Bachelor of Business Administration - Entrepreneurship

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Comments about Bachelor of Business Administration - Entrepreneurship - At the institution - Sherbrooke - Québec

  • Objectives
    This concentration provides the opportunity for the student to obtain a complete understanding of the entrepreneurial ptocess of starting a new venture, of growing the venture, and of harvesting the new venture, This is within the context of the current rapidly growing entrepreneurial movement worldwide.
  • Practical experience
    The concentration will include experience with actual entrepreneurs in conjunction with the Dobson-Lagassé Entrepreneurship Center.
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Business Administration - Entrepreneurship
  • Course description
    Required Business Core Courses:
    ECO102    Introduction to Microeconomics
    ECO103    Introduction to Macroeconomics
    BMA140    Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions I
    BMA141    Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions II
    BAC121    Purposes of Accounting
    BAC221    Introduction to Managerial Accounting
    BFN201    Finance I
    BFN203    Finance II
    BHR221    Organizational Behaviour
    BMG112    Introduction to Management Theory and Practice
    ILT100      Information Literacy and Critical Thinking Lab (1 credit lab)
    BMG215    Introduction to International Business
    BMG311    Business Policy
    BMK112    Consumer Behaviour and Introduction to Marketing
    BMK211    Marketing Management
    BMS231    Operations Management

    Note: All required Business core courses are normally offered in each semester (Fall and Winter).

    Entrepreneurship Concentration Stream Courses

    Required: 5 courses, 15 credits
    BMG230      Business Research Methods
    BMG214       Introduction to Entrepreneurship
    BMG318       The Successful New Venture: Feasibility Analysis and the Management of Risk
    BMG328       Business Planning and Start-up Strategies
    BHR224       Human Resources Management
    Plus any 3 courses, 9 credits of:
    BMG322      Change Management
    BMG323       Interpersonal Skills
    BMG324       Management of Innovation
    BHR316      Organizational Conflict and Negotiation
    BMK321       Marketing Research
    BMK323       Marketing Communications
    BMS331       Production and Operations Management
    BCS212       E-Commerce
    Plus: 1 course, 3 credits, which may be in this stream, in Business or outside of Business

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