating patterns, kinetic control of complex chemical systems, cross-dependent and diffusion limited chemical processes and statistical methods and theories for the determination of reaction rates.

    Chemistry 534ab     Computation Modules for Symmetry Analysis, Group Theory, and Point/Space Group Analysis of Molecular Vibrations     3-0-0
    This course focuses on alpha (numeric) representations of character tables, point and space groups, and Maple-assisted matrix-definitions. Other topics include Matrix-representation of symmetry operators, numerical representation of character and correlation tables, site-symmetry, space groups, and factor-group analysis.

    Chemistry 535ab     Synthetic Methods in Organic Chemistry     3-0-0
    This course provides an overview to the strategic design of synthetic routes for the preparation of complex target molecules. Techniques will include analysis of specific literature examples, including an overview of reactions, reagents, and stereochemical outcomes. Advanced synthetic techniques including advanced applications of enolate chemistry, metallaturic chemistry, oxidation/reduction methods, key ring forming reactions, and sterochemical control will also be covered.

    Chemistry 536ab     Topics in Mechanistic Organic Chemistry     3-0-0
    A review of mechanistic organic chemistry with considerable emphasis on problem solving assignments involving addition reactions, aromatic substitution reactions, carbonyl chemistry, elimination and substitution reactions, oxidation and reduction reactions, molecular rearrangement, and orbital symmetry.

    Chemistry 538ab     Synthesis and Properties of Tetrahedral Semiconductors     3-0-0
    This course focuses on the synthesis and properties of single crystals of Si, SiGe, SiC, and AIIIBV compounds. The course covers Czochralski (Cz) and Floating zone (Fz) growth of bulk single crystals, an epitaxial growth of AIIIBV thin films. The properties of these semiconductors are studied in detail in correlation with the synthesis method and with chemical and structural impurities. Effects of O, C, and N in the Cz-grown single crystals are extensively studied.

    Chemistry 540f     Graduate Seminar I     9-0-0
    Students are required to participate in the departmental seminar series and to make a presentation on either their own work or on a research-related topic. Students are normally expected to enroll in this course at the beginning of their first year of studies. Students must successfully complete both CHE 540 and CHE 541 to qualify for the M.Sc. in Chemistry.

    Chemistry 541f     Graduate Seminar II     9-0-0
    Students in the second year of their M.Sc. degree program are required to participate in the departmental seminar series and to make a presentation on either their own work or a research-related topic. Students must successfully complete both CHE 540 and CHE 541 to qualify for the M.Sc. in Chemistry.

    Chemistry 600f     Chemistry Thesis Research Dissertaion 1     5-0-0
    All students enrolled in the M.Sc. degree program in Chemistry are required to carry out independent, original research which must be presented in the form of a thesis. The research is conducted under the supervision of a Department of Chemistry faculty member. The thesis will be evaluated by all members of the Department of Chemistry and by one external referee with expertise in the student's field of study. The thesis must be successfully defended in an open forum to qualify for the M.Sc. in Chemistry

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