Bachelor of Physical Education and Coaching

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Comments about Bachelor of Physical Education and Coaching - At the institution - New Westminster - British Columbia

  • Objectives
    The Bachelor of Physical Education and Coaching (BPEC) prepares you for teacher education programs in elementary, middle and secondary school, as well as, to be a community coach or other sport leader. You will develop strong teaching and coaching methodologies. Those students interested in becoming secondary teachers will complete a dual major in Sport Science and Biology that meets the entrance requirements to 5th year teacher education programs in British Columbia. Those students interested in elementary teaching take the same Sport Science courses, but have a broad range of electives to chose from. Throughout your studies in the BPEC degree, you'll be encouraged to develop skills and knowledge you can use now.
  • Practical experience
    The degree contains fieldwork placements, exercise technology labs, leadership courses, student-centered delivery, and a certification profile that is in demand by future employers.
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Physical Education and Coaching
  • Course description
    SPSC 1100 Fieldwork I (1 credit)

    This field work experience provides the student with the opportunity to make analytical observations and gain personal competence in a supervised physical activity setting. If needed, students will complete Basic First Aid training and CPR-level C training at the beginning of this course.

    Prerequisites: Enrolment in Bachelor of Physical Education and Coaching program

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1103 Conditioning for Sport and Physical Activity (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 103)

    This course provides an overview of the concepts of physical fitness. The topic areas include physical fitness assessment, the principle of health-related and skill-related fitness and the effects of exercise. Students will perform a variety of conditioning exercises and experience the design and application of exercise programs.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Lecture/Practice: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1105 Introduction to the Study of Sport (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 105)

    This is an introduction to the study of sport science. Topics include defining sport, physical education, recreation, play, dance, and the academic foundation of sport science, the history of sport, philosophy in sport and physical education, issues and ethics in sport, careers in sport science, technology and sport, international physical education and sport, the future for sport science.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Lecture: 3; Seminar: 1

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1151 Biomechanics (3 credits)

    This course utilizes application of elementry principles of physics and math to analyze human movement. This analysis will also focus the development of forces within muscles and their effect on initiating and controlling human movement.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: Principles of Mathematics 11 or equivalent is strongly recommended.

    Lecture: 3; Seminar: 1

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1163 Biodynamics of Physical Activity (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 163)

    This course will provide the student with knowledge of the mechanical, anatomical and physiological aspects of human athletic performance.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Lecture: 2; Laboratory: 2

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1164 Dynamics of Motor Skill Acquisition (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 164)

    The main topics of this course are motor skill acquisition, the variables which influence the learning and performance of motor skills and the relationship between skill acquisition and growth and development. It is one of three theory courses required in the first year and is designed to provide the basis to understand the field of Physical Education.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Lecture: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1180 Introduction to Sports Injuries (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 180)

    In this course, the basic principles of sports aid will be examined from theoretical and practical viewpoints. Students will learn about the field of athletic training and about sport safety. Common sports injuries will be studied along with the principles of taping associated with the care of these injuries. This is an introductory course in sports injuries.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Lecture/Practice: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1192 Topics in Human Nutrition (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 192)

    This course will provide students with a knowledge of the basic principles of human nutrition in respect to essential food intake. Assessment of personal nutritional needs, the nutritional values of local and processed foods and the acute nature of global nutritional problems will be investigated.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Lecture: 2; Laboratory: 1; Seminar: 1

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1195 Physical Growth and Motor Development (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 195)

    This is a "learn-by-doing" Sport Sciences course. The student will develop a basic working knowledge of physical growth and motor development from a life span perspective. Students will be challenged to apply this knowledge to set goals and expectations to integrate their learning to develop strategies to foster optimal motor development in every individual.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Lecture/Discussion: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1200 Fieldwork II (1 credit)

    This field work experience provides the student with the opportunity to make and evaluate analytical observations and gain personal competence in a supervised physical activity setting.

    Prerequisites: SPSC 1100 or PLAR

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1241 Sport Leadership (3 Credits)

    (formerly SPSC 241)

    This course is designed to provide students with a foundation for coaching. The course focus is on coaching principles and practices. Topics also include an examination of the coaching profession at the community sport club level.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1263 Analysis of Individual Sport and Dance Performance (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 263)

    This course involves the analysis of individual sport and dance performance. Topics include skill analysis, error detection, error correction and the application of sport science principles. An emphasis is placed on aesthetics and the importance of form in performance evaluation.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Lecture/Practice: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1300 The Analysis of Performance in Team Sports (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 300)

    In this course selected team sports will be used as models for analysis. Topics include the study of purposes of analysis, the study of the common elements in team sports and an examination of analysis methods and procedures.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisites: None

    Lecture/Practice: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1311 Performance Analysis: Tennis and Badminton (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 311)

    This course will provide students with a knowledge of the theory and practice of tennis and badminton. Emphasis will be upon the student demonstrating both performance skills and strategies and understanding how to analyze the biomechanical, physiological, psychological, technical and tactical aspects of both sports.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Lecture/Practice: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1312 Performance Analysis: Gymnastics and Dance (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 312)

    This course will provide students with the theoretical knowledge and practical application of skills, gymnastics and dance. Emphasis will be on the student demonstrating performance skills, strategies and understanding how to analyze the biomechanical, physiological, psychological, technical and tactical aspects of both sports.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Lecture/Practice: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1313 Performance Analysis: Athletics and Swimming (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 313)

    In this course, the sports of track and field and swimming will be analyzed from theoretical and practical points of view. The essential nature of each sport will be studied, along with critical performance factors. Topics include the analysis of each sport, as well as the study of the respective techniques, strategies of the two sports, and pedagogical principles.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Corequisite: None

    Lecture/Practice: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1314 Performance Analysis: Wrestling and Judo (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 314)

    In this course, the combatant sports of wrestling and judo will be analyzed from theoretical and practical points of view. Emphasis will be upon students demonstrating knowledge of the nature, performance and strategies of each sport and understanding how to analyze the biomechanical, physiological, psychological, technical and tactical aspects of both sports.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Corequisite: None

    Lecture/Practice: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1316 Applied Methods: Movement Education and Gymnastics (3 credits)

    This course will provide students with the knowledge and experience necessary to plan and teach movement education and gymnastics lessons. Student participation in analyzing, planning, leading, and performing movement education and gymnastics lessons is required for course completion.

    (Students may receive Bachelor of Physical Education and Coaching graduating credit for either SPSC 1312 or SPSC 1316, but not both)

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1317 Applied Methods: Creative and Social Dance (3 credits)

    This course will provide students with the knowledge and experience necessary to plan and teach creative and social dance lessons. Student participation in analyzing, planning, leading, and performing creative and social dance lessons is required for course completion.

    (Students may receive Bachelor of Physical Education and Coaching graduating credit for either SPSC 1312 or SPSC 1317, but not both)

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1318 Summer Outdoor and Alternative Environment Physical Education (3 credits)

    In this applied course students will participate in, plan and implement a variety of aquatic and land based activities that are appropriate for elementary and high school students during late spring, summer and early fall. Topcs include risk assessment and management, organizational factors, environmental ethics, outdoor aquatic and land based activities, classroom-based activities and the development and utilization of different pedagogical strategies. An overnight trip is planned for this class.

    Prerequisites: None

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1319 Winter Outdoor and Alternative Environment Physical Education (3 credits)

    In this applied course students will participate in, plan and implement a variety of aquatic and land based activities that are appropriate for elementary and high school students during fall and winter. Topics include risk assessment and management, organizational factors, environmental ethics, outdoor aquatic and land based activities, classroom-based activities and the development and utilization of different pedagogical strategies. An overnight trip is planned for this class.

    Prerequisites: None

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1350 Technical Preceptorship (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 350)

    This course will challenge students to coach basic technical skill components of their sport with developing athletes in an individual or team setting. Students are placed with an appropriate mentor to complete 75 hours of coaching fieldwork; during this time planning and leadership abilities, across all ages and levels, will be developed. Focus is on developing a working knowledge of the main technical skills involved in coaching a chosen sport.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisites: None

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 1442 Planning in Coaching and Teaching (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 442)

    This course applies the principles of daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal or yearly planning with an emphasis on drill design, error detection and correction, performance enhancement and individual and group communication. Leadership in the role of the teacher or coach will continue to be developed.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2100 Fieldwork III (1 credit)

    This field work experience provides the student with the opportunity to implement and reflect on the success of a learning activity and gain personal competence in a supervised physical activity setting.

    Prerequisites: SPSC 1200 or PLAR

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2200 Fieldwork IV (1 credit)

    This field work experience provides the student with the opportunity to provide leadership by designing, implementing and evaluating the success of a learning activity in a supervised physical activity setting.

    Prerequisites: SPSC 2100 or PLAR

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2205 Leisure and Sport in Canadian Society (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 205)

    This course will examine the evolution and the development of the Canadian sports and leisure delivery system. The course will identify the pressures and forces which have led to the structural development of amateur sport and leisure organizations at the local, provincial and national levels.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: SPSC 1105

    Lecture: 3; Seminar: 1

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2231 - Sport and Exercise Psychology (3 credits)

    This course provides an introduction to the field of applied sport and exercise psychology. Students will use their developing knowledge of mental skills and strategies from the course to inform reflections and decisions about their mental strengths and areas to work on. Students will devise a mental skills plan for their personal growth and enhanced performance in a sport and/or exercise setting. They will also demonstrate their knowledge by applying mental skills and strategies to real world sport and exercise settings.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisites: None

    Lecture/Practice: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2252 Contemporary Health Issues (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 252)

    This course will provide students with a knowledge of the current concepts in health. Students will learn how to promote healthy behaviour, build healthy lifestyles and prevent disease. Assessment of personal health status and looking at how to maintain a healthy balance with respect to body image, physical activity and avoidance of harmful habits will be investigated.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Lecture/Practice: 2

    Seminar: 1

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2275 - Physiology of Exercise and Training (3 credits)

    This course will cover the scientific training principles and concepts associated with the effects of exercise on human movement and performance. Topics include an examination of the relationship between physical activity and the cardio-respiratory and neuromuscular systems of the body.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisites: BIOL 1109 and BIOL 1209

    Lecture/Practice: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2281 Sociological Aspects of Sport (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 281)

    A critical introduction to social and cultural dimensions of sport in western industrial societies. Central emphasis is the distinctiveness of the sociological perspective as a way of understanding the nature of sport in social and cultural life.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: SPSC 1105

    Lecture/Practice: 3

    Seminar: 1

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2292 Introduction to the Administration of Leisure and Sports Services (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 292)

    This course will provide the student with an introduction to administrative theory and practice related to the organization and operation of leisure and sport agencies.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Lecture/Discussion: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2322 Applied Methods: Rugby and Soccer (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 322)

    This course will provide students with the knowledge and experience necessary to teach or coach rugby and soccer lessons. Student will learn to analyze, plan, lead and perform rugby and soccer activities using a tactical games approach that emphasizes the transfer of understanding across similar game forms.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Corequisite: None

    Lecture/Practice: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2323 Performance Analysis: Lacrosse and Wheelchair Basketball (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 323)

    In this course, the sports of lacrosse (box lacrosse and inter-lacrosse) and wheelchair basketball will be analyzed from theoretical and practical points of view. The essential nature of each sport will be studied, along with critical performance factors. Topics include the qualitative and quantitative analysis of each sport, as well as the study of the respective techniques, tactics and strategies of the two sports and pedagogical principles.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: SPSC 1300

    Lecture/Practice: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2324 Applied Methods: Field Hockey and Basketball (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 324)

    This course will provide students with the knowledge and experience necessary to teach or coach field hockey and basketball lessons. Students will learn to analyze, plan, lead and perform field hockey and basketball activities using a tactical games approach that emphasizes the transfer of understanding across similar game forms.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Lecture/Practice: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2325 Applied Methods: Softball and Volleyball (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 325)

    This course will provide students with the knowledge and experience necessary to teach or coach softball and volleyball lessons. Students will learn to analyze, plan, lead and perform softball and volleyball activities using a tactical games approach.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Lecture/Practice: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2355 Tactical Preceptorship (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 355)

    This course will challenge students to develop a working knowledge of basic tactics and routine components of their sport with developing athletes in an individual or team setting. Students are placed with an appropriate mentor to complete 75 hours of coaching practice. During this time planning and leadership abilities, across all age and levels, will be developed.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisites: None

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2362 Adapted Physical Activity (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 362)

    This course involves an examination of the factors involved in the inclusion of all individuals within physical activity. The effects of disabling conditions on motor learning and performance and on fitness and conditioning are viewed from an integrative point of view. The use and appropriateness of adaptations are studied. This course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of individual differences as related to the field of teaching coaching. An emphasis is placed on the examination of the most frequently occurring physical, psychomotor, affective, cognitive and developmental conditions that may affect an individual's participation in sport.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: SPSC 1103

    Lecture/Practice: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2363 Scientific Training Principles (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 363)

    This course will cover the scientific training principles involved in the maximization of human performance. Topics include high performance training principles, training methodology, planning and factors that influence training.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: SPSC 1163 or permission of instructor

    Lecture/Practice: 4

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2377 Mental Training for Coaches and Athletes (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 377)

    In this course students will learn mental training skills and techniques. These concepts will be applied to the learning and performance of sport skills, tactics and routines. Mental training concepts will be applied to sport performance at all levels and ages in training, practicing and competing. Students will apply these concepts to session planning and seasonal planning. Topics include visualization, focus, peak performance, goal setting and relaxation.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2381 The Rise of Modern Sport and Physical Education (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 381)

    This course will examine factors affecting the development of sport and physical education in modern times. Consideration will be given to the relationship between sport development and selected societal features (leisure, education, race, gender, politics). Particular attention will be paid to the development of these activities and features in Europe, Britain, Canada and the United States.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisite: None

    Lecture: 3; Seminar: 1

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 2477 Coaching the Sport Experience (3 credits)

    (formerly SPSC 477)

    In this course students will study factors that contribute to the overall experience of sport participation. Ranging from beginners to elite, the focus is on maximizing the athlete’s personal development and personal satisfaction throughout training, practicing and competing. Mental training concepts that contribute to meaningful and enjoyable sport experiences for athletes and coaches will be examined. Topics include cohesion, positive coaching interventions, athlete-centred coaching, flow, personal meaning and methods of enriching the sport experience. The course includes a practical component encompassing the methods used to enhance the sport experience.

    To find out where this course transfers, check the BC Transfer Guide

    Prerequisites: None

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 3100 Fieldwork V (1 credit)

    This fieldwork experience involves the practical application of instruction and coaching principles. Opportunity for recertification of first aid and CPR C will be provided at the beginning of this course. Students will design and implement single sessions such as a class, a practice or a competition. Students will also evaluate their performance as a leader of a single session.

    Prerequisites: SPSC 2200 or PLAR

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 3158 Inclusive Physical Activity (3 credits)

    In this course students will examine historical and contemporary theories and models for inclusive physical activity and consider the implications for practice. They will learn to assess, plan and implement a physical activity program designed to meet the individual interests, abilities and needs of all participants. Through this process, students will learn to assess and respond to context-related, person-related and task-related factors of activity and to modify their teaching and coaching practice effectively to promote inclusive physical activities. Students will explore collaborative perspectives to employ successful strategies and practice in order to include all individuals in meaningful physical activity experiences throughout their lifetime.

    Prerequisites: SPSC 1103 and SPSC 1195 and SPSC 1164 (or permission of the instructor)

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 3200 Fieldwork VI (1 credit)

    This fieldwork experience involves the practical application of instruction and coaching principles.  Students will design, implement and evaluate a variety of single sessions such as classes, practices or competitions.  Students will also study an experienced leadership style and process in order to learn from best practices in the field.

    Prerequisites: SPSC 3100 or PLAR

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 3203 Health Promotion (3 credits)

    Health promotion and education are primarily concerned with answering the question: “How are individuals and groups motivated to change health-related behaviours for the better?” To shed light on this, principles of health promotion and behaviour change will be studied within the contexts of school and community settings. Analysis of specific health promotion and education initiatives relating to current individual and community health concerns will provide insight into contemporary health issues and the means by which governments and non-profit agencies are attempting to address those issues.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 1130 and SPSC 1103 and (SPSC 1105 or 2205) or permission of the instructor.

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 3240 Leadership in Sport, Physical Education and Coaching (3 credits)

    In this course students will study leadership concepts in relation to sport, physical education and coaching.  Students will examine the role of the leader and the responsibility which comes with becoming a leader.  Topics such as personal management, relationship management and conflict management will be covered.  Students will apply leadership concepts within the microcosm of the classroom and gymnasium.

    Prerequisites: none

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 3275 Advanced Physiology of Exercise and Training (3 credits)

    With the completion of this course students will be able to analyze and interpret biological information pertaining to neuromuscular, endocrine and cardio-respiratory physiology including acute and chronic adaptations to these systems.

    Prerequisites: SPSC 2275 or permission of the instructor

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 3276 Athletic Injury Assessment and Management (3 credits)

    This course will cover advanced principles and concepts associated with the prevention, recognition and management of common athletic injuries. Students will be asked to demonstrate basic prophylactic and support taping, basic injury assessment techniques including soft tissue stress testing, and make recommendations for appropriate referral and sport re-entry.

    Prerequisites: Completion of BIOL 1109 and BIOL 1209 (or permission of the instructor).

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 3399 Games Approach to Teaching and Coaching Sport (3 credits)

    The games approach to teaching and coaching sports involves the use of game related activities to stimulate and motivate learning. The twin goals of improvement and personal satisfaction are emphasized jointly throughout the course. Students will learn creative, innovative and exciting ways to teach and coach, and will be able to design and implement learning activities that are enjoyable, challenging, inspiring and cognitively and physically demanding. The games approach involves learning by doing and fun with a purpose.

    Prerequisites: None

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 4100 Fieldwork VII (1 credit)

    This fieldwork experience involves the practical application of instruction and coaching principles.  Students will design, implement and evaluate a microcycle, unit plan or series of related sessions.  Students will also examine their own leadership and group management skills.

    Prerequisites: SPSC 3200 or PLAR

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 4161 Fitness Assessment & Prescription (3 credits)

    Upon completion of this course, students will be skilled in numerous methods of fitness assessment while being able to successfully develop conditioning and rehabilitation programs based on those results. The curriculum is experience oriented, consisting of a large practical component to provide students with sufficient exposure to develop and master the assessment techniques.

    Prerequisites: SPSC 3275 or permission of the instructor

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 4199 Physical Education and Coaching Methods (3 credits)

    In this course, students will undertake a study of the instructional and planning methods used by physical education teachers and coaches in order to meet the needs of their students and the curriculum goals. Topics include planning at the lesson and unit level, teaching styles, feedback styles and methods, characteristics of the learning environment, group management techniques, task analysis, and gauging instructor effectiveness. Application of the content will occur through micro-teaching sessions and reflective/analytical exercises.

    Prerequisites: SPSC 3240 and SPSC 1311 or SPSC 1312 or SPSC 1313 or SPSC 1314 or
    SPSC 2321 or SPSC 2322 or SPSC 2323 or SPSC 2324 or SPSC 2325 (or permission of the instructor).

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 4200 Fieldwork VIII (1 credits)

    This fieldwork experience involves the practical application of instruction and coaching principles. Students will design, implement and evaluate a microcycle, unit plan or series of related sessions. Students will also prepare and monitor an improvement plan for their own leadership and group management skills.

    Prerequisites: SPSC 4100 or PLAR

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 4231 Advanced Exercise and Sport Psychology (3 credits)

    The course provides an in depth exploration of the field of sport and exercise psychology. Students will demonstrate their understanding of theories and research that address psychosocial and contextual factors in relation to sport and exercise behaviour. They will apply their knowledge gained in class to practical situations in sport, exercise and physical activity settings. Students will also demonstrate their ability to critically review and critique contemporary research in sport and exercise psychology and to investigate course topics from multiple perspectives.

    Prerequisites: SPSC 1164 and SPSC 2231 or permission of the instructor.

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 4256 Advanced Sport Analysis (3 credits)

    This course focuses on qualitative and quantitative analysis of human movement by using an interdisciplinary approach applying principles from major sub-disciplines of kinesiology, biomechanics and motor learning. Four tasks of an integrated qualitative analysis are applied to all fields of human movement. Using various modes of sport analysis instrumentation will provide practical quantitative experience.

    Prerequisites: SPSC 1151 and SPSC 1164 (or permission of the instructor).

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 4291 Curriculum and Planning Issues in Physical Education and Coaching (3 credits)

    This course works from macro planning issues, such as standards and mandated curriculum, to micro issues relating to implementation of curriculum. By studying the aims and goals of physical education as they are expressed by National and Provincial bodies, students will obtain the necessary backdrop for in-depth analysis of instructional and organizational issues that limit or support those aims within the real world context that British Columbia’s coaches and teachers face. Discussions will include all pedagogical structures: activities, lessons, sessions, units, phases and annual plans.

    Prerequisites: SPSC 4199 or permission of the instructor

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 5391 Teaching Health-related Fitness to Children (3 credits)

    This unique course investigates the different components of health-related fitness, the health benefits of physical fitness, and some methods of teaching and assessing health-related fitness. The current health and activity levels of Canadian children will be examined in order to establish the background for changes in the health-related fitness levels of elementary-aged children.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the Post-Degree Diploma in Physical Education

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 5395 Learning Movement Through Games (3 credits)

    In this innovative and practical course, students will investigate approaches to teaching games for understanding, design units based on their investigation, and analyze the implications of pedagogical frameworks for teaching games units.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the Post-Degree Diploma in Physical Education

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 5396 Alternative Environment Physical Education (3 credits)

    In this innovative and practical course students will participate in, plan, and implement a variety of alternative environment land and aquatic based activities appropriate to elementary school children. Content areas include: risk management issues, organizational factors, orienteering, aquatic activities, and classroom-based activities.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the Post-Degree Diploma in Physical Education

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 5397 Teaching Developmental Gymnastics (3 credits)

    In this practical course, teachers will learn to plan and implement gymnastics lessons drawing on the safest and most developmentally appropriate aspects of the various gymnastics activities. By utilizing the Dominant Movement Pattern approach to gymnastics activities and integrating relevant aspects of Rhythmic and Acrobatic gymnastics, teacher will gain the confidence and competence to teach this core PE subject in a school setting.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the Post-Degree Diploma in Physical Education

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 5398 Learning Movement Through Dance (3 credits)

    In this innovative and practical course, students will explore the teaching of movement through dance from early childhood to adolescence. A variety of forms will be used to examine dance as a vehicle for individual and creative expression, fitness development, skill development, and multicultural understanding.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the Post-Degree Diploma in Physical Education

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 5491 Nutrition for School-Aged Children (3 credits)

    An overview of the science of nutrition, nutrition education, and nutrition's relation to the growth and development of school-aged children.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the Post-Degree Diploma in Physical Education

    Distributed Learning

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 5492 School-based Leadership (3 credits)

    This course will examine the school-based leadership role of the physical education specialist. Analysis of health and fitness based school initiatives, sports event and league management, tournament organization, and officiating, will provide leaderships skills and knowledge useful for practical applications in school, multi-school or district-wide settings.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the Post-Degree Diploma in Physical Education

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 5493 Motor Development During Childhood and Adolescence (3 credits)

    A hands-on approach to the principles of growth and development and motor development with direct application to quality physical education. Strategies for the learner and the practitioner will be discussed in order to maximize motor skill training.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the Post-Degree Diploma in Physical Education

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 5494 Planning, Assessing and Evaluating Physical Education (3 credits)

    This course will introduce and analyze a selection of modern and traditional methods of planning, assessing, and evaluating elementary physical education. Better teaching through efficient, effective, and supportive practices is the aim of this course.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the Post-Degree Diploma in Physical Education

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

    SPSC 5495 Applied Studies in Physical Education (3 credits)

    Diploma in Physical Education students will follow a process of examining innovative and traditional practices in order to create and implement new practices into their current settings. Students will plan this to include evaluation and review procedures that will result in the creation of a planning/implementation/evaluation cycle of continuous improvement. Critical to this overall process will be the student's ability to apply acquired knowledge and skills into their current work settings.

    Prerequisites: SPSC 5391, 5491, and 2 of SPSC 5395, 5396, 5397, 5398

    Distributed learning

    Offered: Please consult the Douglas College Course Schedule for next available offering.

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