Bachelor of Arts with Concentration in Classics

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Comments about Bachelor of Arts with Concentration in Classics - At the institution - Halifax - Nova Scotia

  • Objectives
    Classics is worth studying for its own sake by students who wish to obtain a better understanding of the common assumptions and beliefs of Western society. This knowledge has always been regarded as pertinent to a career in politics and the higher levels of the civil service. For those who are thinking of the clergy, Classics is the most relevant preparation. Classical studies also prepare students for a life of teaching and scholarship in several directions. Canada is responsible for its own culture, and we have great need of scholars and teachers who know about its origins. Classics is also the best preparation for the study of non-European cultures (Chinese, Indian, Islamic, etc.), and there is a growing need for specialists in these fields. For the older history of philosophy, and for the history of Christian belief until, and including, the Reformation, a knowledge of Classics is indispensable. The same may be said for Medieval Studies. Classics leads also to ancient Near Eastern Studies (Jewish, Babylonian, Egyptian, etc.) and to Archaeology.
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Arts with Concentration in Classics
  • Course description
    15-credit BA with Concentration in Classics


        * a full credit in a single subject from each of three subject groups: Languages and Humanities; Social Sciences; Life Sciences and Physical Sciences
        * a writing class. Taking either Epic, Drama and Philosophy: A Survey of Greek and Roman Literature (CLAS 1000X/Y), Ancient History: An Introduction to the History of the Ancient World (CLAS 1010.06) or Classical Mythology (CLAS 1100X/Y) will satisfy the first-year writing requirement.
        * a language class


        * Two to six credits at or above the 2000 level
        * At least two credits at or above the 3000 level


        * The department is glad to assist students in working out programs according to their interests.
        * The programs of all students majoring or honouring in the department must be approved by the Undergraduate Advisor.

    Class Descriptions

    • CLAS 0400.00: Honours Examination.
    • CLAS 1000X/Y.06: Epic, Drama and Philosophy: A Survey of Greek and Roman Literature.
    • CLAS 1010X/Y.06: Ancient History: An Introduction to the History of the Ancient World.
    • CLAS 1022.03: Ancient Art: Rome, Christianity, Europe.
    • CLAS 1100X/Y.06: Classical Mythology.
    • CLAS 1700X/Y.06: Introductory Ancient Greek.
    • CLAS 1800X/Y.06: Introductory Latin.
    • CLAS 1900X/Y.06: Introductory Classical Hebrew.
    • CLAS 2000X/Y.06: Religion in the Literature of Ancient Greece and Rome: From Homer to St. Augustine.
    • CLAS 2022.03: Ancient Art in Greece and Near East.
    • CLAS 2025.03: Nature, the Human, Community and the Divine in the Pre-Modern West.
    • CLAS 2100X/Y.06: Classical Mythology.
    • CLAS 2209.03: The Roman World from Constantine to Theodosius (312-395).
    • CLAS 2214.03: Greek Culture from Palace to Polis.
    • CLAS 2215.03: Greece in the 5th Century B.C.
    • CLAS 2216.03: Greek Culture from Polis to Cosmopolis.
    • CLAS 2220.03: Ancient Israel in her Near Eastern Context.
    • CLAS 2231.03: The Rise of Rome: 1000-31 BCE.
    • CLAS 2232.03: The Roman Empire: Cycles of Collapse and Rebirth.
    • CLAS 2281.03: Christian Beginnings: The Orthodox and Oriental Churches.
    • CLAS 2282.03: Christian Beginnings: Catholicism.
    • CLAS 2361.03: Ancient Philosophy from its Beginning to the Sixth Century AD: From Thales to Plato.
    • CLAS 2362.03: Ancient Philosophy from its Beginning to the Sixth Century AD: From Aristotle to Plotinus.
    • CLAS 2515.03: Myth into Film I: the Greek world.
    • CLAS 2700X/Y.06: Intermediate Greek.
    • CLAS 2710X/Y.06: Greek Prose.
    • CLAS 2800X/Y.06: A Study of Latin Prose and Poetry.
    • CLAS 2810X/Y.06: Latin Prose.
    • CLAS 2900X/Y.06: Intermediate Hebrew.
    • CLAS 3015X/Y.06: Meetings between Hellenism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam from Philo Judaeus to Dante.
    • CLAS 3100.03: Arabic Pre-Islamic Poetry.
    • CLAS 3205.03: Fall of the Roman Republic.
    • CLAS 3280X/Y.06: Christian Beginnings and the Early History of the Church.
    • CLAS 3300X/Y.06: Pagan and Christian Schools from Clement of Rome to Augustine.
    • CLAS 3370X/Y.06: The Augustinian Tradition.
    • CLAS 3380X/Y.06: Medieval Philosophy.
    • CLAS 3381.03: Medieval Philosophy from Augustine to Anselm.
    • CLAS 3382.03: Medieval Philosophy from Arabic and Jewish thinkers to Aquinas.
    • CLAS 3400X/Y.06: The Dialogues of Plato.
    • CLAS 3410X/Y.06: St. Augustine's Confessions.
    • CLAS 3420X/Y.06: St. Augustine's City of God.
    • CLAS 3430X/Y.06: St. Augustine's On the Trinity.
    • CLAS 3500X/Y.06: Aristotle.
    • CLAS 3515.03: Greek Tragedy.
    • CLAS 3516.03: Ancient Comedy.
    • CLAS 3525.03: Ancient Greek Epic.
    • CLAS 3601.03: Caliphs and Khans: Islamic civilization in the 'Abbasid and Mongol Age (750-1400).
    • CLAS 3602.03: Ancient and Medieval History of the Persianate World.
    • CLAS 3700X/Y.06: Advanced Greek.
    • CLAS 3710X/Y.06: Greek Epic.
    • CLAS 3720X/Y.06: Greek Lyric.
    • CLAS 3730X/Y.06: Greek Drama: Tragedy.
    • CLAS 3750X/Y.06: Greek Authors.
    • CLAS 3760X/Y.06: Reading and Research of Greek Texts.
    • CLAS 3780X/Y.06: Greek Historians.
    • CLAS 3800X/Y.06: Roman Satire.
    • CLAS 3810X/Y.06: A Study of Vergil.
    • CLAS 3820X/Y.06: Advanced Latin Literature: Augustan Poetry and Prose.
    • CLAS 3840X/Y.06: Latin Philosophical Texts.
    • CLAS 3841.03: Latin Philosophical Texts: Aquinas.
    • CLAS 3842.03: Latin Philosophical Texts: Anselm and Bonaventure.
    • CLAS 3850X/Y.06: Reading and Research of Latin Texts.
    • CLAS 3900X/Y.06: Philosophy of Aristotle.
    • CLAS 3910X/Y.06: Neoplatonism: Plato and Neoplatonism.
    • CLAS 4010.03: Islamic Philosophy: al-Ghazali.
    • CLAS 4010.03: Islamic Philosophy: al-Ghazali.
    • CLAS 4011.03: Jewish Philosophy: Maimonides.
    • CLAS 4060.03: Boethius and Prosimetrum: Poetry and Prose in the Consolation of Philosophy.
    • CLAS 4070.03: A Study of the Latin text of Augustine's Confessions.
    • CLAS 4100.03: Reading and Research in Latin Texts.
    • CLAS 4400X/Y.06: Philosophy of the Church Fathers.
    • CLAS 4450X/Y.06: Medieval Interpreters of Aristotle.
    • CLAS 4460.03: Dante's Inferno.
    • CLAS 4500X/Y.06: Seminar on Neoplatonism.
    • CLAS 4525X/Y.06: The World of Herodotus.
    • CLAS 4530X/Y.06: Seminar on Ancient Religion: Classical Antiquity to the Rise of Christianity.
    • CLAS 4535X/Y.06: Rome and the East.
    • CLAS 4540.03: Ammianus Marcellinus and his World.
    • CLAS 4545.03: Roman Culture and Roman Politics in the Transition to Autocracy.
    • CLAS 4580X/Y.06: Reading and Research.
    • CLAS 4601.03: Hellenistic Philosophy - Stoics and Epicureans.
    • CLAS 4602.03: Hellenistic Philosophy - From Scepticism to Neoplatonism.
    • CLAS 4680.03/4690.03: Reading and Research.
    • CLAS 4710.03/4720.03: Special Topics.
    • CLAS 4800X/Y.06: Reading and Research.
    • CLAS 4810.03/4820.03: Special Topics.
    • CLAS 4850.06: Reading and Research.
    • CLAS 4900X/Y.06: Departmental Seminar.
    • CLAS 4910X/Y.06: Departmental Seminar.

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