Bachelor of Fine Arts in Ceramics

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Comments about Bachelor of Fine Arts in Ceramics - At the institution - Montreal - Québec

  • Objectives
    The Major in Ceramics program emphasizes the link between ceramics as a specialized practice and a broad context of an ever-changing culturally located space. The focus is placed on the articulation of conceptual and theoretical skills and critical thinking. Materials and technical processes are introduced, not as an end in themselves, but rather as a means to best serve a variety of different ideas, thoughts, concepts and emotions. The intent of the program is to encourage the development of innovative, artistic behaviour and students' work through personal and collective exploration and experimentation and exposure to the problems of contemporary art practice. Traditional techniques and processes are examined, and applications such as installations, experimental approaches to craft-informed practices, the integration of digital imagery with other existing technologies are actively investigated.
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Fine Arts in Ceramics
  • Course description
    Major in Ceramics — 60 credits

    Courses may include:

        * Ceramics (Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced)
        * History of Ceramics and Aspects of the History of Ceramics
        * Courses chosen from disciplines such as Sculpture, Fibres, Painting and Drawing, Print Media, Intermedia/Cyberarts

    CERA 230 Ceramics I (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: Enrolment in a BFA program or written permission of the Department. An introduction to clay as an art medium employing the various techniques of forming, shaping, and decorating for firing and glazing.
    NOTE A/See §200.3

    CERA 330 Ceramics II (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: CERA 230 or permission of the coordinator. An advanced course in technical and historical research in various ceramic processes with an emphasis on glazes and the use of different clay bodies.
    NOTE A/See §200.3

    CERA 398 Special Topics in Ceramics (3 credits)
    A workshop/seminar, providing an opportunity for the study of specialized aspects of ceramics. Specific topics for this course, and prerequisites relevant in each case, will be stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.

    CERA 399 Special Topics in Ceramics (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: Written permission of the Department. A workshop/seminar course providing an opportunity for the study of specialized aspects
    in ceramics.
    NOTE C/See §200.3

    CERA 430 Ceramics III (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: CERA 330 or permission of the coordinator. The development of a body of personal work and a refinement of specific problems in clay.

    CERA 450 Independent Study (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: 48 credits in the Major in Ceramics; CERA 430 previously or concurrently; and written permission of the Department. This workshop provides the opportunity for a limited number of students to independently pursue advanced studies in ceramics.

    CERA 499 Special Topics in Ceramics (6 credits)
    An advanced studio course which provides an opportunity for the study of more specialized aspects of ceramics. Specific topics for this course, and prerequisites relevant in each case, will be stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.

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