Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film Production

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  • Objectives
    Concordia's Cinema programs are distinguished from many others by the fact that they are housed in the Faculty of Fine Arts and thus, approach their subject matter primarily as a means of artistic expression. Consequently, a central aim of these programs is to prepare students to become filmmakers, film animators or film historians/critics who have a two-fold awareness: the artistic and cultural potential of the medium, and its history and traditions. Cinema programs are oriented towards art and culture rather than industry and commerce. However, it should be noted that students are educated in the technical aspects of filmmaking as well as in financial and commercial factors. The programs attempt to strike a balance between the practical and the purely creative aspects of cinema, just as they seek to achieve a balance between social and aesthetic concerns.
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film Production
  • Course description
    Major in Film Production — 54 credits
    Intended for students with a mature outlook, who possess knowledge of visual arts culture and an ability to articulate their ideas about film as an independent art form. This program provides students with a perspective on the aesthetics of creation and comprehensive knowledge of the mechanics involved in producing motion pictures. Film is viewed as a method of cultural expression and students are encouraged to explore the various cinematic techniques which will give form and shape to their ideas. Cameras, lighting, 16mm motion picture techniques, sound and editing are taught. Cinema students are also made aware of the financial and commercial aspects of filmmaking.

    Specialization in Film Production
    — 66 credits
    The Specialization is offered only at the third year level. Students in the Major may apply to transfer to the Specialization in their third year. It is strongly recommended that students in the Specialization have, or acquire, knowledge of French.

    Sample courses include:

        * Animation, digital 3d animation
        * Analytical drawing
        * Technical aspects of animated filmmaking
        * History of animated film
        * Character animation
        * From idea to storyboard
        * Film aesthetics
        * Filmmaking
        * Image
        * Sound
        * Montage
        * Acting and directing for the screen
        * Writing for film
        * Production design
        * History of film to 1959
        * Studies in film directors
        * Le cinéma québécois
        * Experimental film
        * Women and film
        * Aspects of national cinemas
        * Studies in film genres

    FMPR 231 Filmmaking I (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in a Cinema program; FMST 211 or 212 previously or concurrently; written permission of the School of Cinema. A comprehensive course introducing students to the art of making films. This course stresses the individual student’s creative efforts in filmmaking. Students are expected to master basic technique and theory. Students will also be using digital post-production systems to edit their works. The course requires attendance at mandatory work-shops outside of class time.
    NOTE: Students are required to bear the cost of film stock, processing, printing, and other materials.

    FMPR 332 Filmmaking II (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: Second-year standing* in the Major in Film Production; FMPR 231; FMPR 338 and 340 concurrently; written permission of the School of Cinema. An intermediate course in the theory, practice and technique of filmmaking. The course emphasizes idea development, creative process, methods of production, and production planning. Projects are made with a crew or individually, using film and/or digital technology, and digital post-production software.
    NOTE: Students are required to bear the cost of film stock, processing, printing, and other materials.
    NOTE: Students who have received credit for FMPR 331 may not take this course for credit.
    *66 or fewer credits remaining in degree program.

    FMPR 335 Acting and Directing Acting for the Screen I (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Written permission of the School of Cinema; FMPR 332 previously or concurrently, or six credits in Theatre Performance. This studio course for Cinema and Theatre students explores directing and performing for film; exercises are recorded on video for analysis. Both performers and directors examine acting and directing acting for the camera through such topics as role preparation, character development, and performance continuity.

    FMPR 336 Introduction to Film Producing (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: FMPR 231 or written permission of the School of Cinema. A comprehensive course introducing students to the art of production methods. This implies exposure to the creative and technical aspects of the total production experience, and includes both independent and industry strategies and methods for fundraising, preparation of the project, production budgeting and scheduling techniques, legal and monetary involvement, and post-production, distribution, and exhibition strategies.
    NOTE: Students who have received credit for FMPR 334 may not take this course for credit.

    FMPR 338 Image I (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major in Film Production; FMPR 231; FMPR 332 and 340 previously or concurrently; written permission of the School of Cinema. This is a comprehensive course about the equipment and technologies available to the contemporary filmmaker. Tradi-tional technical aspects of filmmaking remain fundamental in this course, while digital tech-nologies are also explored. Students learn about different cameras, image formats, lenses, lighting and grip equipment, film stocks, electronic image support systems and laboratory procedures. Students must attend compulsory workshops in addition to classes.
    NOTE: Students who have received credit for FMPR 342 may not take this course for credit.

    FMPR 339 Montage I (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major in Film Production; FMPR 231; FMPR 332, 338 and 340 previously or concurrently; written permission of the School of Cinema. An introduction to methods, approaches and techniques of editing used by editors working in various genres of film — drama, documentary, experimental. Editing image, sound and preparation and supervision or re-recording are included. Analog and digital post-production platforms will be included. Attendance is required at mandatory laboratory sessions outside of class time.

    FMPR 340 Sound I (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major in Film Production; FMPR 231; FMPR 332 and 338 concurrently; written permission of the School of Cinema. An introductory course in the aesthetics of sound and music design, and the techniques of location and studio recording and post-production. Analog and digital platforms and technologies will be included. Weekly mandatory laboratory sessions.
    NOTE: Students who have received credit for FMPR 242 may not take this course for credit.

    FMPR 341 Writing for Film I (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: FMPR 231 and written permission of the School of Cinema. An introduction to writing for film, with special emphasis on the relation of the script to filmmaking. Students are expected to submit work of their own for discussion, analysis, and possible production in film-making courses. Students will also use special computer software to write scripts.

    FMPR 343 Production Design (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Second-year standing* in Film Pro-duction, Film Animation, or Theatre Department programs and written permission of the School of Cinema. A practical examination of the visual aspects of film production. Topics in production design considered may include texture and visual styles, the collaborative process, project manage-ment, and the nature of constraints which apply to student and independent productions.
    *66 or fewer credits remaining in degree program.

    FMPR 350 Ways of Seeing in Film Production (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major in Film Pro-duction or the Specialization in Film Production; written permission of the School of Cinema. A forum of ideas intended to increase the student’s awareness of cinema as a visual medium. Aspects of our visual culture are presented and discussed: work by painters, photographers, sculptors, architects, and artists working with digital media. A relationship is made between the work of such artists and the work of the filmmaker. Students work on individual visual projects.
    NOTE: Students who have received credit for FMPR 498F may not take this course for credit.

    FMPR 361 Documentary Approaches in Film Production (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Written permission of the School of Cinema. This course deals with aesthetic and conceptual issues surrounding the subject of documentary as a form. All issues in the produc-tion of a documentary film are treated, including budget, production, and post-production, and the changes brought by new technologies. This course will also analyse the shift in production away from film to digital technologies, in the field of the documentary.
    NOTE: Students who have received credit for this topic under an FMPR 498 number may not take this course for credit.

    FMPR 398 Special Topics in Film Production (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Written permission of the School of Cinema. A course which provides an opportunity for the study of specialized aspects of film pro-duction outside the scope of existing courses.

    FMPR 399 Special Topics in Film Production (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: Written permission of the School of Cinema. A course which provides an opportunity for the study of specialized aspects of film pro-duction outside the scope of existing courses.

    FMPR 432 Filmmaking III (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: Third-year standing* in the Special-ization in Film Production or the Major in Film Production; FMPR 332, 338, 340; written permis-sion of the School of Cinema. A progression of FMPR 332, with students working on more advanced filmmaking projects. Students will edit projects using digital technologies. The develop-ment of concepts introduced in FMPR 332 is continued.
    NOTE: Students are required to bear the cost of film stock, processing, printing, and other materials.
    NOTE: Students who have received credit for FMPR 431 may not take this course for credit.
    *33 or fewer credits remaining in degree program.

    FMPR 435 Acting and Directing Acting for the Screen II (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: FMPR 335 and written permission of the School of Cinema. A continuation of FMPR 335 on a more advanced level.

    FMPR 438 Image II (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Specialization in Film Production or the Major in Film Production; FMPR 332, 338, 340; FMPR 339 previously or concurrently; written permission of the School of Cinema. Building on the technical knowledge acquired in Image I, this course focuses on the art of cinematography. Advanced lighting and camera techniques are treated, emphasizing their aesthetic function. Students in this course will have mastered basic technical concerns, and are expected to develop interesting visual approaches for films made in Filmmaking III. Exercises are shot on film, digital and 35mm stills. Film excerpts and rushes are analysed from a cinematographer’s point of view.

    FMPR 439 Montage II (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: FMPR 339 and written permission of the School of Cinema. A continuation of FMPR 339. This course is taught utilizing digital post-production editing systems.

    FMPR 440 Sound II (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Specialization in Film Production or the Major in Film Production; FMPR 338, 340; written permission of the School of Cinema. The central focus of the course is the creative designing of the soundtrack. The course emphasizes the interaction between sound and image in film and includes both individual and collective sound projects. This course is also taught on digital sound post-production platforms, and stresses the use of digital editing systems.

    FMPR 441 Writing for Film II (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: FMPR 341 and written permission of the School of Cinema. A continuation of FMPR 341 on a more advanced level. Students will also use special computer software to write scripts.

    FMPR 442 Optical Printer Practice (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: FMPR 338 previously or concur-rently, or FMAN 254; written permission of the School of Cinema. A film production course assisting students in the understanding and application of advanced optical printer technology and aesthetics.
    NOTE A/See §200.3

    FMPR 445 Professional Internship (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: Second-year standing* in the Specialization in Film Production or the Major in Cinema, Option A, Film Production; and written permission of the School of Cinema. A Film Production student who will be employed within the film industry during the same calendar year may seek permission to apply six credits towards the Film Production degree program. A written proposal describing the project must be submitted prior to the work taking place in order to determine the appropriateness of the level and scope of the project. The School of Cinema must be satisfied that the work will be done under the joint supervision of a qualified professional and a full-time Cinema faculty member.
    *66 or fewer credits remaining in degree program.

    FMPR 446 Professional Internship I (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major in Cinema, Option A, Film Production or in the Specialization in Film Production; and written permission of the School of Cinema. A Film Production student who will be employed within the film industry during the same calendar year may seek permission to apply three credits towards the Film Production degree program. A written proposal describing the project must be submitted prior to the work taking place in order to determine the appropri-ateness of the level and scope of the project. The School of Cinema must be satisfied that the work will be done under the joint supervision of a qualified professional and a full-time Cinema faculty member.

    FMPR 447 Professional Internship II (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Written permission of the School of Cinema. A student repeating FMPR 446 for credit registers under FMPR 447.

    FMPR 448 Independent Study I (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Written permission of the School of Cinema. A course of independent study in which the student explores a specific area of film production.

    FMPR 449 Independent Study II (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Written permission of the School of Cinema. A student repeating FMPR 448 registers for credit under FMPR 449 provided the subject matter is different.

    FMPR 450 Film Production Specialization Seminar (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Specialization in Film Production and written permission of the School of Cinema. A seminar offering in-depth, practical approaches to artistic and technical situations. This course brings together all students in the Specialization in Film Production.

    FMPR 451 Advanced Project Internship I (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Specialization in Film Production or the Major in Film Production; FMPR 332 previously or concurrently; written per-mission of the School of Cinema. A Film Produc-tion student who contributes in a key position to a graduate project in the Film Production MFA program may apply for credits on the under-standing that the application take place prior to the production and is authorized by the faculty members responsible for both programs.

    FMPR 452 Advanced Project Internship II (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: FMPR 451 and written permission of the School of Cinema. A student repeating FMPR 451 for credit registers under FMPR 452.

    FMPR 458 Independent Study (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: Written permission of the School of Cinema. A course of independent study in which the student explores a specific area of Film Production.

    FMPR 498 Special Topics in Film Production (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Written permission of the School of Cinema. A course for advanced students which provides an opportunity for the study of limited and more specialized aspects of film production.

    FMPR 499 Special Topics in Film Production (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: Written permission of the School of Cinema. A course for advanced students which provides an opportunity for the study of limited and more specialized aspects of film production.

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