Bachelor of Fine Arts in Playwriting

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Comments about Bachelor of Fine Arts in Playwriting - At the institution - Montreal - Québec

  • Objectives
    The Major in Playwriting is intended to introduce the potential playwright to all elements of the theatre, from acting and designing to administration and aesthetics, as well as provide a concentration in necessary writing skills. Playwriting courses centre around specific areas of study each year, beginning with the basics of the craft, then on to more focused skills such as the study and writing of different genres. Senior students work on projects that are consistent with the needs and abilities of their peers within the program.
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Fine Arts in Playwriting
  • Course description
    Major in Playwriting — 48 credits

    Courses may include:

        * Elements of Playwriting
        * Playwriting I, II
        * Playwriting Workshop
        * Directing
        * Script Analysis

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