Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film Animation

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Comments about Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film Animation - At the institution - Montreal - Québec

  • Objectives
    Cinema programs are oriented towards art and culture rather than industry and commerce. However, it should be noted that students are educated in the technical aspects of filmmaking as well as in financial and commercial factors. The programs attempt to strike a balance between the practical and the purely creative aspects of cinema, just as they seek to achieve a balance between social and aesthetic concerns.
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film Animation
  • Course description
    Major in Film Animation — 60 credits
    Minor in Film Animation — 30 credits

    Designed to teach the full process of film animation including theory and practice, the program offers a thorough grounding in the art and technique of frame-by-frame filmmaking. Students are encouraged to develop their own creative potential and to select, from an ever widening range of animation methods, the style most suitable for their own personal expression. Students are also encouraged to complete studio art electives in order to develop their abilities in the areas of design, drawing and colouring.

    Sample courses include:

        * Animation, digital 3d animation
        * Analytical drawing
        * Technical aspects of animated filmmaking
        * History of animated film
        * Character animation
        * From idea to storyboard
        * Film aesthetics
        * Filmmaking
        * Image
        * Sound
        * Montage
        * Acting and directing for the screen
        * Writing for film
        * Production design
        * History of film to 1959
        * Studies in film directors
        * Le cinéma québécois
        * Experimental film
        * Women and film
        * Aspects of national cinemas
        * Studies in film genres

    FMAN 202 Animation I (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major in Film Animation or the Minor in Film Animation; or written permission of the School of Cinema, with either FMPR 231 or six credits in a Studio Art course. A studio course introducing the study and practice of film animation. Students will be taught the fundamentals of motion analysis and frame-by-frame filmmaking, basic character animation, camera layouts, exposure sheets and character design.
    NOTE: Students are required to bear the cost of film stock, processing, printing, and other materials.

    FMAN 224 Analytical Drawing (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: FMAN 202 previously or concurrently and enrolment in the Major in Film Animation; or enrolment in the Minor in Film Animation and written permission of the School of Cinema. An intensive studio course exploring the concepts and methods of analytical drawing for frame-by-frame filmmakers.
    NOTE: Students who have received credit for FMAN 324 may not take this course for credit.

    FMAN 254 Technical Aspects of Animated Filmmaking (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major in Film Animation or the Minor in Film Animation. An introduction to 2D frame-by-frame techniques and technical aspects of animated filmmaking.
    NOTE: Students who have received credit for FMAN 214 may not take this course for credit.

    FMAN 305 Animation II (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: Second-year standing* in the Major in Film Animation or the Minor in Film Animation; FMAN 202, 224, 254. A continuation on a more advanced level of FMAN 202. Students study film-planning strategies and various frame-by-frame filmmaking techniques, both 2D digital and tradi-tional, during the production of short animated films.
    NOTE: Students are required to bear the cost of film stock, processing, printing, and other materials.
    NOTE: Students who have received credit for FMAN 302, 303, 304, or 313 may not take this course for credit.
    *66 or fewer credits remaining in degree program.

    FMAN 306 Animation II: 3D Digital (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major in Film Animation; FMAN 202, 224, 254; FMAN 354 concurrently; written permission of the School of Cinema. Students explore film-planning strategies and techniques for experimental approaches to 3D digital animation during the production of short animated films.
    NOTE: Students are required to bear the cost of film stock, processing, printing, and other materials.
    NOTE: Students who have received credit for FMAN 302, 303, 304, 305, or 313 may not take this course for credit.

    FMAN 315 From Idea to Storyboard (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: FMAN 305 previously or concur-rently and written permission of the School of Cinema. Exploration of the visual development of ideas and scripts in a storyboard form. Students participate in creative and experimental exercises which include timing, planning the sound track, and filming the storyboards.

    FMAN 319 Character Animation (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: FMAN 202. An examination of the fundamentals of character animation, its theory, techniques, and application to studio situations. Exercises in character design and dramatization are directed towards the students’ particular interests and style.
    NOTE: Previous drawing experience is recommended.

    FMAN 325 Advanced Analytical Drawing (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: FMAN 202, 224; written permission of the School of Cinema. A continuation on a more advanced level of FMAN 224.

    FMAN 336 Digital Post-Production for Animation (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: FMAN 305 previously or concur-rently; written permission of the School of Cinema. An introduction to digital sound and image editing specifically designed for frame-by-frame filmmaking.

    FMAN 352 Traditional Stop-Motion Animation (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major in Film Animation or the Minor in Film Animation; FMAN 202. An intensive hands-on seminar/workshop in the art and craft of animation. This course is designed to acquaint the student with photographic techniques, model, puppet, and set construction, materials, motion control, and lighting, as it applies to animation filmmaking. Recent developments and a study of international styles and techniques are included.
    NOTE: Students who have received credit for FMAN 498H may not take this course for credit.

    FMAN 353 Principles of 3D Digital Film Animation (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major in Film Animation; FMAN 202, 224, 254. An introduction to the principles and practices of the 3D digital approach to frame-by-frame filmmaking.
    NOTE: Students who have received credit for FMAN 354 may not take this course for credit.

    FMAN 354 Digital Technical Aspects (3D) (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major in Film Animation; FMAN 202, 224, 254; FMAN 306 concurrently; written permission of the School of Cinema. An intensive study of the 3D digital approach to frame-by-frame filmmaking.
    NOTE: Students who have received credit for FMAN 353 may not take this course for credit.

    FMAN 398 Special Topics in Film Animation (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Written permission of the School of Cinema. An opportunity for study of limited and more specialized aspects of film animation. NOTE C/See §200.3
    NOTE: Students are required to bear the cost of materials.

    FMAN 402 Animation III (9 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major in Film Animation; FMAN 224, and 305 or 306. A continuation on a more advanced level of Animation II, where students produce major film animation projects in a medium of their choice. NOTE A/See §200.3
    NOTE: Students are required to bear the cost of film stock, processing, printing, and other materials.
    NOTE: Students who have received credit for FMAN 403 may not take this course for credit.

    FMAN 446 Professional Internship I (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Second-year standing* in the Major in Film Animation; written permission of the School of Cinema. A Film Animation student who will be employed within the film industry during the same calendar year may seek per-mission to apply three credits towards the Film Animation degree program. A written proposal describing the project must be submitted prior to the work taking place in order to determine the appropriateness of the level and scope of the project. The School of Cinema must be satisfied that the work will be done under the joint super-vision of a qualified professional and a full-time Cinema faculty member.
    *66 or fewer credits remaining in degree program.

    FMAN 447 Professional Internship II (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Second-year standing* in the Major in Film Animation; written permission of the School of Cinema. A student repeating FMAN 446 registers for credit under FMAN 447.
    *66 or fewer credits remaining in degree program.

    FMAN 448 Independent Study I (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Written permission of the School of Cinema. A course of independent study in which the student explores a specific area of film animation.

    FMAN 449 Independent Study II (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Written permission of the School of Cinema. A student repeating FMAN 448 registers for credit under FMAN 449 provided the subject matter is different.

    FMAN 498 Special Topics in Film Animation (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Written permission of the School of Cinema. A course for advanced students which provides an opportunity for the study of limited and more specialized aspects of film animation.

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