Bachelor of Commerce

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Comments about Bachelor of Commerce - At the institution - Montreal - Québec

  • Objectives
    he BComm program offers an intellectually challenging interdisciplinary curriculum which provides students with an education for business life. The first year of the program focuses on fundamental business concepts and operational skills that form the base for the core curriculum. The second year of the program builds on this foundation to provide a broad experience in all phases of business. The interdisciplinary nature of the program allows students to analyze, formulate, judge, and solve challenging business problems. The last year of the program allows students to study a specific business discipline in depth.
  • Practical experience
    There is an optional co-op aspect associated with this program.
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Commerce
  • Course description
    Year 1 — 24 credits

    Term 1

        * COMM 210 - Contemporary Business Thinking
        * COMM 212 - Business Communication
        * COMM 215 - Business Statistics
        * COMM 217 - Financial Accounting

    Term 2

        * COMM 220 - Analysis of Markets
        * COMM 222 - Organizational Behaviour and Theory
        * COMM 224 - Marketing Management
        * COMM 225 - Production and Operations Management

    Year 2 — 15 credits

    Term 1

        * COMM 301 - Management Information Systems
        * COMM 305 - Managerial Accounting
        * COMM 308 - Introduction to Finance

    Term 2

        * COMM 315 - Business Law and Ethics
        * COMM 320 - Entrepreneurship

    Year 3 — 3 credits

        * COMM 401 - Strategy and Competition

    Extended Credit Program (ECP)

    The Extended Credit Program is normally offered to students who have not followed the pre‑university education system in Quebec. The program requires the completion of 30 non‑Business credits in addition to the requirements of the regular 90‑credit program. These 30 credits are made up as follows:

        * 6 credits
          - MATH 208 Fundamental Mathematics I (Linear Algebra)
          - MATH 209 Fundamental Mathematics II (Calculus I)
        * 6 credits
          - ECON 201 Introduction to Microeconomics
          - ECON 203 Introduction to Macroeconomics
        * 3 credits
          - DESC 200 Fundamentals of Information Technology
        * 3 credits
          - ENGL 212 English Composition I
        * 12 credits
          - Elective credits to be taken from outside the offerings of the John Molson School of Business

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